New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portuguese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

Re: New Portugese Interview

Tells us that no tour is " just one more tour " and next week in Lisbon begins another tour in Europe
No one has yet sure which man even go onstage the Opera House on 6 October ( next Monday ) . But it is also this constant surprise that makes the phenomenon Morrissey . He debuted solo in 1988 with the album " Viva Hate " , and surprised all the skeptics who did not believe in the future of the singer after the end of the Smiths . Morrissey walked around the issue with mandatory albums and songs turned into classics. With that and a reasonable ego , feeding her comments against all odds ; that does not take away his sleep when the time comes to say " yes but only interviews by mail , and no questions about the Smiths ' ; and at the same time , gives you such an attitude that makes an ordinary mortal a pop star . Lisbon starts another European tour , now to present the songs of the recently published "World Peace Is None of Your Business " and is also out there that begins to answer our questions . If you answered all ? Of course not . But it could only be so .

" Tomorrow Read the full text in ionline and editing on paper "
Tell me more about the Swedish hooker? WTF?

He had a Mercedes when he was with Jake. They lived on Del Resto not Sweetzer in da 90's.

Oh. Well, she said it was a Jag and I just made up that Sweetzer thing. He lived on a street called Del Resto? I'd never move, it's like the perfect street name for a house.
I just don't know how anyone can get excited over a tour that features Jesse Tobias on guitar.
I'm kinda baffled he married a fan, like I'm still piecing that together in my brain.

Another poster I stood in a line with here was telling me about the one time she met Morrissey. It was in the 90s and he and Jake were in his jag parked in front of a liquor store on sunset and Jake had run in to get some booze. They approached the car and if memory serves Jake kinda hopped-to and ran interference and they went about their way for an afternoon of drunk sweetzer fun.

Jake's position was to literally fend off "those people." Now he's whispering pillow talk to one of them? "Tell me about his dick. What's his dick like." Then what if she's a monster and he gets pussy-whupped and she starts to blackmail him for her secret tell-all? Or that Moz's secrets are suddenly relationship fodder for someone NOT Moz. "Why don't you trust me with your secrets Jake? Don't you love me?"

I know I dabble in conspiracy theories but that SUCKS that secondary and tertiary relationships of Moz's lovers have to be so careful. I can see why a discrete Swedish hooker would be more ideal than actually having a relationship.

It really bummed me out to see his baby mama is some 20-something with "Because We Must" tattooed on her wrist, and who laughs that "OMG Jake's been drinking cappuccino since the 80s! I wasn't even born!"
Re: New Portugese Interview

TINA! BABIES! ATTACHMENT! COMMITMENT! He didn't say those things about men. "Sex and love are not the same."

But he didn't speak about Tina in a sexual way, either. Jake and Gabriel? Those passages were soaked in sex.
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

HIG, as much as I like you -and I really do-, I joyfully can't let such nonsense pass. :D

I for one think that Morrissey has been fumbling in the dark since birth, like the rest of men, women, and humasapiensexuals. A series of happy accidents, personal or professional, caused him to be the person he is today. But I believe he has no idea either what he's doing here on earth, and I believe that most of his life is a pose; I believe he hides behind big ideas and big words he invents because he is afraid you'll find out for yourself he is a bit of fraud, actually, which he can't allow because without his persona he'd crumble.

You have our own experience, and share it honestly with us here. Guess what : Morrissey doesn't do that. And what he actually shares, he denies the following day.
So the thought of him trying to "educate the ignorant"...Well, you did make us laugh there.

And as for trying to live his life free of tags and measure, I think he's completely failing... Moreover, he's dependent on people judging him. He constanty begs to be judged, by not accepting his past and lying and being caught lying. He probably still gets a sick kick out of it, like he briefly enjoys failing people. Then he feels guilty and "melancholic" when he realizes he's just failing himself.

As for the rules of society you mention, well, we can try living without them, there will always be golden rules that no one should break... There will always be good and bad ways to treat other individuals...You know? Course youdo, you're not a psycho.

But you're right, maybe society isn't ready for the way Morrissey treats other human beings :D It's so... revolutionary. You really have to try it for yourself...

If I ever see Morrissey again, HIG, I promise the first thing I will do will be to ask him to write an instruction manual : "Love and Sex: How It Really Works". I'll make sure you'll get an autographed copy.
Meanwhile, in the real, Morrissey-free world, best of luck with Mr E. :)

"Morrissey"..."Educate"...rofl! Good one. -Did you read that Morrissey? It's enough to make you miss a step, innit.

Well, at least I made you laugh at the end of the day. That's all that matters, innit?
Re: New Portugese Interview

The made up word now has a made up definition.

That is exactly what he meant with the word 'humasexual'. What else could it mean? Seriously. Isn't it obvious? All words are made up, and people give them definitions.

The word 'humasexual' makes a lot of sense to me. I completely understand what Morrissey means when he uses it. There are a LOT of people like this. I think I might be humasexual myself!

Morrissey has ALWAYS said that he's not exclusively homosexual or heterosexual. Why is this so hard for you to believe, Johnny? (Is it because you're of older generation to which mere homosexuality is a huge dilemma?) What makes you think that you know Morrissey's sexuality better than Morrissey himself? It seems... idiotic, to say the least. If a person says that they're humasexual, then they are humasexual, and you deal with it.
Re: New Portugese Interview

That is exactly what he meant with the word 'humasexual'. What else could it mean? Seriously. Isn't it obvious? All words are made up, and people give them definitions.

The word 'humasexual' makes a lot of sense to me. I completely understand what Morrissey means when he uses it. There are a LOT of people like this. I think I might be humasexual myself!

Morrissey has ALWAYS said that he's not exclusively homosexual or heterosexual. Why is this so hard for you to believe, Johnny? (Is it because you're of older generation to which mere homosexuality is a huge dilemma?) What makes you think that you know Morrissey's sexuality better than Morrissey himself? It seems... idiotic, to say the least. If a person says that they're humasexual, then they are humasexual, and you deal with it.

I don't think people have a problem that he isn't hetero or homosexual. I think what people are annoyed at is in the book it's all flesh or fantasy, being dwelt in and tea in the bath, then it's wiped out from the book and he's saying in an interview that he and Jake were just friends.
Re: New Portugese Interview

That is exactly what he meant with the word 'humasexual'. What else could it mean? Seriously. Isn't it obvious? All words are made up, and people give them definitions.

The word 'humasexual' makes a lot of sense to me. I completely understand what Morrissey means when he uses it. There are a LOT of people like this. I think I might be humasexual myself!

Morrissey has ALWAYS said that he's not exclusively homosexual or heterosexual. Why is this so hard for you to believe, Johnny? (Is it because you're of older generation to which mere homosexuality is a huge dilemma?) What makes you think that you know Morrissey's sexuality better than Morrissey himself? It seems... idiotic, to say the least. If a person says that they're humasexual, then they are humasexual, and you deal with it.

It means he's heterosexual. Hummus is made with garbanzo beans and vaginas have beans called clitorises. I've been over this. If you didn't get the memo that Morrissey likes titties every time he says he's a vagitarian, then clearly you're not paying attention. :D
Re: New Portugese Interview

It means he's heterosexual. Hummus is made with garbanzo beans and vaginas have beans called clitorises. I've been over this. If you didn't get the memo that Morrissey likes titties every time he says he's a vagitarian, then clearly you're not paying attention. :D

Whatever helps you sleep at night, but that boy is not straight.
It really bummed me out to see his baby mama is some 20-something with "Because We Must" tattooed on her wrist, and who laughs that "OMG Jake's been drinking cappuccino since the 80s! I wasn't even born!"

I wonder which poster she is? Some of the ladies at AYNIM were getting real chummy with him when he was selling some prints a couple years back. I thought he was just being friendly, I didn't know he was trawling for some fresh fangirl tail. :D

What if none of this is true and we're perpetrators in a bogus gossip scam and are being studied by troll scientists pissing themselves at the inanity of it all?
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Re: New Portugese Interview

I don't know Jake's wife, but I just hope he stopped eating dog food as he did that day he met Moz. Getting a tattoo inside the lip seems insane. Maybe his wife has tattoos too. Who knows.

That would be awesome.

To be honest, it makes me sorta sad to think that Jake settled for a Morrissey fan. As a Morrissey fan I realize that's ironic, but he legitimately seems like a nice guy who deserves love and to think someone is pretending to love him for the occasional dinner with morrissey bums me out. Maybe she's not like that, maybe they just clicked, but you could see how that would be worrisome. (I need to cover my tracks for when we go on double dates some day and I'm gloating in my head that I nabbed the real thing and only queued ONCE. :p)
I wonder which poster she is? Some of the ladies at AYNIM were getting real chummy with him when he was selling some prints a couple years back. I thought he was just being friendly, I didn't know he was trawling for some fresh fangirl tail. :D

What if none of this is true and we're perpetrators in a bogus gossip scam and are being studied by troll scientists pissing themselves at the inanity of it all?

I forgot he was meeting those girls for coffee. Well she played it, and now she has his kid. When I heard he had a gf I was expecting this awesome artsy woman in her 30s or 40s, not this dimwit.
You knew at some point in some darkened interview room that the Autobio would become fodder for the arm-chair journo. I'm surprised like you lot that it was Moz, not the journo, who brought up Jake (the Snake, surely) not-homosexual-in-any-way-love affair. Jakey, it was really nothing. If Jake is indeed married (to a woman), then surely the revelations in the autobio are sure to illuminate or separate.
In a man's world, women perpetuate sexism by marrying men twice their age and making babies. This aint the world for babies, but people are afraid to be alone.

I forgot he was meeting those girls for coffee. Well she played it, and now she has his kid. When I heard he had a gf I was expecting this awesome artsy woman in her 30s or 40s, not this dimwit.
It's not nice to judge a woman not having met her. This is fact.

But when I read (if it's true) that she has a tattoo of Because We Must on her wrist, alarm bells go off. Am I judging people with tattoos? Or people with moz tattoos? Not exactly. I am saying that having been in the shit with Moz fans who would do anything to become close to or meet the man, the kind of people who tattoo their wrists with deep track slogans and hunt down his exes...some of these bitches are cray. Srsly. :straightface:

Having said that someone pointed me to a book Jake wrote, a kids story about a dead dog and a mysterious field with awkward kissing dripping with pre-teen angst. Maybe he really just wants a kid. You can't blame him for that. A lot of my anti-baby friends are suddenly flipping fast. Perhaps 80s baby was the first to say, "Okay, I'll pretend I forgot to take the pill with you." and in the end Jake gets his needs met. It's not stopping him from being a great photographer and a generally likable guy. I have a feeling I've been unfairly casting Jake in the role of being undiscerning. But buyer beware, fangirls are f***ing crazy.

Maybe now's a good time to point out I haven't even read Autobiography. :p That's the level of shitty fangirl I'm at.
Girls in their 20s are THE WORST. Seriously, go watch an episode of Girls. That's Jake's babymama. He's probably already thought to himself "OMG shoot me now she's talking about NOTHING and has been doing it for 25 solid minutes."
"Girls" is fiction.

So this is real? Good God, Morrissey bring it in. I'll hold you babes. This is f***ed up. This is top of the "OF COURSE" file. It's a big file, it doesn't get easier like they say it does with age and wisdom.

This is that guy who got into the white house the other day.
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