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  1. annabel lee

    sweetie pie

    I am not the suggesting set-lists type, but I have to ask, does anyone else wonder why Morrissey never sings Sweetie Pie with Kristeen Young since they are both conveniently located in the same venue at the same time every night? I think it would be amazing
  2. annabel lee

    Vote for Moz. PETA

    it would be sooo nice if morrissey acually won, has he ever won anything like that before? i voted for fiona apple, but natalie portman or thora birch would be cool too
  3. annabel lee

    What is with all the Homophobic comments about Morrissey?

    well that at least explains why you are still on your own side...and adding a smiley doesn't make you any less of an asshole :D can this thread please be over now
  4. annabel lee

    Morrissey's Missing Ring...

    that is so awful, i mean stealing morrissey's stuff is so tacky it is just ridiculous!! lol would he have mugged moz outside the venue if the opportunity was there!? that's just appallingly mean, and a teeny bit funny only because it is so absurbly bad!
  5. annabel lee

    'Kill Uncle': the 14th worst album according to Rolling Stone Magazine

    we could start a support group for people who don't appreciate morrissey's albums correctly and in the right order
  6. annabel lee

    'Kill Uncle': the 14th worst album according to Rolling Stone Magazine

    mute witness is so funny ("oh god what was she doing there?"), asain rut is really sad and beautiful, king leer is neat, so is our frank...i just like the album, i can't think of any song i skip when i listen to it, i mean i don't loooove it with a passion like i do some of morrissey's other...
  7. annabel lee

    What is with all the Homophobic comments about Morrissey?

    i think the subject started out being why there are homophobic comments here? not "so do you really think morrissey is gay?!" and the homophobia question is worth asking
  8. annabel lee

    What is with all the Homophobic comments about Morrissey?

    that's funny, i think i read somewhere here someone blaming women for constantly arguing that morrissey *is* gay because they can't stand the idea of him with a women as it would crush their own fantasies about marrying him or it's the fault of us weak-minded and jealous women no...
  9. annabel lee

    Morrissey endorses new animal rights book

    I'm surprised how many people here don't agree with Morrissey's animal rights views, or are even hostile about them, not because you should agree with everything he says but because it is so fundamental in his perspective and therefore in his music.
  10. annabel lee

    Born to play Morrissey

    i don't want there to be a morrissey movie, i can't imagine anyone doing anything besides an imitation and even if it was a good actor and a good imitation, it would be weird... maybe if they did it with a bunch of actors like they are for that bob dylan movie, to capture different aspects and...
  11. annabel lee

    'Kill Uncle': the 14th worst album according to Rolling Stone Magazine

    you know, i like kill uncle, it's quirky! should i feel bad about myself now
  12. annabel lee

    Morrissey endorses new animal rights book

    i think people generally miss the point about animal rights, they concentrate on how inconvenient or harmful it would be to humans if the "lunatic fringe" had its way and animals weren't tortured and exploited, but that's kind of like saying slavery should never have ended because it was so...
  13. annabel lee

    I knew I was next

    what is that song about do you (all) think? it doesn't quite click with me yet, sometimes i'll listen to a song a lot of times before i'll be like "OH! i see now"
  14. annabel lee

    YouTube Clip Draws Media Attention... Gasp! Snore!

    i'm glad the spokane show turned out so well for you then! i am currently poverty-stricken too, so i'm glad my one experience this tour was such a good one
  15. annabel lee

    YouTube Clip Draws Media Attention... Gasp! Snore!

    are you going to any other shows this tour?
  16. annabel lee

    Queuing Up

    you are so lucky! GA in san diego :D ! but anyway someone experienced should help you out, i've never been to a morrissey show in socal, i hear the la fans are effing lunatics, but san diego should be more mellow hopefully, if you want to be safe you could show up the very early morning before...
  17. annabel lee

    Queuing Up

    probably nowhere? i meant if you wanna go back to your hotel room :)
  18. annabel lee

    Queuing Up

    depending on where the show is, there are people lining up the night before for an 8 p.m. show! i am thinking of the aragon in chicago last year, but noon is a good average, just adjust the time according to the enthusiasm of the fans in the area...someone should come up with a specific...
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