Morrissey + making music


New Member
Just a few questions that I've never seen answered. How does Morrissey and his band's creative process work? I know he does not play instruments, but how much input does he have in the music? Does the band just come up with songs and he puts words to them? Or does he craft songs with the band with certain lyrics in mind (for example, a slow song for lyrics that fit a slow song or a fast song for really biting lyrics).

Really, just any input on the music making process for post-Smiths Morrissey is much appreciated!
Just a few questions that I've never seen answered. How does Morrissey and his band's creative process work? I know he does not play instruments, but how much input does he have in the music? Does the band just come up with songs and he puts words to them? Or does he craft songs with the band with certain lyrics in mind (for example, a slow song for lyrics that fit a slow song or a fast song for really biting lyrics).

Really, just any input on the music making process for post-Smiths Morrissey is much appreciated!

From what I remember of reading several interview is that usually the music writers write the songs and record it onto tapes. They are then given to Morrissey where he goes into seclusion for a while and pens the best lyrics imaginable. :thumb:

Morrissey also turns down any instrumentals that he doesn't like. We will probably never know if he ever wrote lyrics for them.
Just a few questions that I've never seen answered. How does Morrissey and his band's creative process work? I know he does not play instruments, but how much input does he have in the music? Does the band just come up with songs and he puts words to them? Or does he craft songs with the band with certain lyrics in mind (for example, a slow song for lyrics that fit a slow song or a fast song for really biting lyrics).

Really, just any input on the music making process for post-Smiths Morrissey is much appreciated!

I think morrissey writes the words and then the band offers different music and he decides which one he likes and maybe changes it a little. Other than that, they all seem very close and probably work as a good team
I thought I read that he accepts tapes from his collaborators, then adds lyrics, writing the melody himself. Whether he writes lyrics to fit tunes, or uses lyrics he has already written, probably varies.
From what I remember of reading several interview is that usually the music writers write the songs and record it onto tapes. They are then given to Morrissey where he goes into seclusion for a while and pens the best lyrics imaginable. :thumb:

Morrissey also turns down any instrumentals that he doesn't like. We will probably never know if he ever wrote lyrics for them.

It was the process used for Morrissey on Smiths years. Johnny wrote the melodies and give them to Morrissey listen on his walkman as he was walking around.
From Mozipedia:
"Marr would put his music on a cassette and give to Morrissey, who would then lock himslef away 'and start humming.'...'I just take the basics of a backing track and shout along to it for a few days,' Morrissey explained. 'Seeing where the syllables land, and seeing how the words balance out. Suddenly the lyrics form, and a configuration presents itself. I never "jam", and almost never rehearse.'"
He's continued to use the same method since, as Raphael and Pregnant said.
We do know from descriptions of the "Strangeways..." sessions that the band might jam, bring tapes to Morrissey, and he might critique 'i like this part, not that bit; more like....', etc. So some input, but that didn't sit well with collaborators, apparently....

Edit: additional bits I've read -- that while compositions come first, once M has added lyrics, the musicians (M has made clear he does not consider himself a musician) might modify bits of medoly, etc., to fit his performance.

Also his more recent composers (Alain, in particular) have commented that they know what M likes, so clearly they aren't writing randomly, but with an ear to what they know he likes and what wraps around his lyrical style and vocals well..
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Collaborators. :mad: They can shove it where the sun shines.
From Mozipedia:
"Marr would put his music on a cassette and give to Morrissey, who would then lock himslef away 'and start humming.'...'I just take the basics of a backing track and shout along to it for a few days,' Morrissey explained. 'Seeing where the syllables land, and seeing how the words balance out. Suddenly the lyrics form, and a configuration presents itself. I never "jam", and almost never rehearse.'"
He's continued to use the same method since, as Raphael and Pregnant said.

We do know from descriptions of the "Strangeways..." sessions that the band might jam, bring tapes to Morrissey, and he might critique 'i like this part, not that bit; more like....', etc. So some input, but that didn't sit well with collaborators, apparently....

Do you wanna an exemple? "Irish Blood, English Heart" Morrissey's written onto a melody written by Whyte to "Not Bitter But Bored" from Johnny Panic. And of course, the Marr's instrumentals songs which Morrissey had never written any line - you can see the melodies were written first.
Do you wanna an exemple? "Irish Blood, English Heart" Morrissey's written onto a melody written by Whyte to "Not Bitter But Bored" from Johnny Panic. And of course, the Marr's instrumentals songs which Morrissey had never written any line - you can see the melodies were written first.

The co-writer (whether Marr, Boorer, Street or whoever) comes up with the instrumental musical backing. Morrissey listens to the instrumental and comes up with a vocal melody (ie. the tune) and lyrics. This is the way it's always been, as detailed in various interviews and various entries in the Mozipedia.

Confusion arises because people refer to Marr, Boorer et al as writing 'melodies' for Morrissey. This is a misnomer. They might write pieces of instrumental music that are very melodic and catchy in their own right (particularly Marr), but the actual overriding melody of the songs (ie. the vocal part) has always been Morrissey's invention.

Morrissey might not be able to play any musical instruments, but he has a very musical mind, and is very good at writing vocal melodies around the pieces of instrumental music he's given.
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The co-writer (whether Marr, Boorer, Street or whoever) comes up with the instrumental musical backing. Morrissey listens to the instrumental and comes up with a vocal melody (ie. the tune) and lyrics. This is the way it's always been, as detailed in various interviews and various entries in the Mozipedia.

Confusion arises because people refer to Marr, Boorer et al as writing 'melodies' for Morrissey. This is a misnomer. They might write pieces of instrumental music that are very melodic and catchy in their own right (particularly Marr), but the actual overriding melody of the songs (ie. the vocal part) has always been Morrissey's invention.

Morrissey might not be able to play any musical instruments, but he has a very musical mind, and is very good at writing vocal melodies around the pieces of instrumental music he's given.

Good statement, friend. I assure many Mozers don't realise that Morrissey writes lines to music made by others. When you said that Morrissey has a music mind I totally agree, because you can sse that even he doesn't know to paly any intruments he's one of the most important musician of the world. For year I hear that Morrissey is a stupid and screwball, but all people who say it cannot see how intelligent and wonderful his work are.
The co-writer (whether Marr, Boorer, Street or whoever) comes up with the instrumental musical backing. Morrissey listens to the instrumental and comes up with a vocal melody (ie. the tune) and lyrics. This is the way it's always been, as detailed in various interviews and various entries in the Mozipedia.

Confusion arises because people refer to Marr, Boorer et al as writing 'melodies' for Morrissey. This is a misnomer. They might write pieces of instrumental music that are very melodic and catchy in their own right (particularly Marr), but the actual overriding melody of the songs (ie. the vocal part) has always been Morrissey's invention.

Morrissey might not be able to play any musical instruments, but he has a very musical mind, and is very good at writing vocal melodies around the pieces of instrumental music he's given.

Thanks for this
Isn't it said that the piano bit in "Death of a Disco Dancer" was Moz's noodling & his only recorded performance of an instrument? Anyone know if this is true or false.

And let's not forget he can play the heck out of a tambourine!! ;)

This is true. He definitely talked about this whilst 'giggling madly' in an interview I've read.
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