My Morrissey Tattoo!

I just got back from the Tattoo shop after getting my first tattoo! And it's Moz related, so I'm doubly excited. I got the swallow in this picture on the inside of my lower lip:


Not wishing to sound thick or anything (but as I'm signed in as Grim it's a bit difficult not to) - but does anybody see a tattoo on the inside of your lower lip? Is it on your face orrr..elsewhere? Maybe a pic would be beneficial (if it's on the face that is).


Not wishing to sound thick or anything (but as I'm signed in as Grim it's a bit difficult not to) - but does anybody see a tattoo on the inside of your lower lip? Is it on your face orrr..elsewhere? Maybe a pic would be beneficial (if it's on the face that is).



It's on the inside of my lip SO that people don't see it unless I want them to. I still need to be work appropriate and when I'm 65 I may not want something where everyone can see it. I'll upload a picture when I can, but I don't have a camera, so I'll have to get my friend to take one and upload it for me.
I have a small one of Kylie on the right buttock. Maybe I'll get one of Minogue on my left. What do you think? Any ideas?
I just got a tattoo at the bottom of my back on Tuesday and was told under no circumstances to pick the scabs. The urge was too much to resist and ive had a little fiddle with it. Will it ruin the tattoo? Its certainly bloody sore!
Inside your lip?

And it's a 'swallow'?

Inner lip tattoos are notoriously difficult to maintain. The cells inside your lip are different from the skin cells where normal tattooing is done, and don't hold the ink as well. In addition, saliva breaks down the ink just like it was food. If it isn't touched up, your tattoo will last between a day and a week. It normally requires 3-5 touch ups to become "permanent", although it will appear more faded than a normal black tattoo. With all of the work, and rework, the design tends to get blurred unless it is very simple. (Hopefully your tattoo artist let you in on all of these details.)

While on the subject of tattoos, I have "It takes strength to be gentle and kind" under my collarbone. I also have Joan of Arc burning at the stake on my right arm, but I only consider this to be Morrissey-inspired, and not a full-on Morrissey tattoo. I strongly resisted all urges (and half-joking suggestions) to include a hearing aid or walk man in the design.
why would anybody get a tattoo in their mouth?!

Pardon my ignorance but what is the average price for having something like the M crest tatooed? I hear everyone going on about financial situations and it just makes me curious to find out tatoo prices.
I have a small tattoo (1.5 x 1.5inch) and I paid 80€, that must be sth like 50`£ I guess...
jumping subject abit my mate has just got a jimi hendrix full face tattoo going right down his back i was thinking how good a morrissey full face tattoo would look i will post a picture of it up
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