Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Ah Friday tomorrow, bliss! I always seem to miss the important news on here...

Just found an interesting shoegaze band called Swallow! ...I thought I had heard it all until now.
1963 Doctor Who I'm afraid Realitybites! I actually print screened it from the DVD as nobody bothers putting pictures like my avatar on the net :p I thought it was a lovely photo though :)
1963 Doctor Who I'm afraid Realitybites! I actually print screened it from the DVD as nobody bothers putting pictures like my avatar on the net :p I thought it was a lovely photo though :)

Love his facial expression. Have never seen a single Dr. Who episode. May have to make room for one or two soon.
Love his facial expression. Have never seen a single Dr. Who episode. May have to make room for one or two soon.

Well it spans 50 years with different actors and stories all the time. It's a proper 'pick a mix'. William Hartnell's an amazing actor though. I could watch him on the screen for hours and not get bored.
Well it spans 50 years with different actors and stories all the time. It's a proper 'pick a mix'. William Hartnell's an amazing actor though. I could watch him on the screen for hours and not get bored.

Is that the best series to start with? Oh, meant to tell you that your cryogenics poll inspired me to write quite a bit about mind transferring. Though technically different, they are also similar, in that they both are about achieving immortality through technologies. So thanks. :)
I read an article yesterday in the current issue of Smithsonian Magazine that said panda bears used to carry a gene that made them crave meat, but at some point in the evolution of their species the gene became recessive and they simply didn't desire it and stuck to bamboo solely. But they have the stomach and saliva enzymes to break down meat if they wanted to.

Humans need to become like pandas...but in a hurry.
I'm thinking I should go take a shower after another pathetic attempt to work out, but I'll just stay here a little longer, this is new and fascinating and I can't get enough. And now I'm thinking I'm stupid for writing what I'm thinking instead of just coming up with something worth posting.
If you are sick with a cold you you DON'T take the antihistimine pill that amps you up and you just rest and sleep, you can actually feel your body fighting the virus. It's weird. Your body heats up and cools down and heats up like a furnace. It's sort of remarkable. It leaves you exhausted and feeling tingly, but it's cool to think about the epic battle in your blood veins.

The thing I hate about being sick and sleeping all day is waking up and not knowing what time of the day it is even though the numbers on the clock tell you it's dinner time. I use television as a barometer when my brain gets lost like that. 6:00 news and Bones episode reruns tell me it's Saturday, if it were a weekday it would be Family Guy and Simpson reruns.

Efff. Maybe I need to go back to sleep I'm not making any sense. Call in the cavalry mitochondria and dendrites!
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Nerdist Guy announced he's dancing at my joint tonight. Thank God for a perfectly-timed cold. Commencing Downton Abbey in my jammies then Nyquil. :sleeping:
I think I know why I'm sick all the time. I just cleaned my carpet, I'm on my fourth pass and the water is still disgusting. The carpet has GOT to go. ASAP. I think barney was doing me a favor by pissing on it in this one area all the time.
Yesterday they slaughtered the dolphins at Taiji. One dolphin on the wrong side of the net watched his whole family being slaughtered. Have a nice day.

Just listened to the Woodentops (I think they were once The Smiths support) and I must say that I don't think Rough Trade have many other amazing bands apart from The Smiths and The Sundays. Any recommendations?
That’s why I f***ing hate Japan.

Well that's why you're stupid because Japan has a LOT to offer in terms of civility and respect for animals and humans. This is an atrocious anomaly that makes little sense. Should I hate Mexicans because they euthanize their dog overpopulation with a barrel of water and a car battery? No.
Well that's why you're stupid because Japan has a LOT to offer in terms of civility and respect for animals and humans. This is an atrocious anomaly that makes little sense. Should I hate Mexicans because they euthanize their dog overpopulation with a barrel of water and a car battery? No.

If you want to go ahead. I could really give a shit. I hate Mexico too.
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My employer's wife whispered to me tonight on the way into the restaurant that I feel I was appropriately dressed for, I even wore earrings, "We need to buy you a pair of slacks." f*** you very much! :rolleyes: It was The Cheesecake Factory and a conferance room at the Embassy Suites, not a banquet at the Ritz? I'm over it. She knows not her foibles, I wish no ill towards her. She's one of those people who has good intentions but she's completely lacking a filter. One time I gave her a painting of her dog, it was a conceptualized abstract of her poodle. She said, "You almost got it, if you just took one more art class..." My friends still rib me today whenever I make ANYTHING. "If only you had one more class, then it would work."
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* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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