Morrissey's refusal to use current photos of himself


Ben Daheer

For several years now, Morrissey has refused to use any contemporary photos of himself when it comes to sleeve art, or publicising gigs. I think I recall reading in an interview somewhere that he no longer likes the way he looks. Does anyone know what the cut off date is - ie: when was the last time Moz used contemporary photographs before disappearing into the past imagery?

I'm guessing it was around the 'World Peace' era (I remember promo posters of his tossing an orange) - but does anyone know when the exact cut off point was? What period these days will Morrissey use in promo images, before it becomes 'too recent'? :unsure:

More generally - do people think this is a good thing, or slightly silly?
I remember it started happening around the 2008/2009 era with Greatest Hits and the singles that would eventually appear on Years Of Refusal.

Greatest Hits with the same cover as Autobiography and the THPGU and AYNIM singles featuring older photos.

But then the actual singles from YOR featured contemporary photos. Anyway, it was around that time.
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