2 GA floor tickets for Las Vegas


New Member

Like a few other posts I have seen, due to a change in my employment status, I will be unable to attend the Las Vegas show. I have two (2) tickets that are Floor tickets. With service charges, ticket basterd charges, etc., the total amount I spent was $149.85. While I would love to get what I paid for them, I also need to sell them since the job situation has left me without the money needed to attend the show in Vegas.

If interested, please email [email protected]. The tickets were E-tickets, or whatever the hell they call them on ticketmaster, so I believe I can email them, or print and Fed Ex....whatever works for purchaser.

Let me know. This is a total bummer as I never miss him in Vegas or other venues in the southwest. FYI: I am in Arizona so if purchaser is from AZ, they can pick tickets up direct.
for sale las vegas tickets
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