The Drivel Thread

I went to the art supplies store today, and picked up the two prints I ordered, of Moz With Manson, and they turned out beautifully. I framed one of them, so I have the original, and the print of it, both hanging on my walls. I like the painting very much. I boarded the wrong bus coming home, and had to walk a bit through the downtown east side to get back to the bus route I meant to be on, carrying the framed print, and I passed by many homeless people sprawled out on the concrete. I can’t imagine being in that situation. My lungs still scare me sometimes. I’ll be making an appointment with my doctor in about a week, to get another chest X-ray, and take it from there. I have other niggling concerns about my physical health that I won’t get into now, but my mental health has been good for quite some time, ever since I heard Morrissey sing my name, and then saw him (in hindsight 9 days later) on a bench outside a market, and I think it’s only getting better with time, for now anyway. I miss you Morrissey. I want your presence. I’ll be painting portraits of you, because they’re as close as I can get to touching you. God I sound sappy, when I read this back to myself. Morrissey we need to have a fight, so I can get mad at you and spice these drivel entries up with expletives lashing out at you, because I sound so sucky, at least to myself. Come over here. Let’s fight. I’m sure it would be fun, with you. Oh but it would be terrible if you upped and left. Eventually I guess you would, for one reason or another, you’d have to go. Give me something to hold onto. Memory of touching you, and a stupid photo for my psychiatrist so that if I blurt out that I was with you, he won’t chuck me into the loony bin on increased medication. Eugh!

This is the framed print of Morrissey With Shirley Manson.
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then she must be disappointed :(:p

In this cohort study among 21 469 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, higher diet quality based on adherence to either a Mediterranean or Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010 diet, which emphasize the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and fish or other sources of long-chain (n-3) fats, as well as avoidance of red and processed meats, was found to be associated with a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction.


These findings suggest that a healthy dietary pattern may play a role in maintaining erectile function in men’

‘Conclusion: In a well characterized national database, we showed that a healthful plant-based diet is associated with less chance of having erectile dysfunction’

Go vegan, dudes ! :p


‘57 per cent vegetarians said they make love three-four times a week as compared to 49 per cent meat-eaters who enjoyed the action between the sheets only one-two times a week. More vegetarians (84 per cent) reported that they were satisfied with their sex lives as compared to non-vegetarians (59 per cent).’
That's why he keeps it in his pants, I guess! There is a feeling about the picture as if he has just made her promise not to laugh before they both nervously look down at it.
I went back to the art supplies store to frame the second print of Morrissey With Shirley Manson, this time in a grey frame. I prefer the grey, to the black or beige, it turns out. The woman who does the framing the best was there today and I like working with her so very much. She's a pro.
Poor audrey, he must be so virile what with his bald head and his veganism. He should try adding meat to his diet, then maybe he wouldn't be so lustful.

That might be one way to actually cure it, nicky wire’s legs. Now we know why Morrissey has explosive kegs between his legs. But still, the curbing of someone’s lusts cannot justify the torture and slaughter of an innocent animal any more than the gratification of their tastebuds can. I’ll have to wait for lab-grown meat.
I bought some ink today, two bottles. One is perfection. It’s richly pigmented, and well lubricated. The other, has been tampered with. It’s almost like writing with a pencil, it’s so faint and scratchy. Someone I guess, is so bitterly poor that they siphon ink from a bottle, and then top it up with water. I don’t think that happened in the store. Probably the company that made the ink in Germany. Who knows. But this ink is ridiculous and I’m taking it back to the store. This happened to me once before, when I ordered ink online. I didn’t bother sending it back. I just never did business with that shop again. It’s astonishing what some people will do, to save a few pennies. I remember times when I had to literally count up my pennies, but I never did stoop to siphoning anything from anyone. I can’t imagine doing that. That would be a low.
I used to shoplift, when I was a kid though, and once in my early twenties when I needed a few things and was so lonely, I didn’t care if I got caught, and I did get caught, with $7 worth of merchandise from a pharmacy.
There was someone in a wheelchair on the sidewalk, with fabric over their head, creating a little tent, that I saw through the bus window. I imagine that person wished someone would just put them out of their misery.
If he's a bottom then it wouldn't matter if he had erectile dysfunction though would it? Do you think he's s top or a bottom? Can you tell by looking?

Forgive my innocence, but how strict are these designations? Is someone really only ever one or the other? I was reading some of Verlaine's homoerotic poetry recently and it seems like the French men of his time at least, heartily switched it up. Paul Verlaine: bald, but not vegetarian. Definitely hormonal.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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