What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this word

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP to the NHLPA
  • Start date

Mr.Improper PIMP to the NHLPA

I want to f***in know so that they must catch the beating they so well deserve. I swear to god,everytime i hear someone use that saying,it makes them look even more ignorant and illiterate then those who came up with the word. Why is it that black people come up weith their own f***in sayings all the time,yet when a white person uses them,they're made to look like dumbshits??? is that because you are???? What would possess you to use such retarded illiterate,uneducated slang????? You're not slick,cool or fly for using it,you're not even hip,you're a f***in ass clown and you look f***in ridiculous trying to be something your not. STOP IT!!!!!!
Re: What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this

Don't even get me started...Why is it that every freakin rap song is talking about Louis Vitton, Gucci, dubs, ice. 9 out of every 10 rap songs have some reference to what they drive, how much they spend, what clothes they wear...dumb idiots...they are nothing but pretentious DMFKS! Oh, how about the classic, "You ain't a true (fill in the blank) unless you (fill in the blank)." These morons get money over night and they show it off like jerks. Am I supposed to believe that they have class? You can take someone out of the ghetto but...I wouldn't doubt it if Louis Vuitton was rolling in his grace (of course he is not dead, but you get the idea). Oh, to top it off, what is up with that idiot rapper who has Burberry on the side of his car? How ghetto is that. Half the shiat in their videos isn't even theirs. They can't afford it. They simply rent things, shoot a video, add the phrases "uh uh Bad Boy uh uh Def Jam uh uh Bad Bad uh uh collaboration uh uh." Can't these jerkoffs write anything original? Name me one P. Diddy song that doesn't have a sample (rhetorical question). Speaking of the KING of idiots...is P.Diddy in every video? All he does is do that stupid dance of his...hey P.Diddy...GET A FCKING JAW IMPLANT!!! I swear, if I punch him, I'm sure I'd hit nothing but teeth...that fckin jawless music sponge.

Don't get me wrong...I like Outkast and other artists that at least make an effort to produce original material.

Like I said, "Don't get me started." To quote John Paul Jones, "I have not yet begun to rip P.Diddy a new one." He should change his name once again to P.Spongy.

Re: What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this

And why is it that EVERY f***in (c)rap video has someone Ive never heard of rapping about something we've never done,theyve never done,or anything we'd want to do??? Plus,they all wear those baggy f***in clothes down to their asses and cannot write a good song to save their lives,yet,we as a society are infatuated with them?????? I dont get it. Im sick of hearing:dog,cuz,blood,homey,bling bling,you know what im saying every 2 f***in seconds because they're not smart enough to know how to speak???, you feel me??,fo sure, fo shizzle my nizzle(what the f*** is this????), and a host of other words. Im also getting tired of the colored folk saying we're keeping them down,holding them back,they're "oppressed" half of them dont even know what the f*** it means,and so on.Im not keeping anything down,you do it to yourselves. Facts: look at any prison system in america,the #1 population is:blacks.
Re: What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this

By the way,Im not racist,Im just tired of people thinking i am because stheyve done something to themselves that makes them feel the way they do. But then again,maybe i am alittle racist. i think we all are. Im frankly tired of the whole "we're not being treated fairly" by ANY group...if you dont like the way you're being treated(and this goes to everyone): get the f*** out and go live somewhere else!!!!!.
Re: What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this

You know, I'm not white (other than my ass and farmer's tan) but I know what you are saying. I got to where I am today by my own merit. I worked hard to earn my living and provide for my family. I don't believe anyone owes me anything or vice versa. I paid my own way through school without any help from anyone.

In any case, it's a dog-eat-dog world...I understand that some people fromthe older generations might have had trouble with the racism issue and all that, but we are a newer generation without an excuse. Oppression? Wasn't that back in the stone age? This is a new world, albeit a few 'necks out there in the south, but we must progress and not blame anyone for holding us down.

Re: What the f***ity f*** does "bling Bling" mean??? and who was the dumbshit who came up with this

Oh, and unless you're English, PLEASE don't use 'Arse' in your vocabulary.
Re: it was the same retard who came up with "chillax"

Dude, you're so wrong. "Chillax" is Slick Rick's baby. "Bling-Bling" was coined by the Cash Money Millionaires.
JC...Bitch you need to be schooled in Marxism 101!!

> I understand that some people
> fromthe older generations might have had trouble with the racism issue and
> all that, but we are a newer generation without an excuse. Oppression?
> Wasn't that back in the stone age? This is a new world, albeit a few
> 'necks out there in the south, but we must progress and not blame anyone
> for holding us down.

And now winner for Most Retarded Comment in the History of the World. How the f*** you are gonna say oppression is a thing of the past. Look at what's going on in South America and Africa, hell even within our own borders it still exists and always will. Don't try to bullshit me with that American Dream crap. The history of man has always been a struggle between the powerful and the powerless and so it shall always be. Let's not try to sugar coat something that has and will continue to exist. BTW, which "new world" are you talking about???
Re: JC...Bitch you need to be schooled in Marxism 101!!

Oh, let me guess...you just started reading about Marxism and the whole Proletarian and Bourgeois crap, right? Did you read that at a junior college because your dumbass couldn't even get into a state school and now you are claiming oppression? Or is it because you come from a wealthy minority family that could afford to put you into any school if only your idiot self could even fill out an application form? And now you are cry Affirmative Action, right? FCK YOU! Of course their is going to be racism and oppression as long as the world rotates. Not only in this country but in every other country as well. What I am saying is that it isn't as bad now as it was in the past. And did you hear me mention South Africa you fckn noggin head? I was talking about the US, and if you feel so oppressed, like PIMP said, " Get the FCK out." Try living in the days of REAL racism when blacks were slaves and were being traded like they weren't even humans. You bet your fat-ass you better thank MLK for the struggle he put forth in giving all African-Americans a better life.

You know what? FCK you! I am not even going to entertain this moron any longer. I'm going to Starbucks. Unless they make me sit at the end of the cafe with my people, that is.
Eat It Up!!!!

Spoken like a true uncle tom!!! I'm sorry that I didn't have to hoe myself to get through college like your ass, but that's irrelevant to the argument at hand. And don't try to fit me into your racist stereotypes. But I'm glad you are acknowledging the fact that oppression of all sorts continues to this day rather than making asinine claims that oppression ended in the "ice age." And if your so gung ho about the doors MLK opened for African Americans, then why try to knock their success? It seems as if this whole thread has grown out of a frustration you and Josh share about not being able to live the lives many of these "Black" rappers do. Don't hate on Blacks just because they rock better clothes than you, drive better cars than you ever will, or knock more hoes than you could ever dream of. I mean you yourself even said "it's a dog eat dog world," right?? Eat it up bitch. Peace.
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