TTY: Sydney book signing at Books Kinokuniya (May 22, 2015 5 pm)

Haha probably. There were surprisingly fewer people there than I anticipated!
happy for you ryan. hope he does play it as its a very good song
Oh my god that was f***ing mental. I don't know long this stupid grin on my face is going to last but I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can!
Oh my god that was f***ing mental. I don't know long this stupid grin on my face is going to last but I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can!

What did you say to him/ask him?
I feel your pain Louise. Morrissey would you let me?
I jus cant see moz as a bottom sorry

No trust me morrissey is a bottom. :brows: He just need someone to show him it. Either way. Just a great big slap, a pulling of his hair and licking a martini of his shivering body in a gayclub is all that i need. Forever with anyone. Also to see him shave, just once

Sry for the off topic pervyness..... I'll stop now.
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No trust me morrissey is a bottom. :brows: He just need someone to show him it. Either way. Just a great big slap, a pulling of his hair and licking a martini of his shivering body in a gayclub is all that i need. Forever with anyone. Also to see him shave, just once

Sry for the off topic pervyness..... I'll stop now.

well I will say bottoms are usually the stronger of the two in terms of will. he just seems to enjoy control though he also may enjoy the release in private. ill stop myself now to I guess. I love sex and don't find any of it perverted
I'm just glad he has three days off now...two days? Anyway, a few days to go find a Quokka.

I'm just glad he has three days off now...two days? Anyway, a few days to go find a Quokka.


Yep! Three days (and a bit if you count Tuesday before the show).
wonder how different the setlists will be for the four day shows
I hope a radically different set for each one really.
play hand in glove while youre at it. anyone else have any signing stories to spill. would love to hear about interactions

My interaction with Moz (or how my flustered memory recalls it)! I was shaking as a result of nerves and excitement. I sort of knew what I wanted to say, but when I got up there I was speechless.....naturally. He greeted me with a hello, and after a brief silence which felt like hours I said something along the lines of "Hey Morrissey, I don't know what else to say to you other than thank you. You're words have had a profound impact on my life", to which he replied "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, noooooo, thank YOU!". He then asked me if I was from Sydney and if I was coming to one of his shows, as he signed my book. I told him I flew up from Melbourne today and that I was flying back up to Sydney on Tuesday for the show. He let out a somewhat high pitched "ooooooooooh excellent". He then said a couple of other things which, in hindsight, are a blur as I was focussing more on not accidentally tearing his hand off as I was shaking it. I thanked him again and he gave me my book and I stumbled off, still trembling, and with an abnormally large grin on my face which I can't seem to wipe off even now, 24 hours later.
Ok this is how it went.

Me: No need to be nervous. It's only me.

Moz: (laughs) Okay.

Me: Hi Morrissey, I'm Adam.

We shake hands.

Moz: (smiles) Hello Adam.

He starts writing my name in my book. I just start babbling...

Me: I think Istanbul is one of the most beautiful songs you've written in....(I was stumped for words here so there was a very long pause)

Moz: (smiles) In a year?

Me: No, no, no, in like many, many years. I just love it so much. It's just so beautiful.

Moz: Well I think so too.

Me: I can listen to it over and over again. I have it on loop constantly.

I dunno he may have replied to that but I was too happy to notice.

Me: Anyway thank you for coming to Australia again, thank you for playing these shows at the Opera House. I'm going twice.

Then i said...

Me: Can I give you a birthday hug Morrissey?

The bald dude said we're not doing hugs. But Morrissey bless him was already standing with arms open wide and I just jumped in for a hug that almost has me in tears now just typing it out for this message.

Me: (while hugging) Thank you Morrissey.

Mo: (while hugging) Thank you Adam.

Or he may have said "That's okay Adam", not 100% certain. Morrissey was nothing but charm, warmth and genuine. I watched most of the signings and meetings afterwards and at no point was he tired of meeting the fans.

The longest video has a decent bit of Moz but the other 2 were shut down by security.


I'll post videos a bit later.
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