100k dead in Myanmar cyclone aftermath, yet nobody's talking about it here?

So Americans really believe that, huh? I guess it means you can call us ungrateful little pigs for not appreciating your effort to bomb us :D

Well, we have a history of using both necessary and unnecessary force, then expecting people to just deal with it.
So Americans really believe that, huh? I guess it means you can call us ungrateful little pigs for not appreciating your effort to bomb us :D

Mmmmmm. Little pigs.

So Americans really believe that, huh? I guess it means you can call us ungrateful little pigs for not appreciating your effort to bomb us :D

Oh I don't believe that. I was just using that as an example of the ignorance of the person's statement. I don't even want to attempt to guess at the amount of damage Clinton caused over there with his misguided bombing attacks. I'm surprised China didn't nuke us over that hospital mishap. Basically, it goes to prove that Democratic Presidents think nothing of bombing and causing the death of innocent "Enemy" civilians, but balk at the idea of American soldiers dying on enemy soil.
It is really unbelievable. I don't mean to sound callous or stupid/naive, but I didn't even know there were 100,000 people in Myanmar/Burma to begin with :o It's hard to wrap my brain around the numbers/devastation.

It's too bad the US can only send $3 million -for now- (hey, that's up from the initial $250,000 :rolleyes:) we're too busy spending $200 million a day in Iraq. :mad:
I'm not surprised in the sligthest. how many Americans know that our government installed and sold arms to the Suharto regime in Indonesia for almost fifty years during which he amassed a bodycount approaching 2 million? Or how many thousand Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions which devastated the people yet scarcely harmed the regime? Who's talking about the epidemic of rape by militants in the Congo, it's astronomical. Even Darfur, one of the more famous third world disasters, doesn't seem to be a front-page issue anymore. This is how it is in the west.Instead we get to hear about Britney's latest breakdown. I'd also like to repeat that according to humanitarian groups like Oxfam and Amnesty we have spent more on the Iraq war than is projected would be necessary to END STARVATION PERMENANTLY. But I'll stop there. On a more personal note, this is a tragedy, I worked with a nice gentleman from Myanmar, hell of a guy, I hope his family is safe and well.
well this is a finicky group. If its not about the ANIMALS of myanmar then forget about it. Humans are wastes of space.

Weren't we having trouble with Myanmar? I vaguely remember that country being a problem somehow... or maybe it had its own problem...

Yeah I don't see an uproar of support and people calling for immediate aid quite yet. That is only for seals. And the government of Myanmar (formerly called Burma) recently cracked down on protesting Buddhists with force. Some people were shot.

Wow, how patronizing. (At least I know where it is.:cool: <- I can be patronizing, too.:rolleyes:)
The cyclone was not sanctioned by the government, "Sir".

Occasionally I think thoughts and perform acts that I don't post here.:rolleyes:;) That many people dying at once - even in Myanmar does get more attention and aid than many x that many animals dying horifically anywhere, so, please do not be so insulting...thanks. (Oh, but I'm sure you were joking;)...)
Wow, how patronizing. (At least I know where it is.:cool: <- I can be patronizing, too.:rolleyes:)
The cyclone was not sanctioned by the government, "Sir".

Occasionally I think thoughts and perform acts that I don't post here.:rolleyes:;) That many people dying at once - even in Myanmar does get more attention and aid than many x that many animals dying horifically anywhere, so, please do not be so insulting...thanks. (Oh, but I'm sure you were joking;)...)

Knowing bogdana, she was definitely being sarcastic. Not knowing Sir Alec, I don't know whether he was, too.
I'm not surprised in the sligthest. how many Americans know that our government installed and sold arms to the Suharto regime in Indonesia for almost fifty years during which he amassed a bodycount approaching 2 million? Or how many thousand Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions which devastated the people yet scarcely harmed the regime? Who's talking about the epidemic of rape by militants in the Congo, it's astronomical. Even Darfur, one of the more famous third world disasters, doesn't seem to be a front-page issue anymore. This is how it is in the west.Instead we get to hear about Britney's latest breakdown. I'd also like to repeat that according to humanitarian groups like Oxfam and Amnesty we have spent more on the Iraq war than is projected would be necessary to END STARVATION PERMENANTLY. But I'll stop there. On a more personal note, this is a tragedy, I worked with a nice gentleman from Myanmar, hell of a guy, I hope his family is safe and well.

If it wasn't your Sid Vicious avatar, I would take things you say a lot more seriously.
duped again, eh?
there's joking, and then there's "joking"...
should I delete?:p

Yeah, I was kidding. You can't honestly believe I'd be that much of an asshole to people for doing what they believe in right? But I do think vegetarians should expand their activism, actually I think we should all expand our activism.

Also, I'm absolutely sick of people using the fact that my internet name is Sir against me (not that you were being serious, you were just being light hearted about it which I understand).
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It's not getting discussed here because it's been difficult to invent a way to blame the USA. As soon as the SoLowers work out which continent Burma is actually on, they'll tell us why America's to blame for all of their problems. Next they'll tell us global warming is behind the cyclone and everyone who hasn't switched to compact flourescent bulbs is evil.

But the truth is, aid and information are slow-going because the regime is holding up relief and assessment efforts. (However, you can rent the movie Beyond Rangoon and watch the lovely Patricia Arquette hanging out there.)

I know some want America to stay where we is, but George W. Bush and his sweet wife, Laura, have nevertheless been offering help. ]

Theo, i'm not a fan of yours, necessarily, but I LOL-ed.
Cyclone in Burma, earthquakes in Japan (and Manchester!), hurricane Katrina, 9000 year dormant volcanoe explodes in Chile, Boxing day tsunami, flooding, drought, the list goes on......there are too many people on this planet and nature is fighting back. The end of the time of man cometh:

and not a moment too soon (but lets get the album out first).
Cyclone in Burma, earthquakes in Japan (and Manchester!), hurricane Katrina, 9000 year dormant volcanoe explodes in Chile, Boxing day tsunami, flooding, drought, the list goes on......there are too many people on this planet and nature is fighting back. The end of the time of man cometh:

and not a moment too soon (but lets get the album out first).

Isn't it possible that such natural disasters always existed, we just didn't know about them?

My other thought is that such natural disasters affect mainly countries that are poor already. Are they poor because of regular natural disasters?:confused:
Isn't it possible that such natural disasters always existed, we just didn't know about them?

My other thought is that such natural disasters affect mainly countries that are poor already. Are they poor because of regular natural disasters?:confused:

Maybe it is because they don't have the financial resources/infrastructure to deal with it as well as developed countries. Or maybe it is just due to being in an unlucky location...not sure.
Maybe it is because they don't have the financial resources/infrastructure to deal with it as well as developed countries. Or maybe it is just due to being in an unlucky location...not sure.

Hm, I was just discussing it with my h yesterday. There was an article according to which most of the developed countries are located in the temperate climate zone. Coincidence?
Hm, I was just discussing it with my h yesterday. There was an article according to which most of the developed countries are located in the temperate climate zone. Coincidence?

Well I guess to some extent being located in a better climate would help a country develop in terms of crops/food/etc...It's location, location, location as they say.
Well I guess to some extent being located in a better climate would help a country develop in terms of crops/food/etc...It's location, location, location as they say.

Lol, yes! :)
Well I guess to some extent being located in a better climate would help a country develop in terms of crops/food/etc...It's location, location, location as they say.

Thats been true for a long time but i think developed countries will get a larger share of their natural disasters in years to come.

Already the USA has suffered Hurricane Katrina and of course Californian earthquakes. Also isnt there some speculation that the "volcano" underneath Yosemite national park could be a big one? If global warming raises sea levels as predicted then it will be places like Britain and coastal areas of the US who suffer as much if not more than anyone.
animal rights catastrophe clean up aisle three epic fail galaga rocks natural disaster totalitarianism
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