Richard Attenborough dies - Morrissey statement at

Link posted by an anonymous person (original post):

Richard Attenborough dies -
26 August 2014

"I was thrilled beyond words to have met Richard Attenborough, who, of course, played Pinkie in Brighton Rock (1947), a central theme of my song Now my heart is full. When I met Sir Richard he was delightful, and I asked him if Brighton Rock seemed like a hundred years ago. He replied 'Oh, much more than that ...'.
I also had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting the recently deceased Lauren Bacall ... so beautiful, so cautious ... and so sad that her death was overshadowed by that of Robin Williams. It was Lauren, not Robin, who changed motion picture history. Yet modern media has an odd way of forgetting the more senior servers of the arts. Dora Bryan, whom I knew personally in the late 80s, and who also died in recent weeks, had pitifully slim attention from the British news media, yet her talents were a treasured staple of British life throughout the 1950s, 1960s and beyond. Dora had agreed to introduce the Smiths onstage at the London Palladium in 1986, but at the last minute her agent asked for a fee which we, the Smiths, just couldn't afford.
However, in our X-factory society, it seems that anyone who has NOT appeared on Big Brother just isn't worth remembering by the British media ... alas."


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I wish he'd understand that he's endorsing the morals of the 60-85 demographic who don't have buying power and chastising the generation's cultural icons who do. You know that feeling when one of your fave musicians says they like another musician you like and you get all warm and fuzzy about it and want to continue to align with them since you have common interests? Morrissey doesn't play that angle and he could so easily. Some things he should keep to himself, if he really hates all movie stars today he should keep that to himself becuase it isn't going to help album sales. Do we love him becuase he's outspoken? Yes. Do we often go 'Ohhhh mozzer. There you go again." Yes. But when he's wondering where the sales are he should turn to the retirement communuty he's aligned himself with and ask why they haven't asked their great grandkids to download his mp3 for them.

I'm under the impression he doesn't hate today's stars, he's just stuck in a "And the good ol' days..." shaking his fist rant which has a time and a place, preferably not directed at your target audience with loads of iTunes credit just waiting to blow it on something.
this May be true.

What can you do.?

I would love to see him become wildly popular....".maybe in the next life..."..
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this May be true.

What can you do.?

I would love to see him become wildly popular.....maybe in the next life.....

I'd love to see him happy and trust someone for once. Stray from the script and just be honest with himself. When that happens, the rest will fall into place, all that he's envisioned will just happen.
I wish he'd understand that he's endorsing the morals of the 60-85 demographic who don't have buying power and chastising the generation's cultural icons who do. You know that feeling when one of your fave musicians says they like another musician you like and you get all warm and fuzzy about it and want to continue to align with them since you have common interests? Morrissey doesn't play that angle and he could so easily. Some things he should keep to himself, if he really hates all movie stars today he should keep that to himself becuase it isn't going to help album sales. Do we love him becuase he's outspoken? Yes. Do we often go 'Ohhhh mozzer. There you go again." Yes. But when he's wondering where the sales are he should turn to the retirement communuty he's aligned himself with and ask why they haven't asked their great grandkids to download his mp3 for them.

I'm under the impression he doesn't hate today's stars, he's just stuck in a "And the good ol' days..." shaking his fist rant which has a time and a place, preferably not directed at your target audience with loads of iTunes credit just waiting to blow it on something.

his statement about the importance of icons of the past reveal his own fear of becoming irrelevant.
Richard Attenborough drops dead and Moz's tears shampoo his...ears? OK, enough of bad poetry. The slight dig at Robin is really kind of annoying. If anyone understands death/suicide-debilitating depression, it should be Moz. I recall Moz taking a dig at Ian Curtis too in interviews in the 80s. The late Tony Wilson said Moz was just jealous that Ian did it before Moz could, which bears some truth.
Geez, the bitterness of his statement just jumps off the page.

He sounds like the has-beens he mentions. They are no longer relevant to most unlike Robin Williams to my generation.

Good Will Hunting was on TV the other week and Morrissey should watch the movie, it might change his view on Robin Williams' talent. I cried during 'it's not your fault' scene of Robin and Matt Damon, it was sad and painfull to watch and those scenes are crucial: it's one of those special scenes that make a movie and I won't forget during my entire life. So thank you Robin Williams. You touched alot of people.

If you cried during that scene it's acceptable if you are a 10 year old girl, otherwise you are a fag.
Don't get too excited about Spin and Billboard's writers.....don't over react to Morrissey's missive's from the bunker.

You read his book, you know how he feels about forgotten celluloid heroes like James Dean and Kirk Douglas.

Morrissey has more in common with Robin Williams than he's willing to admit...I'm sure. Just listen to "Asleep"....

Of course Morrissey's neurotic...but he's got his art, and you love it. Compared to what Henry Rollins said, this is nothing,... and I mean nothing.....

We're not discussing Henry Rollins. Separate thread. Morrissey isn't neurotic, it's a sham. He's a careerist workaholic who sacrificed his options for personal happiness to become a 'star' and has failed in that life-project. Compared to Robin Williams, he is nothing...and I mean nothing.

I didn't get 'excited' about any journalists & I haven't over-reacted to Morrissey's absurd ravings from his 'bunker'. Unless you think laughing at his latest implosion an excited over-reaction. Morrissey is, once again, a figure of comic ridicule, despite having released the best music he's ever collaborated on with his lyrics & vocals. If he'd just released the music and let it speak for itself he'd now be slowly re-building his status & credibility. For some subconscious reason, he appears to have decided to return to his Stand-Up phase. Unfortunately, he's completely rubbish at comedy improvisation as these bizarre screeds on TTY show.

Unlike Robin Williams, of course, who would have reduced Wilde to swoons of admiration & hero worship as soon as he quipped back at Oscar's aphorisms. Morrissey is an intellectual & aesthetic fraud. It's very sad, but he's signed his own career death warrant once too often. Therefore I now issue a formal Fatwa to cast him into darkness with all the other eejits. This time, I won't be rescinding it.

best wishes
We're not discussing Henry Rollins. Separate thread. Morrissey isn't neurotic, it's a sham. He's a careerist workaholic who sacrificed his options for personal happiness to become a 'star' and has failed in that life-project. Compared to Robin Williams, he is nothing...and I mean nothing.

I didn't get 'excited' about any journalists & I haven't over-reacted to Morrissey's absurd ravings from his 'bunker'. Unless you think laughing at his latest implosion an excited over-reaction. Morrissey is, once again, a figure of comic ridicule, despite having released the best music he's ever collaborated on with his lyrics & vocals. If he'd just released the music and let it speak for itself he'd now be slowly re-building his status & credibility. For some subconscious reason, he appears to have decided to return to his Stand-Up phase. Unfortunately, he's completely rubbish at comedy improvisation as these bizarre screeds on TTY show.

Unlike Robin Williams, of course, who would have reduced Wilde to swoons of admiration & hero worship as soon as he quipped back at Oscar's aphorisms. Morrissey is an intellectual & aesthetic fraud. It's very sad, but he's signed his own career death warrant once too often. Therefore I now issue a formal Fatwa to cast him into darkness with all the other eejits. This time, I won't be rescinding it.

best wishes

Will you please consider boycotting this site. Thanks.
Keeping in character, what Morrissey should have said about Robin Williams (while subtlety endorsing suicide to boot):
I did not know Robin on a personal level. This week he is dead. I can only hope, for Robin, that death yields the profit of rest, and somehow provides him with a listener. We all weary of living in the same skin day after day, in a world where only the blandly trivial are allowed to be heard, but there is nothing wrong with taking your destiny into your own hands, just as there is nothing wrong in understanding what is meant for you and what isn't. We are plonked into life without ever choosing to be, and we are despised if we fail to find a paralyzed spot in which to keep still and shut up. Robin was a man action, who now knows the soul of the world.

Meanwhile, on today's AOL News Page, headlines tell us that Richard Attenborough died. The constitutional frigidity of a media world now openly obsessed with zombies and morons.​

Morrissey should either kill himself or accept that continuing to use Suicide Chic as a prop to hold up his late-stage career implosion is tasteless at the least & irresponsible at worst if it gives some of his delusional 'fans' the idea that they should take heed of the dribbling drivel of a C list celebrity obsessed failure living in 5* luxury seriously, or give it any credence whatsoever during any existential crisis. Having such a crisis is commonplace, as is recovery, but it can be derailed by ghouls posturing as 'radical' by espousing the benefits of taking one's own life whilst touring South America till collapse then taking a private plane back to a private doctor rather than let Death move from one's elbow to one's arse via food poisoning.

I'm not aware of Morrissey supporting any Mental Health campaigns, unlike Stephen Fry and the other usual suspects. There's nothing edgy about Morrissey singing "Asleep", it's just Radical Chic. The irony of this twit singing it at an upmarket Swiss Supper Club to tables of Boomers waiting for their date with Dignitas is priceless. He's now a figure of total ridicule, but this time there's no way back. Robin Williams was/is/always will be a genuine cultural Icon & Legend. Which Morrissey will never be, no matter what other scams he has in store along the lines of trashing the Penguin Classic & Harvest imprints.

I hereby declare him anathema & that any label that signs him will be similarly cast into shade....write down every word I say.....

[the Pope Of Pop, Rock& Country'n'Irish]
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I wish he'd understand that he's endorsing the morals of the 60-85 demographic who don't have buying power and chastising the generation's cultural icons who do. You know that feeling when one of your fave musicians says they like another musician you like and you get all warm and fuzzy about it and want to continue to align with them since you have common interests? Morrissey doesn't play that angle and he could so easily. Some things he should keep to himself, if he really hates all movie stars today he should keep that to himself becuase it isn't going to help album sales. Do we love him becuase he's outspoken? Yes. Do we often go 'Ohhhh mozzer. There you go again." Yes. But when he's wondering where the sales are he should turn to the retirement communuty he's aligned himself with and ask why they haven't asked their great grandkids to download his mp3 for them.

I'm under the impression he doesn't hate today's stars, he's just stuck in a "And the good ol' days..." shaking his fist rant which has a time and a place, preferably not directed at your target audience with loads of iTunes credit just waiting to blow it on something.

There's no problem with his Art. His latest work is his best, in my Not So Humble Opinion. But he precludes and prevents any meaningful interaction with his Art by his vapid and offensive musings on topics he clearly has no idea about. He made the same humungous errors of judgement about Michael Jackson. In some mid-brain, it would appear that Morrissey seriously imagines he's as talented as Robin Williams or MJ and that there's been some 'conspiracy' to rob him of genuine stardom that will last beyond his death, rather than face the fact that his entire Civil Service length career has been a plodding evasion of his initial promise. He has f***ed it up good and proper this time.

Anybody with an overview of modern art knows that dissing Robin is absurd, that he's jealous of the fact that Robin is now tragically enshrined as an unassailable Pop Idol-totem of modern culture for all the wrong reasons. And all the right reasons, given his artistic legacy.

It was the same with Cobain and Jeff Buckley. At some stage Morrissey will no doubt 'discover' Led Zeppelin, but not before they die, of course. His tiresome endorsement of deceased film, music, literary & sports stars is just part of his inability to engage with life itself, preferring to observe it from the safety of a goon-patrolled stage or a luxury hotel suite. Why on earth would anybody with a life care about such a casualty? There are more important things in life.

However, it's entirely acceptable & appropriate to now endlessly & cruelly mock his failures just as he has done with Robin Williams. I can't think of a more amusing sport and pastime when I have nothing better to do. He will come to realise that you do not mock the dead without blowback. You do not traipse around as a Suicide-Chic trollop for 30 years whilst rushing to the nearest private doctor each time you have an arse-leak from being a Tour Bus Corporate Rock Prison Bitch' yet expect to escape the wrath of the Robin Williams Appreciation Society in both Hollywood and the music industry. "Dead Poet's Society". There's more drama & beauty in that film alone than in the entire works of the pseud Morrissey. And you can bet that he knows it.

Otoya. Banda. Robin Williams. Torch this fake pseud. Gas his career. Get off of the Corporate Rock Whore Enormodome 02 Stage. Actually don't do that, step onto it with your cheapo stage show so we can all LOL at the performing seal panto one more time. And know that if your death co-incides with that of a genuine 'star' you will not be missed or mourned other than by the co-dependent patholigical denizens of the List, the 'fans' who reflect back to you your absurd fantasy that you made it as a 'star'. You didn't. If you could ever watch one of your shows from the vantage points beyond the first few rows you'd see you're just part of the Bread & Circus that is the Distraction Industry of Pop. The fact that you throw hipster, Outsider Art references around like confetti means nothing. You will always be a bystander, bitterly resenting the love affair and wedding that takes place between a genuine Artist like Robin Williams and his Audience. A marriage which lasts Till Death Do Us Part. And on into Eternity....

[RIP Robin]
Will you please consider boycotting this site. Thanks.

Why would I do that when I can debunk Fame so effortlessly by using The Pseud Morrissey as Example A & his ridiculous 'Fans' as Example B?

with every good wish
[& a promise to thoroughly punish those who diss the dead whilst posturing as "suicidalist"]

his statement about the importance of icons of the past reveal his own fear of becoming irrelevant.

His fear is well-founded. He is irrelevant. And ridiculous. An object of derision and it's all his own doing.
So, on with the Morrissey Stand-Up Show: the worst career car-crash ever?

Nails On Blackboard is the Sound of Grumpy Old Man Morrissey

Richard Attenborough drops dead and Moz's tears shampoo his...ears? OK, enough of bad poetry. The slight dig at Robin is really kind of annoying. If anyone understands death/suicide-debilitating depression, it should be Moz. I recall Moz taking a dig at Ian Curtis too in interviews in the 80s. The late Tony Wilson said Moz was just jealous that Ian did it before Moz could, which bears some truth.

Morrissey also stated that he was 'jealous' of Cobain. Any doubts about this pseud are now laid to rest alongside his pathetic attempt to cast shade on Robin Williams. He is a klutz and always was, it just took this long for the final damning evidence to emerge. But hey! Let's have some fun mocking him as he waddles into oblivion via the O2 Arena stage and a chicken-supper candlelit dinner'n'dance retirement entertainment club for the Swiss. Can somebody start a Dignitas Kickstarter campaign for Morrissey to put him out of his misery. And us! LOLOLOLOL!

If you cried during that scene it's acceptable if you are a 10 year old girl, otherwise you are a fag.

I'm a fag. Want a shag? Unlike Morrissey, who's 'humasexual'.... can't have 'gay' on the American press promo blurb for AutoBiography, can we? And he's a Radical Artist? Don't make me laugh more than I have done as my sides may split open.

I'm a fag. Want a shag? Unlike Morrissey, who's 'humasexual'.... can't have 'gay' on the American press promo blurb for AutoBiography, can we? And he's a Radical Artist? Don't make me laugh more than I have done as my sides may split open.


If you cried than you have the option of being a 10 year old girl or a fag. Should I remind you it is a MOVIE, therefore not real. So you cried to nonsense.

You are a pathetic piece of poop who has nothing better to do than criticize Morrissey. You are a jealous c*** and probably envy Morrissey.

You hate Morrissey soooo much you are willing to follow his day to day activity. You are pathetic.
If you cried than you have the option of being a 10 year old girl or a fag. Should I remind you it is a MOVIE, therefore not real. So you cried to nonsense.

You are a pathetic piece of poop who has nothing better to do than criticize Morrissey. You are a jealous c*** and probably envy Morrissey.

You hate Morrissey soooo much you are willing to follow his day to day activity. You are pathetic.

Wow! That's a cutting riposte...NOT! Join the rest of the Morrissey Fan Bitches who have felt the steel of my sword at their necks. Loser.

Yes, as I begin a day's trading, socialising, exercising and a hectic sex schedule, my only thought is that I'm 'jealous' of Morrissey. I think you'll find he's boiling with rage and jealously at folk like me who saw through the scam in 1983.

best wishes
[LOLing at the Cult Fans]
Wow! That's a cutting riposte...NOT! Join the rest of the Morrissey Fan Bitches who have felt the steel of my sword at their necks. Loser.

Yes, as I begin a day's trading, socialising, exercising and a hectic sex schedule, my only thought is that I'm 'jealous' of Morrissey. I think you'll find he's boiling with rage and jealously at folk like me who saw through the scam in 1983.

best wishes
[LOLing at the Cult Fans]

You are obviously a pathetic loser living in your parents basement. The hectic sex you are referring to is your dad coming down every night for his nightly ass f***ing.

You take pleasure in trolling because you are most likely over weight 40 year old who has never had any woman show interest in you and you don't have any social life, therefore your life is consumed my inciting people on sites.

I assure you as my words are pure, in person you would NEVER speak to me like this because I would smash your pathetic fat ass.

I would tell you to go hang yourself, but your so emotionally unstable you probably would. So instead go stuff your face with more Oreo cookies, try to keep the crumbs from sliding into your fat rolls.

You pathetic c***!
If you cried during that scene it's acceptable if you are a 10 year old girl, otherwise you are a fag.

I cry my eyes out every time I see that scene.
But I am a fag.
You mean you're not a fag!?
Why are you listening to Morrissey, doll???
Well done mate. You've just stepped up to level "I'm a dick".

Dicks are very useful and delightful organs. He's a hemmhroid.
"Dead Poet's Society". There's more drama & beauty in that film alone than in the entire works of the pseud Morrissey. And you can bet that he knows it.

Oh, f*** off! "Dead Poets Society" is nothing but a silly, pseudo-literary and false male weepie.

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