A similarity...



"In my experience, Cameron never gave a straight answer when dissemblance was a plausible alternative"

Jeff Randall
The Daily Telegraph

Looks like him and Moz may have more in common than we think...
> "In my experience, Cameron never gave a straight answer when
> dissemblance was a plausible alternative"

> Jeff Randall
> The Daily Telegraph

> Looks like him and Moz may have more in common than we think...

Except that Moz dissembles with wit, grace and charm perhaps?
I think thats a given, although he does have a cheeky smile.
> I think thats a given, although he does have a cheeky smile.

Well sorry, but that's not enough to win my vote!
Who said anything about voting? If voting changed anything they would have abolished it years ago..

I have no faith in people who wish to control others' lives.

They must all be odd control freaks.
> Who said anything about voting? If voting changed anything they would have
> abolished it years ago..

> I have no faith in people who wish to control others' lives.

> They must all be odd control freaks.

Well maybe. But you've got to do it haven't you? Remember Emmeline Pankhurst!
The world is full of control freaks. I may even be one myself. The trick is to make people think they are in charge whilst you are battering them into submission.
I dont HAVE to do anything - proof you are a control freak. Ha ha!

I believe it a total waste of time. Vote for Blair - get Thatcher Policies that are called 'New Labour', vote for Cameron and get Blair policies for the next 5 years.

They are all the same.


Banning Meat consumption
Expelling Mike Joyce from the realm
Evicting QE2 from Buck house and converting it into a theme pub.
Making Moz chancellor fo the Exchequer - I've heard he's good with figures. ahem.
You could try voting green then as a protest vote.
Anyway you have got my vote with policies like that! Except point 3, because we don't really know the full story, collective responsibility.....blah, blah, blah
I could try chopping my arm off. But I aint gonna.

Nice try - no sell.

O.k. Moz for Poet Laureate.
> I could try chopping my arm off. But I aint gonna.

> Nice try - no sell.

> O.k. Moz for Poet Laureate.

You're a tad aggressive there. What's wrong in voting for trees?
No, I suppose me and The Green Party have a lot in common.
Great intentions, bugger all direction.
Moz for Poet Laureate certainly. I'm not that fussed with the present one. Seamus Heaney turned it down alas.
Apologies - I didnt mean to be so rude, but I must speak frankly Mrs Shankly.
> Apologies - I didnt mean to be so rude, but I must speak frankly Mrs
> Shankly.

Oh I'm all for straight talking. Whilst retaining an element of decorum of course.
> Oh I'm all for straight talking. Whilst retaining an element of decorum of
> course.

The conservatives are trying to be labour in image and Labour are Conservative in outlook. Its very confusing for the average voter. Next time i'm in the voting both my head will explode.
Hint - Dont bother voting.

I would love to. in fact the first pm to say "Here Stuheff have some free money"

will get my vote.

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