Manchester MP Afzal Khan on Morrissey: "If this is how he feels he shouldnt be welcome here"

Labour MP for Manchester Gorton:
‘For someone so intrinsically linked to Manchester's cultural history, Morrissey has shown just how out of touch he is with our city - we rejected the far right and we celebrate diversity. If this is how he feels he shouldnt be welcome here’

Intolerance in its bleakest form. Shocking.
That's because America is still mainly white. But look at the 'diverse' cities. That is England's future. And when it happens only then will you understand.

The Dalai Lama, a world icon of peace and love, has warned today of the horrors that will happen in Europe if things don't change with migration. We are importing a future civil war. Is the Dalai Lama a warped and hateful racist just as you presume I am?

I possess foresight and I notice patterns. It's simple mathematics. Cries of 'racism' to every criticism are fast losing their credibility.

Morrissey knows too. It's not about hate, but truth.
The Dalai Lama said they should now go home to rebuild their home rightly so
I never thought I'd see the day where racial slurs were freely thrown about on a Morrissey site of all the places in the world. It's an odd alternate timeline the world jumped into sometime in the last 10-15 years.
Morrissey IS Manchester.

Welcome anymore?

The tweets tell a different story.

Truth is a language, can’t you read ?

Edit: Trill troll triggered :lbf:
I’m picturing Morrissey shouting “I am Manchester!!!” while kicking this hate-mongering, secularism loathing MP into a pit. Thank you kindly for the excellent visual :)
f*** man, where does he get off saying that to f***ing Morrissey, Manchester icon? the nerve. loved reading the twitter replies. it's so nice to see everyone resoundingly stand up for Morrissey, wish it would happen more often.

He gets it from entitlement.
I never thought I'd see the day where racial slurs were freely thrown about on a Morrissey site of all the places in the world. It's an odd alternate timeline the world jumped into sometime in the last 10-15 years.
Being racist isnt the worst thing in the world. What is, uneducated lemmings jumping off cliffs. For the millionth time. Islam isnt a race. And nothing wrong wanting to keep your culture in tact, loser.
nice thread where all the racists are coming out

Ignore that bollocks.

You could try communicating with the site admin. He'll do f*** all... Just don't post Morrissey videos in this section of the forum or you'll get banned. For a year! Racist, anti-Semitic comments and everything else goes though!

That's pretty racist

Islam is an ideology, not a race. Besides, human races don't exist. From a western point of view there is no way that Islam can be considered a religion unless you admit all western values, including basic human rights, are finished. Maybe that is what some leaders want: the end of human rights and tolerance.

Jesus, it is actually becoming much harder to intellectually defend my Labour support than it is to explain my love for Morrissey. The party appears to be oozing ill will every time a representative moves his or her lips.

UK Labour party looks shameful EVEN when I see it from my own country. And believe me when I say that is too much shame.
I never thought I'd see the day where racial slurs were freely thrown about on a Morrissey site of all the places in the world. It's an odd alternate timeline the world jumped into sometime in the last 10-15 years.
And I suspect we’re going to have to endure your mock shock for the next 10-15 years. By which time you might grow a full set, and do something useful with your sorry carcass.
Forgotten about the courtcase Joyce vs Marr/Morrissey mr Khan?

after that papers and media try to silence Morrissey, or ruin his carreer

hasn't worked yet, any PR, good or bad, is PR, so thanks all the haters

Okay, let's turn this around. An Irish guy telling us what is British or not ...?! How dare he.
let's turn it the right way round.
The British telling the Irish what to do in their own country. Khan should be told where to go by his own party. Disgraceful.
He's not Irish, he's British. He was born in Manchester. He has Irish ancestory.
Morrissey s parents are irish therefore he has an Irish passport.
He is welcome home to Ireland anytime and no jumped up politician like Khan would make statements like that and be tolerated. What an asshole.
That's pretty racist

well... parasyte is not rasist, it's pretty accurate description of this person's social worth in MANCHESTER

and insulted parasyte preaches what society is to do, this kind of human hatred is pretty welcomed, i see...
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