Morrissey Central "WHAT IS FACT IS NOT FACT, AND WHAT IS TRUE IS NOT TRUE." (May 6, 2023)



(Uncredited illustration by Peter Strain)
Fact is fact.
WTF does that post on Moz Central Heating mean? I'm not pro or anti monarchy cos I don't care. Moz complained to whats her face in the interview in the seats at whatever concert venue that everyone these days needs to be outraged. Well Moz is one of those people.
This is about the Met Police in London taking a deliberate low tolerance approach to any expressions of opinion today, other than flag waving. As is often the case, when it comes to these Monarchy related events, the human right of expressing one’s opinion in a free democracy is oppressed during a state event of importance to the established elite.

As it ever was.
Third unreleased album artwork and title ??? :unsure:
I have to say as I was told Nick Cave and Joan Armatrading begged today, I’ve never felt so proud and happy to be a Morrissey fan. And I really, really, understood why I started loving that man. 🥰
This looks like he is complaining the King is gagged, and not free to speak his mind. Clearly Charles would be offering his support to Morrissey and demanding he be given a record deal, were not his Lizard overlord superiors keeping him silent. :unsure:
this is great
why are you angry
get rid of this bullshit - royalty is wrong
and f*** all of you who continue to support this assault on intelligence and integrity
An Irish-Mexican vs. an English thoroughbred, tonight. Great night to be alive, and rich enough to watch.
WTF does that post on Moz Central Heating mean? I'm not pro or anti monarchy cos I don't care. Moz complained to whats her face in the interview in the seats at whatever concert venue that everyone these days needs to be outraged. Well Moz is one of those people.
Moz has been very outspoken against the monarchy since forever. Not sure this comes as a surprise to anyone?

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