secrets revealed

  1. Light Housework

    What are you ashamed of?

    I had two abortions. One when I was 16 and one when I was 18. The first one I had because the guy had given me syphilis and lied about it. I just wanted to be clean of him. The second one I had was because the guy had lied and lied about having cheated on me. He only admitted to it after I had...
  2. Oh my god. it's Robby!

    ex Catholics, Masons & New Agers apply here

    i went to catholic school til i was thrown out :o so yeah, i think Catholicism sucks but other stuff sucks too, my Mason grampa actually liked that i was thrown out of boscos cuz then he could induct me into Demolay and the Masons they even gave me a cool ring :) but all that knight...
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