Morrisseys Band - Live and recording


New Member
Hey all
I was watching some Glastonbury footage from last year of Morrissey and was trying to name everyone in the band he's using at the moment but was struggling.
It looks like Boz is still with him, but who is everyone else? I see Gary Day isn't on bass anymore (as has been the case for a while now). They do mostly looks like a bunch of young whippets these days.
Also whose he using for recording these days to?

Jesse Tobias - lead guitar
Boz Boorer - rhythm guitar, occasional lead
Solomon Walker - bass guitar
Gustavo Manzur - keyboards et al.
Anthony Burulcich - drums

The lineup is same live as in the studio, except for Morrissey's most recent album "Years of Refusal" and 2004's "You Are the Quarry," Morrissey employed Roger Manning on keyboards.
There's odds and sods on YouTube.

Naming all of Morrissey's live band members from 1991 to the present day could be one of hell of a tricky, if boring, pub quiz question.

Boz, Alain, Gary, Spencer, Woodie (a few gigs in 91/92), Johnny B, Spike Smith, Deano, Mikey, Lil Barrie, Jesse, Matt Walker, Solomon Walker, that keyboardist for two gigs in 2006 in America, Kristopher Pooley, Gustavo, Anthony.

Have I missed anyone out? And nothing stupid like the guy playing flute on I'm Not Sorry at the MEN.
And reasons for leaving would be good too :)
I miss Gary Day, he was a good bass player and looked cool too. Especially with those nasty tats going up his neck.
Anthony Burulcich from The Bravery? Ha!
Anyone got any vids of him playing drums for Moz yet?

He was recently in Moz's appearance on Jimmy Fallon. If you google for it you should be able to find a clear video. He'll also be with Moz tomorrow night on The Colbert Report.
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Woodie played with Moz before 1993? It wasn't mentioned in Mozipedia. Do you remember what tour it was?

There was a drummer for the last tour between Matt and Anthony.

There's odds and sods on YouTube.

Naming all of Morrissey's live band members from 1991 to the present day could be one of hell of a tricky, if boring, pub quiz question.

Boz, Alain, Gary, Spencer, Woodie (a few gigs in 91/92), Johnny B, Spike Smith, Deano, Mikey, Lil Barrie, Jesse, Matt Walker, Solomon Walker, that keyboardist for two gigs in 2006 in America, Kristopher Pooley, Gustavo, Anthony.

Have I missed anyone out? And nothing stupid like the guy playing flute on I'm Not Sorry at the MEN.
Woodie played with Moz before 1993? It wasn't mentioned in Mozipedia. Do you remember what tour it was?

There was a drummer for the last tour between Matt and Anthony.

Eric Lewis Gardener played the drums in July 2012 dates.
Who IS the guy playing flute on 'Who Put the M'? I don't remember ever finding that one out.
Good question.
I was there and don't recall noticing him, probably as the arena is so massive and he was towards the back, in the dark.
He's here at 4:42, but don't know his name. Does anyone know his name?

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It is easier and more fulfilling to ask redundant questions than it is to look them up for yourself...didn't you know?

Now now Viva Hate, I thought we were BBFs.

The above link doesn't state the anomalie examples I menionted, such as Woodie stepping in in 1991 or that keyboardist in 2007. When you need to know the FACTS, you're best off asking the echo chamber of So Low.
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