Morrissey Central "To Be Right But Not To Be Believed" (April 25, 2020)

New Message from Moz:

"During this fascinating period of Big Brother conformism … otherwise known as Kung Flu, a lot of people have adopted Everyday Is Like Sunday as the summing-up of our times. I like all of the clips, but this one particularly :

The constant question I hear is 'why don't the label re-issue the song?', and of course, you might as well ask me why the universe is made up of matter but not antimatter. In fact, THAT question is easier to answer."

-Morrissey, 25 April, in the year 2525.
That’s exactly the kind of cheap publicity stunt Moz would never even consider. Horrible.

I can't help but agree with this.
Damned if he does; damned if he doesn't.
It's a baited trap ready to be sprung.
He hasn't said anyone should defy the lockdown - he just said it's fascinating.
Come on now. He called it "big brother conformism". Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government. Everything Moz says is barbed with insults and snide put downs. Without the humour of old.
Unfortunately, the dark soul you’re communicating with is a super-spreader of muck.

Yes, I see that, sadly.
The silence from skinny is deafening however, so it appears to be down to 2nd Lieutenant level today.
Come on now. He called it "big brother conformism". Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government. Everything Moz says is barbed with insults and snide put downs. Without the humour of old.

So do you think he's self-promoting by the Central post?
I don't see it personally, but ymmv?
Come on now. He called it "big brother conformism". Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government. Everything Moz says is barbed with insults and snide put downs. Without the humour of old.

'Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government.' Yep.
Come on now. He called it "big brother conformism". Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government. Everything Moz says is barbed with insults and snide put downs. Without the humour of old.

He is being camp, albeit more bitter & we are being manipulated, even if lockdown is the best option: the wartime rhetoric. The Queen on a billboard. The old soldier getting in the charts. The police checking shopping. The daily briefings with the simple instructive slogans... it is like a 1970s dystopian sci-fi.
He is being camp, albeit more bitter & we are being manipulated, even if lockdown is the best option: the wartime rhetoric. The Queen on a billboard. The old soldier getting in the charts. The police checking shopping. The daily briefings with the simple instructive slogans... it is like a 1970s dystopian sci-fi.

"Stay Home, Post on Solo, Save Lives"...yep I saw that one.
Because he's trying to use a pandemic to promote himself like he tried to do with Paris after the terrorist attack.
His malady is vanity. He takes it to a whole new level. Nothing will ever be enough.

Like the "me me me" Agent Smith in The Matrix, he wants world Moz domination.

Come on now. He called it "big brother conformism". Obviously he is implying that we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by an authoritarian government. Everything Moz says is barbed with insults and snide put downs. Without the humour of old.
“ ... you might as well ask me why the universe is made up of matter but not antimatter. In fact, THAT question is easier to answer." Funny.

Your funny bones have osteoarthritis Acton. No wonder you’re anxious.

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