Post Whatever You Are Drinking At This Very Moment

Orange Gatorade
Miller Lite. It'll do. I have lots. :thumb:

My 4 yr old just helped me make a quiche while listening to Boy Racer :guitar:
Innocent strawberry and banana smoothie :thumb:.
Tea. :thumb:
Coffee! I didn't like coffee until an hour ago, but now we're best friends. :highfive:
Robinson's fruit and barley
Ran out of coke, it was making me feel guilty anyway
Trying to write a song, failing.
A Rose' wine. I never drink the stuff, but a friend brought it over the other's full, open and cold and I've had a long day. I'm surprised at the 13.4% alcohol content :thumb:
Bourbon + Fresh Squeezed Lemonade with a little bit of mint tasted great. All four of them were just as good as the one before it.
arnold palmer<3 booze coffee coke zero tea watah wooder
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