Singers whose voices get worse over time...

aled jones- hes not walking in the air anymore is he? since his plums went south.
I guess you wanted to say Mozzer's voice has gotten worse with age in your post without having to say it by letting other people bring it up. Morrissey's voice has gotten worse with age? What a crock. It definitely sounds different today I'll give you that at least but your comment that it used to sound warmer is bogus. Yes ok that was a bit harsh but when my BS meter twigs I need to respond wholeheartedly :)
tim armstrong from rancid's voice is awful at this point. he could barely hold a tune when he was in operation ivy but at this point it's lost any semblance of clarity and has been reduced to raspy slurring.

halford sure as shit can't hit the high notes anymore.

patrick costello from dillinger four's voice is completely shot at this point as well, so i guess it's a good thing he sings on fewer tracks on more recent albums than in the past.

blake schwarzenbach's voice is an interesting case; it started off terribly gutteral and raspy, then he underwent throat surgery and eventually developed this great warm smoky tone on the last jawbreaker album and all three jets to brazil records. he hits more than a few bum notes on his newest band's release, and i feel like he is straining his voice here and there.

i can't stand the way tom gabel from against me! sings these days. i mean, i understand that he couldn't keep on screaming until he coughed up blood every night forever, but his new found "singing voice" is pretty irritating.

every time i see the world/inferno friendship society, jack terricloth cracks his voice whenever they do material from 2005 and before. their newest material isn't up to par with what they've done in the past but at least he's writing songs in his vocal range now.

stza from leftover crack/choking victim/star f***ing hipsters used to have a really good clean singing voice, but all the screaming eventually caught up with him and now his voice (singing and speaking) is shot to hell.

alison mosshart from the dead weather has a nice enough voice in that band and in the kills but i miss the way she used to sing with her first band, discount, who are one of the most criminally underappreciated pop punk bands of all time.

i think mozzer's voice has aged surprisingly well. on one hand, he can't hit the old notes, but on the other hand, his voice has much more discipline solo than it did back in the smiths days.

i may take a bunch of shit for saying this (hell, for even liking this band) but jordan from new found glory's balls seem to have finally dropped. i urge all skeptics to listen to their newest album "not without a fight." you will be pleasantly surprised.
Siouxsie Sioux. I'm a big fan of hers but her voice has just died in the last ten years. She has had throat problems and operations and was once told she'd never be able to sing again.
Paul Mccartneys voice IMO was one of the best and most varied in music up until about 78.......its shot now, and as been for years .

Paul Wellers is changing , but still ok. Hopefully packing in smoking and drinking will give him a few more years.

I still rate Morrisseys voice , and i saw Paul Heaton last night for the first time since the early 90s.......he was in great voice :cool:
I guess you wanted to say Mozzer's voice has gotten worse with age in your post without having to say it by letting other people bring it up. Morrissey's voice has gotten worse with age? What a crock. It definitely sounds different today I'll give you that at least but your comment that it used to sound warmer is bogus. Yes ok that was a bit harsh but when my BS meter twigs I need to respond wholeheartedly :)

this is an ancient thread. I posted a similar one specifically about Morrissey's voice around the same time in 'general'.
I'm not afraid to criticise Moz so that assumption is a bit ridiculous.
this one was inspired by hearing other singers (that I mentioned at start of thread) and how their singing voices had changed.
best way to compare Morrissey's voice is to listen to him sing the same song live 20-25 years apart on the youtube.
for example, compare his 1986 rendition of 'The Boy With The Thorn' with his 2008 version.
Thom Yorke & Chris Martin have both got pretty nice low range vocal but somewhere along the line decided to abandon them for falsetto or in Thom's case, mumbling.
this is an ancient thread. I posted a similar one specifically about Morrissey's voice around the same time in 'general'.
I'm not afraid to criticise Moz so that assumption is a bit ridiculous.
this one was inspired by hearing other singers (that I mentioned at start of thread) and how their singing voices had changed.
best way to compare Morrissey's voice is to listen to him sing the same song live 20-25 years apart on the youtube.
for example, compare his 1986 rendition of 'The Boy With The Thorn' with his 2008 version.

Fair enough but I still think it's BS. His voice sounds older, not worse. Has his voice stopped you buying his albums as his voice has "deteriorated"? You propsed youtube won't work either because there are plenty of very early live clips of Moz singing songs that he's only just releaed that sound atrocious.
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Brett Anderson from, where did your voice go before Suede "A New Morning"? the South London David Bowie twang and all high pitched notes were gone!!!
Boy George....feck me! why are you still singing? it died years ago!!! :head-smack:
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Brett Anderson from, where did your voice go before Suede "A New Morning"? the South London David Bowie twang and all high pitched notes were gone!!!
Boy George....feck me! why are you still singing? it died years ago!!! :head-smack:

saw suede live and brett sounds amazing now! it's unbelievable really. full recovery. he chooses to sing differently -he's talked about how he used to oversing before and after seeing a bunch of old suede vids, i think i agree.

ian sounded ok. i couldn't really get into the music when i saw them, dunno why.

jarvis' voice is worse? what? jarvis has never had much of a voice.
I've noticed Neil Young as the old man "Cash" death drawl coming through on his new album. Still he's ancient.
The only way some of these people can carry on performing with any credibility is by taking a Frank Zappa-esque "revue show MC" role in which they only sing the few bits and pieces they can comfortably carry off - and otherwise delegate lead vocals among an assortment of younger and (vocally) fitter bandmates. The bottom line being that they're ensuring that their reputation-making compositions can still be performed, so they're not "ripping anyone off".

Others - Siouxsie specifically - ought to either do the Scott Walker thing and start composing atonal music in which their rapid loss of pitch-accuracy isn't really an issue, or feck off out of it!
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