"World Peace Is None Of Your Business" US Deluxe CD - Best Buy Exclusive (July 22, 2014)

The deluxe edition will be available tomorrow at Best Buy.
Maybe if Moz fans would send a message to him by not buying every single different version of his new release, he would stop & think about these ridiculous concert cancellations. But for now, the message is clear -- Moz can treat his fans like crap, and they will trip over each other to buy his product.

Really? They still have the release date listed as 7/22 on their website. Is it in-store only tomorrow?

I saw the deluxe edition in the Sunday paper advertised for release on Tuesday.
Also, Best Buy.com e-mailed me to tell me that my pre-order's release date had changed to the 15th.
I saw the deluxe edition in the Sunday paper advertised for release on Tuesday.
Also, Best Buy.com e-mailed me to tell me that my pre-order's release date had changed to the 15th.

I guess I know where I'm going during lunch tomorrow. Thanks!
Meaning, you shall put the bonus CD up front and the regular one behind ? Or that people will buy MORRISSEY when they intended to buy Alanis Morissette ?
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My iTunes preorder will download onto my iPhone at midnight? Not quite as exciting.

(I also preodered the new Rise Against, which I see in the ad. Love the two songs I got from it already)
Hm....my Rise Against album downloaded (can’t wait to listen in the morning!) but no Moz yet.

edit: I lied, I just looked and it’s downloading now.
iTunes just let me download my preorder. Goodbye world.
iTunes just let me download my preorder. Goodbye world.

Good luck. I just heard that high note in Art Hounds and now I'm wide awake.

It let me download 10 minutes before midnight. I did not listen to the leak.
Good luck. I just heard that high note in Art Hounds and now I'm wide awake.

It let me download 10 minutes before midnight. I did not listen to the leak.

I have to wait for tomorrow to hear Art Hounds, I'll pick it up at Best Buy. I love this album, first listen, no question. Smiler with Knife is my favorite. In fact the last four songs are my favorites, they all sort of work together in a weird way. I'll write more later, I really need to drive and hear it again right now.

I just wrote this after Oboe ended.

Good God, it's perfect. It's f***ing perfect. I need to drive to it now, my first listen was while cleaning. Smiler with Knife had me welling up, it's a rare delicate builder. And the heroin of Morrissey's voice almost acapela with that goofy chord change, it's my favorite track. And Oboe. And Mountjoy, the album ends like a mellow guitar lullaby with the voice of safety singing of no hope, but a few songs earlier kissing in the backyard so you know there actually is hope. I f***ing love it, light years better than the agony of YOR.

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