Morrissey UK shows in March 2015; on sale Jan. 16

f***ing Euros, I didn't clear enough from playing in hotel restaurants in Eastern-Bloc Transylvania and Nazi controlled Europe,so now I need to add these UK dates for the full down payment on the Beverly Hills Mansion. Oh, and I am not flying coach from LA to London and we are going with cancel, play, cancel, play...etc. The Brits will cheer even if I went onstage and did "hot hot hot" with my idol Buster Poindexter for an hour anyway. f*** them.

My god you're thick.
Re: TTY: Morrissey UK shows in March

Also expect red pullovers and walk offs !
Not exactly death bed dates are they ? Goodbye (again) whatever happens I love you (again) remember my face and not my fate (yawn)
Come on Steven are you dying or not ? If you are get on with it, it's so 4kin yesterday.

Benny-the-British-Butcher ������
I wonder if Solomon will be over his flu by then.
Morrissey should stop it with the arena shows! They might very well be the quickest payday but when they have to get the black curtains out to hide the empty seats (Nottingham 2006) or give tickets away for free (Manchester 2012) it it embarrassing for all concerned. His band can't fill the arenas with the sound that his voice deserves and only the front two rows show any sign that they've heard any music. He managed to tour smaller theatres in 2004 when his popularity was at a high. He can do it again. Our lives would be much richer for it.
The tour promo image is from 22nd July 2006, Benicàssim Festival, Spain. It was shot by Oscar Tejeda ~


Now My Heart is Full ?

Mr Tejeda also did this ~

As originally identified by Her Majesty
Am I the only one surprised that he's touring so quickly after the last outing?
I would absolutely love to go.

I just fear that I will be sat here at 5 past 10 on Friday without a ticket, all shows showing sold out with my only route being to buy via ebay for an extortionate amount.

If anyone gets sight of a pre-order link can you PM me. PLEASE!!!
I would absolutely love to go.

I just fear that I will be sat here at 5 past 10 on Friday without a ticket, all shows showing sold out with my only route being to buy via ebay for an extortionate amount.

If anyone gets sight of a pre-order link can you PM me. PLEASE!!!

A lot of people here seem to think it won't beva selling out in 30 minutes type of situation.
I would absolutely love to go.

I just fear that I will be sat here at 5 past 10 on Friday without a ticket, all shows showing sold out with my only route being to buy via ebay for an extortionate amount.

If anyone gets sight of a pre-order link can you PM me. PLEASE!!!

If you have a Pestana group loyalty card you can get 50% reduction in the corporate boxes at these venues as well as free champagne, chocolates and organic cheese buffet.

Otherwise if your in the cheap seats use the pre sale code CHEESEISNOTMURDER

Great news. Hope to see him again in Istanbul this year :) And what about possible Bucharest or Budapest shows ?
Catapults and meatballs at the ready ladies and gents !
The hypocrite is putting his toe in the water here, will he be singing cheese is murder ?
Will he be selling stencils to graffiti your communities ?
Will he even turn up ?
Will he even live long enough given the lap-dancer diagnosis ?
Don't forget you have to wear a red pullover.
If tickets sell he's gonna try and sell out the world famous Embassey club in Harper Hey Manchester ( good luck with that) for his homecoming.

Judging by the places announced WPINOYB has been a fookin huge FLOP !
f*** Harvest !


That's 'Embassy' and 'Harpurhey', you f***ing moron. Google it next time to save exposing yourself as the f***ing idiot that you are.
Re: TTY: Morrissey UK shows in March

Haha, I KNEW this would happen. When he plays lots of small venues and gets sick/cancels, everyone says he should play fewer gigs in larger venues. When he announces larger venues, people moan that he should play smaller venues. And that, in a nutshell, is the essence of So_low: everything he does is always wrong.

That's not true. There are plenty of positive posters on this site who only occasionally post anything negative (and usually that is in response to an unwarranted attack from anonymous posters). Lots of us love the new Moz album and really enjoyed his recent concerts. I'm happy for him if he can fill or almost fill large venues. Prior to the Three Arena concert in Dublin I would have said I much preferred Moz in smaller venues but he changed my mind that night as it was a great concert and felt intimate even though it was an arena.
I would absolutely love to go.

I just fear that I will be sat here at 5 past 10 on Friday without a ticket, all shows showing sold out with my only route being to buy via ebay for an extortionate amount.

If anyone gets sight of a pre-order link can you PM me. PLEASE!!!
You'll be able to get tickets at 5 past 10 on the day of the gig mate.
Re: TTY: Morrissey UK shows in March

Haha, I KNEW this would happen. When he plays lots of small venues and gets sick/cancels, everyone says he should play fewer gigs in larger venues. When he announces larger venues, people moan that he should play smaller venues. And that, in a nutshell, is the essence of So_low: everything he does is always wrong.
You are so spot on, that is exactly the essence of so-low, I'll be at the hydro in glasgow, I'm praying for standing tickets, if it's even half as good as Dublin I'll be delighted
What time do you all recommend getting in the queue for standing tickets in Bournemouth and Leeds?

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