The Drivel Thread

I notice in this selfish selfie I just took, that my eyes are looking like they did in a photo of me as a baby. I'm pleased. " I was a good kid. Through hail and snow, I'd go, just to moon ya."
Some painting of Morrissey In Grantley Hall. Unexpectedly, my right lung hasn't been hurting today.
My right lung bothered me some today, but I had a pretty good walk, and then threw the ball for my neighbour's dog for a good while, giving Morrissey sticky notes to people who seemed open and unrushed.
The way I feel right now, I don’t think I could be very good company to you Morrissey. The sensation in my chest is similar to anxiety, but it’s the mold infection deepening in my right lung, and it’s not conducive to feeling romantic. If you knocked on my door right now, I would gladly invite you in, but my passion would only be to usher you along to find someone else, because I’m done for. My body is a mess, my personality is affected by this, my mood, I mean. I don’t even know if I will bother to paint tonight, with the discomfort in my chest making me feel like I’m being punished for something I’m doing wrong, as if it were really just anxiety and the right attitude could alleviate it. If I could have you with me right now, I would want to have my end of life discussion with you, to tell you how I love you and want you to be with someone who is intact and can be responsive to you, as I can’t right now, and as time unravels, it gradually gets worse, in stops and starts. I might have a somewhat good day like I did recently after that horrible Sunday when I thought I might choke on my vomit while taking a bath, but the good days are getting less so, and less frequent, and right now, it feels like it’s time to say goodbye. I wouldn’t say no to seeing you and spending as good a quality of time together that we could muster up, so don’t get me wrong. I’m not pushing you away, but rather preparing you for what I feel is surely coming for me. Loads of discomfort and an inability to feel entranced due to the nature of that type of discomfort. I feel like I’m being tortured a little, inside my chest, and it makes me grumpy, not inspired, to paint, or to lie down with you. I can still feel love of you, but it’s, at the moment, a chaste desire to see you through to coming to terms with me being eaten alive by a mold infection that began in my right lung and will deepen and spread to other organs, including my brain. If you catch me on a good day, and if I can, I will be responsive to you, tempered by knowing I’m not of sound physical health, but if you catch me on the more and more frequent somewhat shitty days, it will be a farewell visit. You’re welcome to visit me as often as you like, in life and in death if I get a graveyard plot (I doubt I will.), but I want you to know that I don’t feel possessive of you and that I really love you and want you to be happy. Know that I really love you, though on a bad day, I can’t feel it, never mind express it. Right now I wouldn’t call it a bad day. Just, at the moment, there is some nagging and distracting discomfort in my chest, though I may try to paint despite it in an hour or two. I wish I could just ingest something to make the discomfort stop, like eating to satiate hunger or drinking to alleviate thirst, but a mold infection of the lung is a terrible thing. My doctor did say she would brainstorm to try to find a way to get me help to get on antifungal medication, but I know that even if I get on it, it ultimately won’t save me. I don’t know how effective it would be, and what side effects there would be, but I do know there is no cure. I’m beginning to feel better. I hope to enjoy painting tonight, and I hope to say goodbye in person, and it would be good to feel your touch at any rate, especially if I’m experiencing a good day, even while knowing I’m doomed. I wish I could stick around and feel relaxed and see and hear and feel you as you continue to mature. I would love to, but it’s not to be, unless a miracle happens. I really don’t think it will, in terms of me beating the mold infection, which I can’t even prove I have, never mind get treatment for it…and treatment won’t save my life. 5 years is the prognosis from what I understand, or I mean, the life expectancy, on antifungal medication. My passport is expired, so going the US for treatment on my dime is not possible, and I’m afraid of travelling on my own anyway. I don’t feel up to going through applying for another passport right now. If you come for me, and urge me to update my passport and go to the US for treatment, I’ll do it, if I can. The trolls will be all over this. Open the floodgates.
The trolls will be all over this. Open the floodgates.

LH, you really need to stop this and stop looking for negative attention, you are much more interesting when you are not acting like this
The trolls will be all over this. Open the floodgates.

LH, you really need to stop this and stop looking for negative attention, you are much more interesting when you are not acting like this
I think Morrissey peruses here, and I want him to know how I feel, so I wrote how I felt.
This is where you'd be painting if I could get you to paint with me. It's my guest table.

Allah is great, you know it's true
And soon the world will know it, too.
Each earthly thing must meet its end
And into Jahannam, the West we send.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is nuts
And Douglas Murray, we hate his guts.
Jordan Peterson is a phony
Nick Cave's a dork (Bony Moronie).

Unless they come to see the truth,
We must fight them, nail and tooth.
They may have their dumb UnHerd
But we have Allah's glorious word.

So as your world goes down in flames
Meditate on the ninety-nine names.
Perhaps you'll see Allah is One
And not a god who had a son.

Say "there is no god but God."
And Carlislebaz, you're rather odd.
Don't you burn that Holy Qur'an
Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron.
This was 🔥🔥🔥 and WASTED on this thread
My right lung is feeling plagued this morning, but all in all I’m in a positive mood, enjoyed writing morning pages, and look forward to painting and definitely cleaning my floor of dust bunnies and grime today, unless interrupted by Morrissey putting his arms around me. Though my lung feels sick, I’m not currently in pain, and feel quite capable of doing what I want to, within physical possibility. I mean, I know I’m not ever going to achieve the vaginal orgasm I strove for when I had a strong libido, and never got, except from my own elbow grease, alone. But maybe I can help to point the way for Morrissey to give some lucky woman at least one, if he hasn’t already. Everybody seems to believe that they know what a vaginal orgasm is, but I have never met anyone who has convinced me that they know what they’re talking about. Not Dr. Ruth, not anyone. At best, it gets confused with a clitoral orgasm, which sends the vagina into spasm but isn’t the same phenomena. A clitoral orgasm doesn’t make the hearing change to as if it were under water, for instance. I forget what other distinctions there were, when I gave myself vaginal orgasm, and I feel shy about divulging them on top of it, here, now, alone, without Morrissey to help draw out the memories of the details, such as the vaginal walls closing in like car crash air bags as it gets close to occurring. That’s all I can remember for now. I guess there are no more details, except that it feels like the ultimate in loving gestures, imagining that a man has passionately delivered me into that state of feeling totally loved and validated. Oh yes, I remember that the closer it would get, the deeper and rounder the deepest recess in my vagina would get. It would open up, while the canal squeezes in on what should have been a penis, but was my finger or fingers, I forget if it was one finger or two. It was decades ago I was able to do this, and for me it took much work physically, athletically even, something that a penis could slowly and very easily do, gently I might add. Delicately, even Steven.
"I know I'm unlovable. You don't have to tell me. I don't have much in my life, but take it, it's yours. I don't have much on my mind, but take it, it's yours."
What do you have against my vaginal orgasm post Sam? Is it haram to you?

Maybe you didn’t read it , but there was some other thread recently where I mentioned my puritan instincts and my loathing of sex positivity. Sorry, I don’t think your vagina or your orgasms are something you should make public posts about. Decorum—please.

I’m not sure where the line is though. If you had said, “Morrissey, I find you irresistible and I want you in my bed,” that would’ve been okay. But “Morrissey [implied], here is information about my vagina” is, yes, completely haram in my book. Let Morrissey be your model. He has not, so far as I know, talked openly about his preferences regarding the manipulation of his penis.
Maybe you didn’t read it , but there was some other thread recently where I mentioned my puritan instincts and my loathing of sex positivity. Sorry, I don’t think your vagina or your orgasms are something you should make public posts about. Decorum—please.

I’m not sure where the line is though. If you had said, “Morrissey, I find you irresistible and I want you in my bed,” that would’ve been okay. But “Morrissey [implied], here is information about my vagina” is, yes, completely haram in my book. Let Morrissey be your model. He has not, so far as I know, talked openly about his preferences regarding the manipulation of his penis.
Life is short, and I want Morrissey to understand my womanhood as it was 20 years ago, before I’m no more.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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