Meet the Die-Hard Smiths Fan Who Bakes Morrissey’s Face Into Cakes - MUNCHIES / VICE

Roberto Ferdenzi sends the link:

Meet the Die-Hard Smiths Fan Who Bakes Morrissey’s Face Into Cakes - MUNCHIES / VICE
June 2, 2016 / 7:00 pm

Vivian Guerrero has attended more than 150 Morrissey concerts worldwide and she recently extended her ways of praising Moz’s greatness by baking cakes with his handsome mug plastered all over it—torched chocolate chest hair included.

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I have to say, this is pretty cool. I can't bake a cake like that.
Pound Pound Pound (Cake)
Cemetry Cakes
Why Donut You Find Out For Yourself
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Pastry

Angel Food Cake, Angel Food Cake Down We Go Together
Handsome Devil's Food Cake?
I Can Have Both, but then I'd have to be The First Of The Gang To Diet......(sorry, this is terrible)...but I'm Not Sorry.......
Pound Pound Pound (Cake)
Cemetry Cakes
Why Donut You Find Out For Yourself
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Pastry

Angel Food Cake, Angel Food Cake Down We Go Together
Handsome Devil's Food Cake?
I Can Have Both, but then I'd have to be The First Of The Gang To Diet......(sorry, this is terrible)...but I'm Not Sorry.......

The more you injest them, the bigger you get. but You're the one for me fatty. Something is squeezing into it's clothes. sweetie pie, you know it wouldn't last...
Indeed! TBH I can picture Moz seeing this and shaking his head in minor disbelief. I had a vegan wedding cake. It CAN be done.

Yes just like we all shook our heads in disbelief when Steven was exposed as a cheese user.:rofl:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
On the Sweets I Ran

Fondant Someone

Come Back to Caramel

The National Front Disco Dust

The Frosting That Must Be Filled
Sweet And Tender Hooliganache
Glamorous Gluten-Free something or other (probably not very tasty)
Flap-Jack The Ripper
Bagelham Dave?
"Reel Around The Flambeed Plums"

It's time the tale were told

of how you took a small fat child in a welfare house

and you made him fatter

Reel around the flambeed plums

Slap me slightly in the pantry

I'll bake it now

Fifteen minutes consuming Mozzertov cream cakes

Sweetness I wouldn't say no

Oh people said you cooked sickening bloody awful vegan cakes

and they were so wrong
Now My Tart Is Full

Best Friend On The Swiss Roll

There Is A Slice That Never Goes Out
Roberto Ferdenzi sends the link:

Meet the Die-Hard Smiths Fan Who Bakes Morrissey’s Face Into Cakes - MUNCHIES / VICE
June 2, 2016 / 7:00 pm

Vivian Guerrero has attended more than 150 Morrissey concerts worldwide and she recently extended her ways of praising Moz’s greatness by baking cakes with his handsome mug plastered all over it—torched chocolate chest hair included.

None of those figurines look like dear Morrissey. The most terrifying is the one on top of the cake. Practice make perfect, so keep on baking, darling.
Icing Your Life

Oh, bake your life
All the cakes you love
And the breads in loaves
Oh, bake your life
Oh, bake your life
Then this definitely DOES NOT honor Morrissey. The dairy and egg industry is pure evil and she is supporting it.

My daugter is now a full Vegan, shes been a vegetarian for years, she often dines out in a top fully vegan restaurant with her BF and friends! :)

But anyways "watched" sum video footage on u tube a while back of how cattle are treated in the dairy industry, truly horrific stuff, had me in tears!!!!!

Cows were in these gruesome cages/ contraptions being spun around and upside down, whilst SCREAMING in fear and pain, the suffering these inoccent beings were forced to suffer whilst being tortured like this was absolutly sickining - heart breaking! :(

PURE EVIL does not do it justice - its more like hell on earth!!!

I vowed from that day onwards i will never ever im my life ever buy dairy milk and cheese ect and support this horrific treatment by monsters.

I drink organic soya milk instead ! :)

Its a bit dry and bland at first but u get use to it!

Id ask members of the forum 2 PLEASE refuse 2 but dairy milk/cheese ect ever again, just use soya based milk ect instead , its got just as much calcium/protein ect in it, in fact its full of beneficial plant oestrogens 2!

A long journey begins with a single step! :)

Does he currently eat dairy? I think his vegetarianism has evolved to veganism, no?

Oh and about your query as to weather morrissy is now a full vegan, Im not sure, I believe that he is, but someone on the site will know, but what I can say is that even if hes not, (or when he did eat a bit of diary)
I feel pretty confident that he would of sourced his yogurt and milk ect from farms or families that kept only a few cows and kept them more like children, who treat there cows ect kindly and in a loving caring environment so that they have a decent quality of life and just obtain a tiny little bit of milk now n then.

NOT from the mass dairy industry were they butcher and touchier these animals whose only relief from there nitemare existance, comes at the time of there slaughter! ! :(

In fact I wouldnt be surprised if hes been using soya based milk ect for years!

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