Netflix is a Dangerous Drug

Netflix: no breaks; no commercials; no pauses to go pee; no opportunities to defocus—just one episode after another—binge-watching on the cheap. With a trial subscription it's free for thirty days. Thirty free days to get you hooked. Once hooked, your endless drug supply will cost a mere $7.99 a month. That is less than 30 cents a day for all the TV shows and movies one can ingest. Is there a cheaper drug on the market? Doubtful.

I spent the last few days in a daze-induced Dexter bingefest. By the time the sun went down last night, I was thoroughly drugged—in a toxic stupor. I needed air. Exercise. Human interaction. Having a few days off work in a row is not always in one's best interest. I didn't even put on mascara or a bra all weekend. What a waste of free time. I could have been outside enjoying the cooler weather. Or even have gone out on a date or two. But no. I chose to hole myself inside all weekend and watch episode after episode of a TV show about a serial killer. I feel heavy—hungover—this morning. Work will save me—for now—until tonight, when I return home—when/where Netflix is just one tab click away. Will I be able to resist when boredom sets in after 6 pm?

What happened to watching one episode a week? Isn't that the safe and healthy way to view? It would be if I had a TV hooked up. Can I possibly be expected to watch in moderation when I can binge-watch instead? Who eats just one potato chip when there is a whole bag on offer, right? Same thing. It looks like my only option is to not renew my subscription at the end of the month. That way I won't be tempted to view. But if I am going to cancel my Netflix, shouldn't I hurry up and watch as many Dexter episodes as I can before it expires?

Netflix is the Devil. And it knows it.


Haha! I have the two dvds out at a time through the mail for 12 ish a month. I have a tv, but I don't subscribe to any local or cable channels as I only use it for dvds. Sounds like you're getting more of your money's worth, but if you need to put yourself on Netflix probation, that could be a way for you to enjoy shows without them eating your life. I totally dig the no bra thing, first thing I do when I walk in the door!
Violeta;bt2727 said:
Haha! I have the two dvds out at a time through the mail for 12 ish a month. I have a tv, but I don't subscribe to any local or cable channels as I only use it for dvds. Sounds like you're getting more of your money's worth, but if you need to put yourself on Netflix probation, that could be a way for you to enjoy shows without them eating your life. I totally dig the no bra thing, first thing I do when I walk in the door!

Sometimes I take mine off as soon as I get in my car after work. Freedom! :p

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