Warning. You Might Not Want to Accept PM's from NRITH

i missed this post! you never cease to impress me, nugz. :p

thank you thank you!


i think yesterday was about 10 hours on and off. my record is 13. ;)
If Dave feels violated or whatever, then he has the right to speak up.
EOH told Dave some personal stuff in the past and it's never come out, so Dave has earned EOH's trust.

BTW- EOH recently became friendly with a guy who's done some online stalking at another site, and this guy told EOH some really f***ed up serious stalking shit that he's been witness to... told EOH one story in particular that was hardcore evil shit. :tears:

Glad this guy's on EOH's side. :D
4 - Banning? Kewpie should have been banned for her intended or unintended comments that she has on numerous times typed then edited out at a later time. (Call me a sausage will you? Imagine if I resorted to calling you a few things.) Half the people here should have been banned for numerous things. Dave, Flax, EOH and quite a few others including myself have done things to warrant a suspension at one time or another.

Don't be throwing EOH's name out there w/o any proof, Biatch!!

Prove it or STFU! :cool::D
You didn't catch me doing anything. You were posting annoying pictures of yourself to troll threads and harass people, and I reposted it to show how stupid you look doing so. Yeah, I put it on tinypic, so when you went to delete it you couldn't. You tried to make a huge deal out of it. proving that you can dish it out in your own special way, but you absolutely con not take it. Even after making threads about me (to show how obsessed I supposedly was with you :confused: you are still whining about it. You're weak.
No jackass... I caught you as I had no reason nor cared to delete it. I only noticed it when I went to quote you and saw that the text did not list my photobucket account from where it came from. I can very well take it. What you did at the time seemed rather weird as there was no need to do what you did and I am still left questioning, "Was I the only one that you did that with or were there others and they have yet to catch you." I am weak? You sit behind a computer hiding as there are very few people that know anything about you. THAT is weak.

Also, you seem to be forgetting that you posted your full real name here accidentally, and that I was the one that told you so you could fix it, which you thanked me for.
And I still thank you for. However, you were the one that sent me a private message down the road to let me know that you think I am a jackass. Okay fine. People often wondered why I would still talk to another member here who I have opposing views with in lengthy threads. The reason is because he never made the disagreement personal. You did.

Your weak hypothetical threat about how you "could" track everyone down is similar to the way you "wish" someone would throw paint on your jacket, or how you "wish" Julia would try to take your seat. It's hilarious that you imagine these things and how you would show them, boy! Wow! You are an awesome man in these little Internet fantasies you construct.
That is not a threat. There are many people here who leave little puzzle pieces on this board. If anyone here wanted to take those pieces and put them together they could probably find a way to show up at another member's front door to say hi. There are people here that provide direct links to open myspaces and list their personal business websites. It is not that hard.

Internet fantasies? Why don't you include the full field of messages that you are taking that little paraphrased idea you propose. I have noted that PETA seems to attack or throw paint on those that do not pose much of a threat in terms of retaliation. I said it then and I say it now. They find it easy to throw red paint on some older woman on the Upper East Side of Manhattan yet they never approach a 220lb, six foot two male. I want to see them try something like that with me. You do not know me in real life Dave-O.

I was at someplace last year where some drunk asshole tried sitting in my friend's seat. We asked him kindly to move and he would not. He told us to f*** ourselves and took a shove and a swing. Security was not doing anything. We picked him up and threw him out of our seats with force onto the concrete steps. Security then took him away. Would I do that to Julia? Absolutely not as she is a woman. However make no mistake about how I would drag security there to have her removed. Why ANYONE stands for someone taking a seat that they paid $100+ for is beyond me.

You've got this other big plan about something you're going to do when you leave, which is also probably all talk. And finally, the way you always "hold back" your opinion on certain matters as if your opinion would just cause all hell to break loose, when really most people couldn't give two shits about a self-obsessed blowhard like yourself.
The master plan is something that was created in jest and is blown out of proportion. If you want to summarize the full quote go back and see that I said I would simply post a picture of General MacArthur and fade away. (Old soldiers never die they simply fade away..."

Get over the fact that someone used your trolling against you, and move on. You say you got over it, but apparently not, since you're still trying to misstate what happened. If you couldn't handle having your trolling used against you, then you shouldn't have trolled. Boo-hoo. :tears:
Trolling against me? I said I was annoyed and got over it- look back at what I wrote jackass. Who apparently has their knickers in a knot now? Seriously Dave, get the stick out of your ass and settle down.
Don't be throwing EOH's name out there w/o any proof, Biatch!!

Prove it or STFU! :cool::D

Prove it? Sure. You were suspended under the name D'Ann Coulter or something like that. So what did you do? You created another name and came back after being suspended. Smells like a TOS violation to me.

Settle down and stop crying about your sob story unrequited love, how much you want to die and STFU yourself.
Dave, I like you a lot, I really do, but if you took a picture of Buzzy, which was not yours to take, and you are complaining about NRitH taking information about you that was not yours to take, isn't that really the pot calling the kettle black?

He copied a picture that I had posted and hosted it on his own personal photo hosting account. While not illegal nor in violation of the terms of service here it was creepy nonetheless. He makes the suggestion that he wanted to use it against me in case I would have deleted the picture myself.

No jackass... I caught you as I had no reason nor cared to delete it. I only noticed it when I went to quote you and saw that the text did not list my photobucket account from where it came from. I can very well take it. What you did at the time seemed rather weird as there was no need to do what you did and I am still left questioning, "Was I the only one that you did that with or were there others and they have yet to catch you." I am weak? You sit behind a computer hiding as there are very few people that know anything about you. THAT is weak.

And I still thank you for. However, you were the one that sent me a private message down the road to let me know that you think I am a jackass. Okay fine. People often wondered why I would still talk to another member here who I have opposing views with in lengthy threads. The reason is because he never made the disagreement personal. You did.

That is not a threat. There are many people here who leave little puzzle pieces on this board. If anyone here wanted to take those pieces and put them together they could probably find a way to show up at another member's front door to say hi. There are people here that provide direct links to open myspaces and list their personal business websites. It is not that hard.

Internet fantasies? Why don't you include the full field of messages that you are taking that little paraphrased idea you propose. I have noted that PETA seems to attack or throw paint on those that do not pose much of a threat in terms of retaliation. I said it then and I say it now. They find it easy to throw red paint on some older woman on the Upper East Side of Manhattan yet they never approach a 220lb, six foot two male. I want to see them try something like that with me. You do not know me in real life Dave-O.

I was at someplace last year where some drunk asshole tried sitting in my friend's seat. We asked him kindly to move and he would not. He told us to f*** ourselves and took a shove and a swing. Security was not doing anything. We picked him up and threw him out of our seats with force onto the concrete steps. Security then took him away. Would I do that to Julia? Absolutely not as she is a woman. However make no mistake about how I would drag security there to have her removed. Why ANYONE stands for someone taking a seat that they paid $100+ for is beyond me.

The master plan is something that was created in jest and is blown out of proportion. If you want to summarize the full quote go back and see that I said I would simply post a picture of General MacArthur and fade away. (Old soldiers never die they simply fade away..."

Trolling against me? I said I was annoyed and got over it- look back at what I wrote jackass. Who apparently has their knickers in a knot now? Seriously Dave, get the stick out of your ass and settle down.

No you tried to make the fact that I reposted your picture into some big deal, and even made threads about it.

What I choose to say about myself here is my choice. You seem to suffer poor reading comprehension, partly because as you have written before, you're usually doing something else while posting here. But I have explained why I don't give personal information here.

Still not sure why you put yourself into hypothetical situations in which you wind up getting to standing up to someone that has done you wrong, but that's none of my business. If you acted more like you have been in the past week or so, and less like this person that considers himself some sort of big shit-stirrer, as if this forum had never seen one of those, I'd overlook those things more. As it is when you purposely try to be annoying, all of your little weaknesses become source material for the lulz.

As far as me getting irritated with you to the point that I tried to use your picture against you, I don't know... If you want to look at it as personal, that's fair enough. I made some personal remarks, as did you, mostly to another person that had already been picked on though, more than to me. Someone that you saw as a safe target I guess. I just became annoyed with you because you would be in so many threads purposely trying to annoy people, and it worked. But even then I am not sure I see you as an individual, more as a type of person. That's really irrelevant except for the point that it's not really a personal issue.

See, we've had some good, funny, smart, and intelligent trolls here, and then we've had you trying to piss people off and whining when it backfires.

The point about your Internet fantasies doesn't really require whole retelling of threads. The point is that you have shown a tendency to script little situations where someone abuses you and you really give them the old what for. And that's hilarious. And it's weak. I don't know what I can say about that.

I did send you a private message, but I didn't say that you were a jackass. I said that I thought it was cool that we could get past arguing since we're both posting here, and try to get along. I also mentioned that you and I are very different types, and I think I called you a "New York asshole", while adding that many of my friends are assholes. I also wrote that I am more of the laid back type, having probably smoked too much weed in my life. You didn't respond to that. Now I guess I figure out why. Reading comprehension, again. You thought I was insulting you. But instead of responding you started calling me a "tree hippy" and shit like that. Whatever, man. hahahaha!!

Now, occasionally I've enjoyed having a discussion with you. Despite the way I characterize you, and despite certain opinions I have of you, which I've mostly avoided making too personal...

Let me explain. I might write things based on what you write on here, but I don't think I've ever said anything like "How can a teacher..." whatever, though the thought has crossed my mind. I wouldn't say anything that was really personal about your real life, and try to keep it to the way you present yourself here.

I had you on ignore for a while because you really bugged me, and then we started having little conversations and it was too much trouble so I took you off of the ignore list. It pissed me off when you brought this stupid picture thing up again and tried to make it some big deal, because it never was and you know it.

and this whole thing with NRITH...

I am sure he had no bad intentions. However, he did trick me, and he did violate two rules of the TOS. I'm not even mad at him anymore. This probably turned into more of a big deal than I intended. BUT, when you play those kinds of games, sometimes there is a payback, and of all people on here he should be smarter than to do what he did, smarter than to do it in the way that he did, and smarter than to offer a lame excuse for it.

That's the reason it turned into this several page thread.

Now, you got to drag up your bullshit picture bullshit again, and I got to tell you what I think about some of your general behaviour. NRITH played his little game and got the "how f***ing spooky is NRITH?" thread, and that's fair too.

I can call a draw, pretend it never happened and go back to arguing about the Olympics or whatever. If people want to play nice I'm willing, but if not then whatever.
He copied a picture that I had posted and hosted it on his own personal photo hosting account. While not illegal nor in violation of the terms of service here it was creepy nonetheless. He makes the suggestion that he wanted to use it against me in case I would have deleted the picture myself.


I did not post it on a personal photo hosting account. I use tinypic for all my pictures here, INSTEAD of my personal account. You don't need an account to use tinypic. I don't link to my own accounts because the passwords to people's accounts here have been broken, and their personal pictures posted.

I make the suggestion that I WAS THINKING AHEAD to when you might have decided to delete the picture. Because I knew that if you wanted to and found out you couldn't, you'd have a little hissy fit, and it might ne good for a few laughs.
The point there is that I don't have an account with your picture or any other picture from here in it. When I post a pic here I go to tinypic.com instead of using my imageshack. flickr, or photobucket accounts.

So quit tripping on the stupid picture.
...(too long to quote and you know what you wrote)...

Right now I am not suffering from anything but some sleep deprivation. What is your excuse? I absolutely have stated that I made a big deal about my complaint with you. I said so in my very first post in this thread that I had a complaint with you that I saw as legitimate. I was pissed and I got over it and moved on. Everyone here should do the same. I stand by that sentiment still.

Hypothetical situations? It is an observation. Would you prefer me to say in future statements regarding that observation that they should try f***ing with a 6' 2" 220lb guy that is NOT me? I happen to a tall guy with some bulk. They never seem to try anything with guys that are of my body type. That is an observation. My theory is that a guy that is of my stature is not as much of an easy target as an elderly rich woman on the Upper East Side. Why is she an easier target than a guy of my stature? Because a guy like me would knock them on their asses.

Now onto the supposed safe target. I will assume that the person you speak of is Suparni. That girl is a bit touched in the head on a level to which is rarely seen. There is more behind that than you may know of so believe me when I say you are commenting on something to which you do not have the whole story. Not an attack there as you simply are unaware of the complete picture.

I never whined about you using the picture. I never cared. I only cared when you copied it onto your computer to upload it someplace else. If I cared about the pictures I would never have posted more pictures of myself... which if you remember I had. You do not understand the issue at hand. It's not that you used my photo against me. f***- thats fair game. It's that you downloaded the picture, slapped it on your own private account at another site. That is why I was annoyed. Hell, if I break your arm and you come back and break my leg thats the way the world works.

However what you did was, to me, outside the bounds of fair play. I still question as to who else or what other pictures you lifted. You never addressed the question as to why you lifted the pic and posted it to another site to host. That is what annoyed me. Not the fact that you were using it against me but the method that you chose. Surely you can see the distinction.

In the private message you did call me an asshole. There were no adjectives though. You simply called me an asshole. You are correct. You then said it was because I represent a system or was it a program that you feel an outsider or disassociated with or from. The exact wording escapes me at 4AM.

As far as you can call a draw? I honestly do not give a shit. I take you with a grain of salt as you probably do with me. Put me back on ignore for all I care. As I said straight from the beginning. It is the internet- who the f*** cares? Move on.
Okay! I'll bring the custard, hattie can tout the tickets and I'll put the Kewp on the doors to keep out the unruly element.

I like custard....can i bring a spoon?

It's not an "unusual" need to keep track of people; it was a joke.]

so....your like a detective or policeman here...a funny one like:

Sorry, no more PM's though.
I thought it meant he wanted to be my friend. :( :tears:
I got three PM's about NRITH this week wanting to know my real name. !
SBut no, you were just showing me yours because you wanted my IP address :tears:
And I haven't received said PM.
I guess he doesn't want to stalk me either
Tis true! I'm crushed NRitH didn't send me a PM.
yeah me too i thought we were his favorites!!!
I didn't receive a PM from dear NRitH.
I almost feel left out. :D
First of all.... EOH wants to be stalked!!!

there is an expression:
a friend to everyone is a friend to no one:p

That guy is the backbone of this place. Don't ban him. Wait, no, not the backbone. The humerus. ;)

more like the Pubis (bone) of this place:p

4 - Banning? Kewpie should have been banned for her intended or unintended comments that she has on numerous times typed then edited out at a later time. (Call me a sausage will you? Imagine if I resorted to calling you a few things.)

leave kewpie alone.....really, kew does a lot here to keep it free from trolls....& calling you a sausage!!!!!! (aren't you a teacher....i thought you had a thicker skin)

you should really listen to your own advice: see below.

Please people... get a life.

I have to get dressed for a wedding.

the russian bride worked out then, congratulations x
Just the one. Like multiple IDs, multiple spoons are evil and will be outed. :p


spoons have rights

leave the spoons alone NRITH....remember, as you would say it, was a 'it was a joke'

:D I'd missed that. Ascerbity, thy name is Kewp.*curls up laughing*

'stop it', you silly sausage.....don't get moody now.... like MR Buzzy:p
*gasp!* Fie you, Sirrah, and your grubby "spooning"! :eek:

grubby....they are having a cuddle:sweet:

BTW this NRITH sure has a lot chicks sticking up for him;)

does he only PM the solo Ladies.

could he be NRITH bigalow SOLO GIGALO!:p
Right now I am not suffering from anything but some sleep deprivation. What is your excuse? I absolutely have stated that I made a big deal about my complaint with you. I said so in my very first post in this thread that I had a complaint with you that I saw as legitimate. I was pissed and I got over it and moved on. Everyone here should do the same. I stand by that sentiment still.

Hypothetical situations? It is an observation. Would you prefer me to say in future statements regarding that observation that they should try f***ing with a 6' 2" 220lb guy that is NOT me? I happen to a tall guy with some bulk. They never seem to try anything with guys that are of my body type. That is an observation. My theory is that a guy that is of my stature is not as much of an easy target as an elderly rich woman on the Upper East Side. Why is she an easier target than a guy of my stature? Because a guy like me would knock them on their asses.

Now onto the supposed safe target. I will assume that the person you speak of is Suparni. That girl is a bit touched in the head on a level to which is rarely seen. There is more behind that than you may know of so believe me when I say you are commenting on something to which you do not have the whole story. Not an attack there as you simply are unaware of the complete picture.

I never whined about you using the picture. I never cared. I only cared when you copied it onto your computer to upload it someplace else. If I cared about the pictures I would never have posted more pictures of myself... which if you remember I had. You do not understand the issue at hand. It's not that you used my photo against me. f***- thats fair game. It's that you downloaded the picture, slapped it on your own private account at another site. That is why I was annoyed. Hell, if I break your arm and you come back and break my leg thats the way the world works.

However what you did was, to me, outside the bounds of fair play. I still question as to who else or what other pictures you lifted. You never addressed the question as to why you lifted the pic and posted it to another site to host. That is what annoyed me. Not the fact that you were using it against me but the method that you chose. Surely you can see the distinction.

In the private message you did call me an asshole. There were no adjectives though. You simply called me an asshole. You are correct. You then said it was because I represent a system or was it a program that you feel an outsider or disassociated with or from. The exact wording escapes me at 4AM.

As far as you can call a draw? I honestly do not give a shit. I take you with a grain of salt as you probably do with me. Put me back on ignore for all I care. As I said straight from the beginning. It is the internet- who the f*** cares? Move on.

Hi again. The hypothetical part of your situation is not that you imagine yourself to be able to beat up Julia Riley, :rolleyes: but the fact that you imagine yourself in all of these situations where such a thing would occur. See? You read about a situation and you imagine yourself in it for the purpose of showing what a kick-ass tough guy you are. That's the hypothetical part.

I think I've explained the picture thing enough, but not why I chose that picture to repost.

I guess I'll have to believe you, that you really don't understand just how it makes you look, the fact that you're sitting in public taking your own picture, pointing at a sandwich, with a goofy look on your face. I can only imagine what the people sitting nearby must have thought.

By the way, I was not talking about Suparni. I just wanted to clear that up. No need to drag her name through the mud, too.
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