Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

:p My head's spinning. I don't dare to go to bed yet. How are you, my dearest?

I'm alright. just ate dinner. i wanna go out later but i really cant afford it cuz I need to save my monies for all my Morrissey shows/partying I'll be doing next week. but I decided I'm gonna just take like 30 bucks, and LEAVE MY DEBIT CARD AT HOME, and just go to my neighborhood bar and drink cheap. haha. im awful. :o I just know I won't be able to stay in until Sunday night. I'll go :crazy:
I'm alright. just ate dinner. i wanna go out later but i really cant afford it cuz I need to save my monies for all my Morrissey shows/partying I'll be doing next week. but I decided I'm gonna just take like 30 bucks, and LEAVE MY DEBIT CARD AT HOME, and just go to my neighborhood bar and drink cheap. haha. im awful. :o I just know I won't be able to stay in until Sunday night. I'll go :crazy:

We went to a pub for this birthday party, had a very good time, good food, nice booze, and then we wanted to pay our share before we left, and they didn't let us. The birthday boy (my bff's hubby) paid it all! :eek:
We went to a pub for this birthday party, had a very good time, good food, nice booze, and then we wanted to pay our share before we left, and they didn't let us. The birthday boy (my bff's hubby) paid it all! :eek:

the birthday person isnt supposed to pay anything!! that was nice of him though. :)
Joy Divisions's "Digital" never really clicked with me before. It was just repetitive and had a nice opening. But now I listened to it a few times and I can't get the damn bassline out of my head. So simple and repetitive, yet sooooo catchyyyyyy. x.x
Madonna is a bit of a hag.
Madonna is a bit of a hag.
A bit?

Some moron in a Jaguar (irrelevant but it shows how fast they were able to go) was trying to cut up another car and nearly hit my dad's, which I was in. Luckily, he breaked in time but I hate people getting away with it as we could see they did it again once when we were further down the fairly busy road. :straightface:
Yet another reason why I do not want to learn to drive.
They just said on the news, at the intro:
"Post-mortem shows man was killed by multiple bullet wounds!" I shouldn't laugh, but it sounds like something out of the Onion!
They just said on the news, at the intro:
"Post-mortem shows man was killed by multiple bullet wounds!" I shouldn't laugh, but it sounds like something out of the Onion!

Took me a while to realise the humour, but it's because it would be evident that the man had died from multiple bullet wounds
Bear with me, I've not had enough sleep and spent the day walking around Glasgow with a massive electric blue placard baring the words 'I AM HUMAN AND I NEED TO BE LOVED'.
Took me a while to realise the humour, but it's because it would be evident that the man had died from multiple bullet wounds
Bear with me, I've not had enough sleep and spent the day walking around Glasgow with a massive electric blue placard baring the words 'I AM HUMAN AND I NEED TO BE LOVED'.

and he would have had to die to have the post-mortem in the first place.

Why's that? :)
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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