Morrissey Central "VEGAN RESTAURANT, MEXICO CITY" (August 8, 2022)


(Source appears to be via Tobias' IG story).
Well, it's fun for him to know that a sandwich is named after him, it's a compliment, it's like a caress for his soul Moz deserves things. It won't be the post, but at least it's upbeat and fun. In Mexico they idolize him and want to embalm Moz!!!. Igualmemte is very spicy, maybe that's why the sandwich is called Morrissey?; is for resistant stomachs and contraindicated for those who have pathologies that cause heartburn, so eye Moz podes very occasionally!!
Nor is it for those who have intolerance to garlic, like me, and neither for a date nor to be with someone you do not know much, garlic and onion breath is one of the worst things invented!!!:flamethrow:
Well, it's fun for him to know that a sandwich is named after him, it's a compliment, it's like a caress for his soul Moz deserves things. It won't be the post, but at least it's upbeat and fun. In Mexico they idolize him and want to embalm Moz!!!. Igualmemte is very spicy, maybe that's why the sandwich is called Morrissey?; is for resistant stomachs and contraindicated for those who have pathologies that cause heartburn, so eye Moz podes very occasionally!!
Nor is it for those who have intolerance to garlic, like me, and neither for a date nor to be with someone you do not know much, garlic and onion breath is one of the worst things invented!!!:flamethrow:
AY CARAMBA, if that shitty sandwich was like a caress for Mozzy’s deserving soul, what would potato taco tuesdays be like, get real!

Also no embalming, loca!!
!!! unicellular!!!!! only such an entity can respond like this. :lbf:
AY CARAMBA, si ese bocadillo de mierda fuera como una caricia para el alma merecedora de Mozzy, que tal serían los martes de tacos de papa, seamos realistas!

Tampoco embalsamar, loca!!
no se dice caramba se dice Carajo,mierda carajo!!!!
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