Where are all the complete concerts on YouTube disappearing to?


Well-Known Member
I don't seem to be able to find some complete recordings of Smiths live shows that used to be on YouTube. The complete show from early 1986 at the Liverpool Royal Court seems to have gone. It had a photo of Alf Ramsay on a mock album sleeve!
I don't seem to be able to find some complete recordings of Smiths live shows that used to be on YouTube. The complete show from early 1986 at the Liverpool Royal Court seems to have gone. It had a photo of Alf Ramsay on a mock album sleeve!

Just reading on IG that YouTube executed a request from Warner Music yesterday (2nd Nov) to remove content. The Just Morrissey & The Smiths page lost 500 videos alone.

Just reading on IG that YouTube executed a request from Warner Music yesterday (2nd Nov) to remove content. The Just Morrissey & The Smiths page lost 500 videos alone.


Hahahahahahahahahaha :D
I don't seem to be able to find some complete recordings of Smiths live shows that used to be on YouTube. The complete show from early 1986 at the Liverpool Royal Court seems to have gone. It had a photo of Alf Ramsay on a mock album sleeve!

I think they did that to spite you.
Good to know I'm not going mad but sorry to hear about their removal. I am fascinated by the handful of live shows in Ireland and the North of England in early 1986. It's good to hear the songs from The Queen is Dead being debuted. I love the shows from 1986 generally.
I'm surprised that they could ask for live footage to be taken down. Was it professional footage or bootleg. Professional I could see I guess depend on I imagine whatever contract they had with whomever shot it. being 1986 I'm guessing people didn't have a lot of options or ability to bootleg shows so I. Guessing pro shot but does warmers even own that or have a right to ask for it to be taken down
Smithtorrents is the place to go. Hopefully it is not on their hitlist. The Liverpool concert is here. It's Bill Shankly, though.
I don't know what makes you believe that someone with an iPhone somehow gains rights to someone else's copyrighted content and performances.

Not saying that the methods and actions of big labels are good or likeable BTW, just saying that they are to be expected.
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I don't know what makes you believe that someone with an iPhone somehow gains rights to someone else's copyrighted content and performances.

Nothing really makes me believe it one way or another which is why I was asking a question. Not all label contracts are the same and it didn't used to be that labels took money, or at least a lot of it, from live performances so maybe the band itself owns the rights for all I know. I don't know is what I think I've repeatedly said. Is it common for labels to own the rights of a bands live performances for recording purposes. For all I know the venue might have some claim
I'm surprised that they could ask for live footage to be taken down. Was it professional footage or bootleg. Professional I could see I guess depend on I imagine whatever contract they had with whomever shot it. being 1986 I'm guessing people didn't have a lot of options or ability to bootleg shows so I. Guessing pro shot but does warmers even own that or have a right to ask for it to be taken down
They own the rights to publish the music. It doesn't make any difference it it was professionally shot or bootleg. They would still own the rights to the music in the video.
I guess.png
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