'Kill Uncle': the 14th worst album according to Rolling Stone Magazine

I agree with Pandora, Rolling Stone is for birdcages.

That being said, Elvis Costello's "North" is the worst album made by anyone on that list. Compared with that horrible piece of dreck, Spike and Goodbye Cruel World are masterpieces.

Amen. North marked the end of my Elvis Costello collection.

But I also have to agree with RS's evaluation of Kill Uncle. I remember rushing down to the record store the morning it went on sale, and rushing back to my dorm room with it. One of my roommates was bored silly listening to my anticipation for several weeks and was probably glad that I finally had the damn thing. He cam in about 2/3 of the way through the CD and asked me whether I was giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down; I gave it latter then, and still do. I didn't really give it a serious listen again until I heard the versions on the KROQ single a while later.
I'm surprised also that so many people don't like Kill Uncle. I love this album. Mute Witness is a great song along with Sing Your Life, Asian Rut, King Leer, etc... I always listen to this record all the way through cause I like it so much.
agh. i actually like a lot of these albums. i've always had a fondness for Kill Uncle, the Dylan album is goofy, but not his worst, Van Morrison's Beautiful Vision has four or five truly wonderful songs on it, etc. one can do much worse than having a bunch of these albums in your collection...
I really adore 'Kill Uncle' and can therefore only agree to the poll's premise; Morrissey is a great artist.
I must admit though, that 'Found Found Found' and 'The Harsh Truth etc.' are in the low end of my personal FavouriteMorrisseySong-Index. I find those quite awful, especially by his [extremely high] standards.
Certain aspects of the production seems severely dated, unlike possibly any other Morrissey recording, but still I really love the album.

I really adore 'Kill Uncle' and can therefore only agree to the poll's premise; Morrissey is a great artist.
I must admit though, that 'Found Found Found' and 'The Harsh Truth etc.' are in the low end of my personal FavouriteMorrisseySong-Index. I find those quite awful, especially by his [extremely high] standards.
Certain aspects of the production seems severely dated, unlike possibly any other Morrissey recording, but still I really love the album.


did you see "the jewel in the crown"? I found it really amusing - the guy, forgot his name, who wrote songs for kill uncle talking about sending morrissey rough demo tapes and receiving postcards from him just saying "perfect" to everything he sent him. and then they did not even sit down together and work on those songs before recording. the guy says the album could have been só much better if the songs that weren't even finished in his eyes had been worked over a bit.
well - I hadn't noticed that. I love most of the songs and the sound of the album the way it is!
I think Kill uncle is the most underrated Morrisseey album - I can understand that there are better songs on almost every other Morrissey album, but as an album, a whole coherent work, KU is really good
was "you are the quarry" no.1?
Mute Witness and Found Found Found are two amazingly good songs.

There's a Place In Hell... is a wonderful album closer too.
mute witness is so funny ("oh god what was she doing there?"), asain rut is really sad and beautiful, king leer is neat, so is our frank...i just like the album, i can't think of any song i skip when i listen to it, i mean i don't loooove it with a passion like i do some of morrissey's other albums, but i have a definate fondness for it. weirdly i am much more apathetic about your arsenal, it has my favorite ever song on it but as a whole it's just not a big deal to me...i have godawful taste i guess :D
I'd better sign up, too. I adore 'King Leer' and 'A place in Hell...' Plus, I first heard V&I and Maladjusted on the same day and much preferred the latter. :D

hi cat's mom. I'm still waiting for you to post your knitted boys on my space page. just do it with <img src="link">
I want boz and the smiths :)
I prefer the songs being played live, than on the actual album. They are not really good songs on the album in my opinion. I can understand why fans like it though. On several tracks there is a bunch of echoing and feed back, which sounds like rubbish. The mature torch song There's a Place in Hell For me and My Friends was a bright part of the album.
Further proof that Rolling Stone has no idea what they're talking about.

Their readership these days consistists of a few thousand dried up pony tails.

What a joke.
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