A vision of pure horror


Well-Known Member
Headline today from Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet:

Barry Manilow stole the Nobel Peace Prize Gala Show. The crowd swayed and clapped along to "Copacabana".

Just picture it. Rows and rows of gala-clad fifty-somethings, wearing strained smiles, swaying along to the beat of Copacabana, politely clapping their hands while Barry, shining in the glow of righteousness, give it his all on stage.

It might even rival the sight of Al Gore attempting to keep the beat while clapping and swaying along to Earth, Wind and Fire with all the natural grace and looseness of a lamp-post, trying to force his face into not showing the acute discomfort he was obviously smart enough to know was fully justified.

Does it serve some sort of cosmic balance or something? If you do some good in this world you have to balance it off by horrenduous offenses in some other way? Band Aid and USA for Africa is a case in point!
Headline today from Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet:

Just picture it. Rows and rows of gala-clad fifty-somethings, wearing strained smiles, swaying along to the beat of Copacabana, politely clapping their hands while Barry, shining in the glow of righteousness, give it his all on stage.

It might even rival the sight of Al Gore attempting to keep the beat while clapping and swaying along to Earth, Wind and Fire with all the natural grace and looseness of a lamp-post, trying to force his face into not showing the acute discomfort he was obviously smart enough to know was fully justified.

Does it serve some sort of cosmic balance or something? If you do some good in this world you have to balance it off by horrenduous offenses in some other way? Band Aid and USA for Africa is a case in point!


Has anyone seen my lunch? I just lost it. :o
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