whose ghost would you marry?

Sorry, those are very big.
There are so many. But I'll have to choose...


I'm just the words, looking for the tune, reaching for the moon and you

The Madonna of Bachelor's Grove

"This photo was taken during an investigation of Bachelor's Grove cemetery near Chicago by the Ghost Research Society (GRS). On August 10, 1991, several members of of the GRS were at the cemetery, a small, abandoned graveyard on the edge of the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve, near the suburb of Midlothian, Illinois. Reputed to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the U.S., Bachelor's Grove has been the site of well over 100 different reports of strange phenomena, including apparitions, unexplained sights and sounds, and even glowing balls of light.

"GRS member Mari Huff was taking black and white photos with a high-speed infrared camera in an area where the group had experienced some anomalies with their ghost-hunting equipment. The cemetery was empty, except for the GRS members. When developed, this image emerged: what looks like a lonely-looking young woman dressed in white sitting on a tombstone. Parts of her body are partially transparent and the style of the dress seems to be out of date.

"Other ghosts reportedly seen in Bachelor's Grove include figures in monks' clothes and the spirit of a glowing yellow man."
Clara Rockmore

Edgar Allan Poe

King Hamlet

Cary Grant

Isadora Duncan

the list goes on and on and onnnn

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

The famous picture of the Brown Lady shows her standing midway down on the main staircase of Raynham Hall. Her presence is well known as she is seen throughout the house walking the hallways searching for her five children and disturbing all who enter. Separated from her loved ones in life she continues seeking what has been taken from her. She is Dorothy Walpole, also known as The Brown Lady and a tortured soul.

"And thy Venetian mirror, deep as a cold fountain in its banks of tarnished gilt work; what is reflected there? Ah! I am sure that more than one woman bathed there in her beauty's sin: and, perhaps, if I looked long enough, I should see a naked phantom.

"Wicked one, thou often sayest wicked things"

from The Shudder of Winter by Stéphane Mallarmé
(trans. George Moore)
"And thy Venetian mirror, deep as a cold fountain in its banks of tarnished gilt work; what is reflected there? Ah! I am sure that more than one woman bathed there in her beauty's sin: and, perhaps, if I looked long enough, I should see a naked phantom.

"Wicked one, thou often sayest wicked things"

from The Shudder of Winter by Stéphane Mallarmé
(trans. George Moore)

i think i have a tiny little virtual crush on you.
In a morbid way, I wish Gene Wilder was dead so I could say him at Blazing Saddles era.....

The Madonna of Bachelor's Grove

"This photo was taken during an investigation of Bachelor's Grove cemetery near Chicago by the Ghost Research Society (GRS). On August 10, 1991, several members of of the GRS were at the cemetery, a small, abandoned graveyard on the edge of the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve, near the suburb of Midlothian, Illinois. Reputed to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the U.S., Bachelor's Grove has been the site of well over 100 different reports of strange phenomena, including apparitions, unexplained sights and sounds, and even glowing balls of light.

"GRS member Mari Huff was taking black and white photos with a high-speed infrared camera in an area where the group had experienced some anomalies with their ghost-hunting equipment. The cemetery was empty, except for the GRS members. When developed, this image emerged: what looks like a lonely-looking young woman dressed in white sitting on a tombstone. Parts of her body are partially transparent and the style of the dress seems to be out of date.

"Other ghosts reportedly seen in Bachelor's Grove include figures in monks' clothes and the spirit of a glowing yellow man."

Oh, you don't want her, she gets around a bit too much.

My dead crush is Bela Lugosi or Vincent Price.
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