Kick the bride down the aisle - what's it like?

So Morrissey premiers a new song from his new album three days ago. The result, one page worth of discussion. However if you'd like to discuss Moz's current boyfriend you've got a whole six pages of discussion to enjoy.


Exactly this !!!!
So Morrissey premiers a new song from his new album three days ago. The result, one page worth of discussion. However if you'd like to discuss Moz's current boyfriend you've got a whole six pages of discussion to enjoy.


How many songs have Morrissey released?
And how many boyfriends do you think he's had?
Go figure...
So Morrissey premiers a new song from his new album three days ago. The result, one page worth of discussion. However if you'd like to discuss Moz's current boyfriend you've got a whole six pages of discussion to enjoy.


Apparently, they have the exact reverse problem on Drives the admins over there to despair.
So Morrissey premiers a new song from his new album three days ago. The result, one page worth of discussion. However if you'd like to discuss Moz's current boyfriend you've got a whole six pages of discussion to enjoy.


Thank god you said this. There are pages of numerous 'contributors' giving us there personal stories and telling us of their terrible financial loss from Morrissey cancelling/posponing a gig, but, when he gets it spot on, they don't even care to bat their eyelids.

I really enjoy looking at the tour list and looking at the amount of responces on the 'post-show' section - there are usually plenty of great personal stories about the songs people enjoyed the most, why the gig meant something to them and so on. Suddenly however, a gig is cancelled and thousands feel the need to make everyone aware of their pain.

I'm just glad there are a few people on here who enjoy to talk about what really matters.
So Morrissey premiers a new song from his new album three days ago. The result, one page worth of discussion. However if you'd like to discuss Moz's current boyfriend you've got a whole six pages of discussion to enjoy.


People are the same everywhere.
I'm not sure what I think of it yet. With all the new songs, with the exception of Bullfighter, I felt they were a bit ordinary. However, the studio versions of WPINOYB, Istanbul & EITLPOA have changed my view and I rank them up there with the best of his recent releases. I believe the album is shaping up very nicely to be a classic.

Morrissey may never again manage to recreate the best years - but that was then and this is now. I'd much prefer Morrissey to keep producing albums with the odd gem, rather than not bother at all. And let us not forget, one man's meat, is another man's poison. I personally could go the rest of my life without hearing 'Everyday Is Like Sunday'.
Have to say I think it's an extraordinarily potent song and a deep reveal about Morrissey's life whether he intends or not. I've totally lived that song from different perspective and I think the artistic bravery is astonishing. BUT!

I was hoping he'd realised that you cannot focus on the negative to the exclusion of the positive without losing balance. So many of his lyrical concerns are on the very worst aspects of human nature and to sing them every night is going to shape and transform your life, each and every time you do it. With WPINOYB and Istanbul, he had left his fractured, damaged self behind and embraced a wider perspective. With EITLP he honestly portrays a man at the end of his tether due to rejection and lack of confidence in intimacy. Again, it cannot be faulted artistically in terms of honesty and bravery. With KTBDTA I think a line has been crossed and he's slipped back into toxic existential quicksand. It's "Will Never Marry" turned up to 11 and the misogyny and misanthropy is just painful to witness. Even if it's meant to be a third person narrative rather than his own perspective, it's poisonous and it's hard to imagine anyone risking walking down the aisle with someone who globalises pathological relationships to the norm/default of Coupledom.

I wish he'd just sing "Sing Your Life" and find a way of representing his entirely valid pessimism without descending into hell. Maybe it makes more sense in relation to "Forgive Someone" and "Oboe Concerto" and there's resolution and peace in the overall song cycle of WPINOYB. You can't paint a happy smiley face on an empty petrol gauge and expect your life to run on lies, but you can pull in to a garage and re-fill. I wonder if his illness is a way of his psyche saying "we really need to move on, you're in the 3rd act of life and it's time to change fundamentally"? I hope so, as he is such a wonderful singer and lyricist, but it's almost as if he's willing disaster by inviting in these apocalyptic landscapes of betrayal and sordid interpersonal thuggery. It's a great song, but I don't intent to play it ever again as I guard the portal to my mind and heart very carefully these days. I hope he finds a way to express some joy before he dies as he has brought great joy to me and to so many others, but if he has a permanent fatalistic victim script, he's probably doomed.

best wishes
Have to say I think it's an extraordinarily potent song and a deep reveal about Morrissey's life whether he intends or not. I've totally lived that song from different perspective and I think the artistic bravery is astonishing. BUT!

I was hoping he'd realised that you cannot focus on the negative to the exclusion of the positive without losing balance. So many of his lyrical concerns are on the very worst aspects of human nature and to sing them every night is going to shape and transform your life, each and every time you do it. With WPINOYB and Istanbul, he had left his fractured, damaged self behind and embraced a wider perspective. With EITLP he honestly portrays a man at the end of his tether due to rejection and lack of confidence in intimacy. Again, it cannot be faulted artistically in terms of honesty and bravery. With KTBDTA I think a line has been crossed and he's slipped back into toxic existential quicksand. It's "Will Never Marry" turned up to 11 and the misogyny and misanthropy is just painful to witness. Even if it's meant to be a third person narrative rather than his own perspective, it's poisonous and it's hard to imagine anyone risking walking down the aisle with someone who globalises pathological relationships to the norm/default of Coupledom.

I wish he'd just sing "Sing Your Life" and find a way of representing his entirely valid pessimism without descending into hell. Maybe it makes more sense in relation to "Forgive Someone" and "Oboe Concerto" and there's resolution and peace in the overall song cycle of WPINOYB. You can't paint a happy smiley face on an empty petrol gauge and expect your life to run on lies, but you can pull in to a garage and re-fill. I wonder if his illness is a way of his psyche saying "we really need to move on, you're in the 3rd act of life and it's time to change fundamentally"? I hope so, as he is such a wonderful singer and lyricist, but it's almost as if he's willing disaster by inviting in these apocalyptic landscapes of betrayal and sordid interpersonal thuggery. It's a great song, but I don't intent to play it ever again as I guard the portal to my mind and heart very carefully these days. I hope he finds a way to express some joy before he dies as he has brought great joy to me and to so many others, but if he has a permanent fatalistic victim script, he's probably doomed.

best wishes

You're in luck. I heard Morrissey's been looking for an advisor.
Have to say I think it's an extraordinarily potent song and a deep reveal about Morrissey's life whether he intends or not. I've totally lived that song from different perspective and I think the artistic bravery is astonishing. BUT!

I was hoping he'd realised that you cannot focus on the negative to the exclusion of the positive without losing balance. So many of his lyrical concerns are on the very worst aspects of human nature and to sing them every night is going to shape and transform your life, each and every time you do it. With WPINOYB and Istanbul, he had left his fractured, damaged self behind and embraced a wider perspective. With EITLP he honestly portrays a man at the end of his tether due to rejection and lack of confidence in intimacy. Again, it cannot be faulted artistically in terms of honesty and bravery. With KTBDTA I think a line has been crossed and he's slipped back into toxic existential quicksand. It's "Will Never Marry" turned up to 11 and the misogyny and misanthropy is just painful to witness. Even if it's meant to be a third person narrative rather than his own perspective, it's poisonous and it's hard to imagine anyone risking walking down the aisle with someone who globalises pathological relationships to the norm/default of Coupledom.

I wish he'd just sing "Sing Your Life" and find a way of representing his entirely valid pessimism without descending into hell. Maybe it makes more sense in relation to "Forgive Someone" and "Oboe Concerto" and there's resolution and peace in the overall song cycle of WPINOYB. You can't paint a happy smiley face on an empty petrol gauge and expect your life to run on lies, but you can pull in to a garage and re-fill. I wonder if his illness is a way of his psyche saying "we really need to move on, you're in the 3rd act of life and it's time to change fundamentally"? I hope so, as he is such a wonderful singer and lyricist, but it's almost as if he's willing disaster by inviting in these apocalyptic landscapes of betrayal and sordid interpersonal thuggery. It's a great song, but I don't intent to play it ever again as I guard the portal to my mind and heart very carefully these days. I hope he finds a way to express some joy before he dies as he has brought great joy to me and to so many others, but if he has a permanent fatalistic victim script, he's probably doomed.

best wishes

I have to say I agree to a certain extent. I don't mind misanthropy and I don't think there's any necessity for any positivity in his lyrics. However, I can't stand the misogyny in this song. I'm not sure what the message is in this song. Is it just a critique of marriage? Of heterosexual relationships? If so, it fails miserably.

Almost sounds like Morrissey has had a memory lapse and forgot all the feminist writings that he read when he was young.
I have to say I agree to a certain extent. I don't mind misanthropy and I don't think there's any necessity for any positivity in his lyrics. However, I can't stand the misogyny in this song. I'm not sure what the message is in this song. Is it just a critique of marriage? Of heterosexual relationships? If so, it fails miserably.

Almost sounds like Morrissey has had a memory lapse and forgot all the feminist writings that he read when he was young.

Have to agree. I sort of get the feeling that Moz might be feeding a persecution complex with this one, praying to be criticised and "misunderstood". But it might threaten to cast a shadow over how the whole album is received.

I was fairly excited about Istanbul and Earth Is... but, even if you can ignore the misogyny (which is pretty naked and dumb, really), this one is lyrically and musically weak. It's like a throwback to Kill Uncle.
-writE doWn everyThing I Say!


-ComE ON, YOU can DO iT!!!

-oK Then i Shall! i Do feeL A headACHe coming on though...
Have to say I think it's an extraordinarily potent song and a deep reveal about Morrissey's life whether he intends or not. I've totally lived that song from different perspective and I think the artistic bravery is astonishing. BUT!

I was hoping he'd realised that you cannot focus on the negative to the exclusion of the positive without losing balance. So many of his lyrical concerns are on the very worst aspects of human nature and to sing them every night is going to shape and transform your life, each and every time you do it. With WPINOYB and Istanbul, he had left his fractured, damaged self behind and embraced a wider perspective. With EITLP he honestly portrays a man at the end of his tether due to rejection and lack of confidence in intimacy. Again, it cannot be faulted artistically in terms of honesty and bravery. With KTBDTA I think a line has been crossed and he's slipped back into toxic existential quicksand. It's "Will Never Marry" turned up to 11 and the misogyny and misanthropy is just painful to witness. Even if it's meant to be a third person narrative rather than his own perspective, it's poisonous and it's hard to imagine anyone risking walking down the aisle with someone who globalises pathological relationships to the norm/default of Coupledom.

I wish he'd just sing "Sing Your Life" and find a way of representing his entirely valid pessimism without descending into hell. Maybe it makes more sense in relation to "Forgive Someone" and "Oboe Concerto" and there's resolution and peace in the overall song cycle of WPINOYB. You can't paint a happy smiley face on an empty petrol gauge and expect your life to run on lies, but you can pull in to a garage and re-fill. I wonder if his illness is a way of his psyche saying "we really need to move on, you're in the 3rd act of life and it's time to change fundamentally"? I hope so, as he is such a wonderful singer and lyricist, but it's almost as if he's willing disaster by inviting in these apocalyptic landscapes of betrayal and sordid interpersonal thuggery. It's a great song, but I don't intent to play it ever again as I guard the portal to my mind and heart very carefully these days. I hope he finds a way to express some joy before he dies as he has brought great joy to me and to so many others, but if he has a permanent fatalistic victim script, he's probably doomed.

best wishes

Great post. You write a lot of terrific stuff on this site I've noticed.
whether it is mock-misogyny or real misogyny, or mock real-misogyny, or...noone cares. BB is entirely right, it just invites negativity.

People are more interested in watching footage of chow-chows on youtube. :)

(or bitching about bitchy people they've never met on the internet, of course).
My my, isn't life short...
clever lyrics, but i'm afraid the interpretation is going to be VERY misused by latent and apparent women haters.

p.s. apologies
This song is an odd one lyric-wise. I've been mulling it over for a while because at first the crude misogyny seems so at odds with Morrissey's general outlook. I think, as an anti-heteronormative male, Morrissey feels pretty ill at ease with women who so fully embody female stereotypes because of perceived demands that they may make on him as a male. I would call myself a pretty strident feminist and I have to admit that I feel pretty riled if ever I encounter someone like the character in this song and even though I don't like to blame her, sometimes I can't bloody help it. Morrissey has a bit of a tradition of writing a song from one perspective (one which it seems safe to presume reflects his own world view) and following it up with the opposite perspective in another, sometimes years later, as in Suffer Little Children/Ambitious Outsiders and perhaps now All the Lazy Dykes/Kick the Bride Down the Aisle...
I would call myself a pretty strident feminist and I have to admit that I feel pretty riled if ever I encounter someone like the character in this song

Yes... but are you popular with cows? If cows like you then you're allright. I find.

-What's the character like then? Sorry, I'm not following you very well.
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