Why one fan covered up his Morrissey tattoo with Sheryl Crow - The Guardian

Why one fan covered up his Morrissey tattoo with Sheryl Crow - The Guardian
With a news cycle rife with revelations of misconduct of famous men, tattoos inspired by living artists can have a short lifespan

Excerpt: "Ryan Mangione, a 23-year-old musician in Seattle, Washington, said after a long night out drinking several years ago, he had a friend make a DIY tattoo of Morrissey’s name on his knee. The next day, the regret was immediate.

“I woke up and I realized, ‘Oh no, he’s a bad man, I don’t want this tattooed on me for the rest of my life,’” he said. “This was not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.”

“There has been a build up over the years where more articles have come out about him being a clown of a human being, and the tension of wanting to get rid of the tattoo grew,” Mangione said.

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Oh KS, you know that EC only said those things to IRL troll Stephen Stills band, and his comment about Elvis and Morrissey is hardly "slating" Morrissey so pack up your picket signs and call off the march. I'm sure someone else will say something about Morrissey soon.

was that his excuse? :lbf:
All these fake photoshopped tattoo ‘cover ups’.

Trust me, no ones getting rid of their
Moz tattoos. It is a love that is forever.

this duck of knob, elvis costello, made many racist remarks back in the day about ray charles and james brown!! wtf?o_O
then he had a press conference where 'he explained he etc but no apology'.
he was trolling stephen stills? what in f does james brown and ray charles
have to do with stephen stills? :lbf:
if he was trolling stephen stills he should have dissed david crosby and neil young.:lbf:

very annoying elvis costello.:straightface:
Why one fan covered up his Morrissey tattoo with Sheryl Crow - The Guardian
With a news cycle rife with revelations of misconduct of famous men, tattoos inspired by living artists can have a short lifespan

Excerpt: "Ryan Mangione, a 23-year-old musician in Seattle, Washington, said after a long night out drinking several years ago, he had a friend make a DIY tattoo of Morrissey’s name on his knee. The next day, the regret was immediate.

“I woke up and I realized, ‘Oh no, he’s a bad man, I don’t want this tattooed on me for the rest of my life,’” he said. “This was not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.”

“There has been a build up over the years where more articles have come out about him being a clown of a human being, and the tension of wanting to get rid of the tattoo grew,” Mangione said.

See Off guardian. Org for an alternative to this news for the brain dead.
was that his excuse? :lbf:
The Stephen Stills band was playing in the same town and they wound up in the same bar. EC was being a "punk" and annoying "the hippies." Stephen Stills left but Bonnie Bramlett was still there when EC made the comment about Ray Charles. She went to Rolling Stone magazine with the story and it cost Elvis Costello quite a bit because obviously it wasn't cool. I'm not excusing what he said but the way it was reported did leave out his excuse, that he was being a punk and being ironic.
But he has explained it all, and Ray Charles even commented on it saying it wasn't the kind of thing that should have been reported. My interpretation is that Ray Charles didn't think it was cool or ironic but just that it was a stupid thing to say and he did not want his name attached to it.
In his liner notes for the expanded version of Get Happy!!, Costello writes that some time after the incident he had declined an offer to meet Charles out of guilt and embarrassment, though Charles himself had graciously forgiven Costello ("Drunken talk isn't meant to be printed in the paper").​
Is that a normal location to get a tat, above the knee?
The Stephen Stills band was playing in the same town and they wound up in the same bar. EC was being a "punk" and annoying "the hippies." Stephen Stills left but Bonnie Bramlett was still there when EC made the comment about Ray Charles. She went to Rolling Stone magazine with the story and it cost Elvis Costello quite a bit because obviously it wasn't cool. I'm not excusing what he said but the way it was reported did leave out his excuse, that he was being a punk and being ironic.
But he has explained it all, and Ray Charles even commented on it saying it wasn't the kind of thing that should have been reported. My interpretation is that Ray Charles didn't think it was cool or ironic but just that it was a stupid thing to say and he did not want his name attached to it.
In his liner notes for the expanded version of Get Happy!!, Costello writes that some time after the incident he had declined an offer to meet Charles out of guilt and embarrassment, though Charles himself had graciously forgiven Costello ("Drunken talk isn't meant to be printed in the paper").​


So I guess the racist clowns
that post on this site could get a pass if they claim that they are just being ‘punk’ or ‘ironic’.
The tattoo is the easy bit. It's going to be even harder to replace all those Morrissey albums with Sheryl Crow albums. He's a brave man.
The Robby and Crow link:


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"Drunken talk isn't meant to be printed in the paper"

Drunken talk doesn't happen if it is never thought when sober.
He has 23 ,so he doesn't know well who is the name on his leg.Btw please next time , you gotta shave those legs before showing it.
Ironically, Sheryl Crowe “covered up” her knowledge of Lance Armstrong doping.
STOP THE PRESS : Adrian, 52 years old, destroyed his old Morrissey t-shirt on youtube. « Fascism will not win », he said, while burning the Viva Hate piece of clothes. « Morrissey is a bad man » he also declared, before asking all the old fans to « fight racism and bigotry » just like him, which « is not so hard because there’s a lot of good woke artist nowadays like Beyonce and Elton John ».

Of course, burning things you disapprove of isn’t fascist at all, oh no...
virtue signalling

Advocating a political or philosophical position, and/or taking up a public cause, from a position of vanity, for the primary purpose of demonstrating your conformity with fashionable pop culture values.

I really miss the pop culture values of the 80's. The new ones are so lame.

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