Who wins in IOWA tonight?

Who will win in IOWA tonight?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • John Edwards

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
One of the reasons that he is the only person on this entire board that I have on ignore.
As many of you know I am an artiste, so if Obama wins I'm going to do my part as a citizen and donate a painting to his administration, yes indeed! Mama will have to change her mind about Black Jesus if he's hanging in the White House!


Hillary doesn't need it, that's why I didn't bother mentioning her :p

I am not interested in Hilary in the least... in my view Obama is making the strongest statements of any potential world leader in my lifetime...

HA! take that buzzetta... biotch.
I am not interested in Hilary in the least... in my view Obama is making the strongest statements of any potential world leader in my lifetime...

HA! take that buzzetta... biotch.

In actuality Obama's reasoning and stands contain some serious flaws. The more I review the more I would vote for Hillary before Obama. But then again.. as of now if McCain get the Republican nod I will cast my vote for him.

As I stated - you seem to ignore the first one I pointed out so why go into more? I must admit that you are doing nothing more than boring me. Your only saving grace is that I find your flawed support amusing enough to respond to.
As I stated - you seem to ignore the first one I pointed out so why go into more? I must admit that you are doing nothing more than boring me. Your only saving grace is that I find your flawed support amusing enough to respond to.

oh thank you buzzetta for gracing me with you compassionate wisdom and shedding your infinite intelligence and insight into this tiny little world of mine... your grace... a blessing indeed.
patience and compassion... YOU... responding to me...
how do you manage so consistently and patiently?
you amaze me.
oh thank you buzzetta for gracing me with you compassionate wisdom and shedding your infinite intelligence and insight into this tiny little world of mine... your grace... a blessing indeed.
patience and compassion... YOU... responding to me...
how do you manage so consistently and patiently?
you amaze me.

As you do to I.
Obama's up 13 pts over Hillary going into NH! Is that right...the last dem or politician to win both Iowa and NH was Bill Clinton? !! My DH thinks the O factor (Oprah) is working magic for the campaign (it sure doesn't hurt).

The news tonight was asking Obama if he was worried about his safety. Ever since it came up on this thread (assassination talk) it's got me a bit worried. and sad. The newsman asked him and he said he has Secret Service detail, "BIG GUYS. PACKING"...but that he doesnt think about his safety on an on-going basis. BTW Bush rolled thru town today...somewhere a village is missing its idiot.
I personally do not care what color someone's skin is. I care that they are the best qualified. I invoke the classic doctor example. If you tell me that my black doctor is the most qualified to do the surgery then I gladly say cut away. If you tell me that he was hired because it was nice to have some ethnic diversity on the hospital staff then I go to another hospital. Let us all step aside from this so called political correctness and see certain things for what they are. If you are the best qualified for the position then you should have the job.

I only meant it's a positive thing to even have a black man in the race, something that would have been IMPOSSIBLE, only a few years ago, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if some hickoid metzger disciple assassinates him, yet, but I hope not.

I disagree with this and here is why. First of all in so much as I did not want nor vote for Bush in 2000 I was not a sore loser about it and contend that the presidency was stolen from Gore or that he was cheated out of it.

Oh, it was completely in accordance with the law, but I happen to think that law is outdated and unnecessary. I think it should come down to the popular vote, and thats' it, let the people have they're say.

The media and the American people are to blame for that one. Bush v Gore went all the way to the Supreme Court and it was decided according to the interpretation of our law. You know who is to blame? The people. They did not vote. NBC, ABC and CBS all wanted to be the first to predict the winner and report on the polls. Instead of being responsible they created what turned out to be false predictions and Joe Citizen said "my candidate already won- why go out and vote?"

True, but I've also met some people who've said, "Well, if the electoral college can override the popular vote, my vote doesn't matter so why bother?" It works both ways I think. But you're totally right about the lack of political involvement. This overwhelming apathy is a cultural malaise, it's terribly frustrating. Moreover, it threatens our democracy, I think it was Jefferson who said "The price of liberty is eternal vigilence" and three quarters are asleep at they're post. I'm especially ashamed of my age group, the twentysomethings, and the teenagers, it seems, of this generation are the most apolitical wastes of space. I don't get it, the president is a retard, the economy is crumbling, unemployment is rising, we have an illegal, immoral war going on, and they're sitting on they're asses. I can only dream about the 60's, sure there was a lot of naivete, but at least kids took politics somewhat seriously, at least it was COOL to be politically aware. I talk to people roughly my age at work and at school and they're like "Yeah, I guess, I don't really follow politics." What the f***????!!!

I continue to support that a withdrawal should be imminent but without a timetable. At this point the best solution to fix what we broke is to allow a withdrawal while we arm those that are most likely to be "like us" and not "like them" (Them being Syria and Iran) so that they are strong enough to provide their own security and maintain a strong presence in the Middle East. Oh... and I want an airfield and military base so that we don't have to be suckered into Israel's problems every time they stir the pot.

I-surprise-disagree. I'll start with the base thing and work my way back. First of all, this is a major taxpayer expense entailing a lot of no bid contracts that are just robbing the american taxpayer blind, moreover, we have no right to be there. Consider if Venezuela, or Jordan, or even Britain, wanted an armed military base in you're hometown, there'd be an outcry. The United States government maintains an illogical amount of military bases across the world, in a post-cold war environment the only purpose for these is global hegemony. There are pamphlets and documents published by military personnel, thinktanks like the Project For a New American Century, etc., many of whom have been appointed to the white house, that flat out say as much. This is contrary to the principles of democracy and probably the popular will of the american people. Moreover, it would be a constant source of agitation. Even the Kurdish president elected in 2005 spoke of the "honorable resistence." The violence in Iraq being devided in half, the anti-coalition (IE anti-american) violence, sympathy for which is substantial and growing as polls by the british govt. and respectable third party sources indicate. NOW, that said, our absence would strip the legitimacy from violent actions, and Iraqis would have to face the responsibility of taking responsibility for they're country and embracing peace. The Sunnis especially, would be likely to respond as they are a minority and would have the most to lose from continued fighting without US forces. Moreover, the Association of Muslim scholars an extremely influential group said that if only a timetable were announced, they would muster all they're pressure to quell the violence. As for Israel, basically the whole world except the us and Israel are on the same page. They need to return to pre 1967 borders, share jerusalem, and start abiding by international law, as does the united states, mind.

I do not believe we have destroyed all credibility in the World. I think Bush has destroyed a majority of credibility in his presidency first, the Republican party second and the nation third. The majority of countries are smart enough to distinguish.

Not all of our credability, but much of it, ESPECIALLY in the middle east where we really need it right now. For the last fifty years we have radiated suffering and misery throughout the middle east. Overturning the secular democracy of Iran turning it into a brutal police state, arming the mujahideen, giving them means to spread violence and radicalism on a previously impossible scale, the gulf war, the following sanctions which plunged so many into poverty, and our continued support of Israel (see above), which even uses much of the same military hardware, further solidifying the connection in they're minds. Add to that the afghan and iraq occupation it's an ugly picture.

We both agree that a withdrawal is necessary. However we differ on methods. Neither of us know in this case what will or would have been the correct stance until one is tried and works or fails. I hope to God though that whichever is tried succeeds.

Me, too.
What I am unsure about is - who is voting for the Dem/Republican leader? Are they members of the parties or is this what the electoral college is - is it compulsory voting?

I read in the paper this morning that the Australian Pyschics Association have forseen Hillary Clinton winning over Obama....they also predict that she and Bill will go swimming during her campaign & that Bill will almost drown....Heard it here first :)
What I am unsure about is - who is voting for the Dem/Republican leader? Are they members of the parties or is this what the electoral college is - is it compulsory voting?

Each state does things a bit differently, but primaries are never compulsory. In New Hampshire, anyone who's registered as a Democrat or independent can vote in the Democratic primary, and Republicans and independents can vote in the Republican primary. Turnout is usually much smaller than for the general elections (~50%).

Each state's primary or caucus (which is a whole other beast that's a bit hard to explain, so I'll let Wikipedia do it) is held to determine how many delegates for each candidate that state will send to the national party conventions, which are held in the summer before the national election. Iowa's Democratic delegates, for example, will consist of about 37% Obama supporters, 30% Hillary, and 30% John Edwards.At the convention, the delegates go through a series of votes to choose the official party candidate.

The electoral college convenes after the general election is held in November, and consists of delegates from each state. The number of delegates from each state is proportional to each state's population, and all but one state (IIRC) has a winner-take-all policy for its delegates: whoever wins the election in that state gets all of that state's electoral college delegates. Usually, the electoral college votes the way the national popular vote went, but as we saw in 2000, things can get a bit more complicated than that.

Hope this helps!
Thanks! It is a bit confusing for me though, so I think some Wiki reading might help. From here, it seems like there are 2 elections.
Over here, the members of caucus pick the party Leader.
Thanks! It is a bit confusing for me though, so I think some Wiki reading might help. From here, it seems like there are 2 elections.
Over here, the members of caucus pick the party Leader.

There are 50 primaries and/or caucuses, 2 convention elections (1 per party), 1 general election, and 1 electoral college election. Parliamentary systems, like yours & the UK's, don't have a general election for head of state, which seems strange to us, but our system must seem downright bizarre to you.
I guess because the Queen (or her representative, the Governor General) is our Head of State.

It is really confusing, I thought I was pretty 'well read' but this whole elect a party leader has me baffled.
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