America.... I think I may move there....

What makes you think it is better here? We have Horse sh*t laws also.
As an example: I'm not a smoker and don't know if you are but there are an awful lot of stupid no smoking laws: no smoking in your apartment (flat) if people surrounding don't like it...the smoke may draft their way. No smoking in public parks. No smoking at the beach. No smoking in the bars/pubs/nightclubs.
No talking on your telephone while driving a car...but you may eat a huge face covering sandwich, apply make-up and smoke (unless you have children under the age of 18 in the car) while driving.

We don't have tv licenses but you won't get to view much tele if you don't subscribe to cable or satelite.
And from what I hear, the US cellphone system stinks compared to Europe and Asia. Our internet does also they say.

We have Republicans and Democrats so you won't escape ass hat politicians. We have talk radio.

a small sample of laws in various California jurisdictions:

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
It is illegal to spit, except on baseball diamonds.
All dog “waste” must be removed from any yard within seven days.
One must obtain a permit from the city to throw hay in a cesspool.
It is illegal to plant a garden in any public street.
Sandboxes may not be used as ashtrays.
Waitresses are not allowed to consume drinks bought by her customers.
It is against the law to hold a private bingo game.
Getting drunk on a playground is against the law.
It is illegal to own a green or smelly animal hide.

and so on.

I didn't say it was better, it's just where *someone* :horny:lives;)

Jukebox Jury
Regarding the America-this America-that threads, it's cute that people such as Anon X think they're being "rebels" following lock-step to the lead of BBC scum with their trendy Western European anti-Americanism. I hate to break it to Western Europeans (whom I don't hate - my mom is a citizen of Sweden), but most Americans don't actually give a shit what's going on in your countries. (And why should we? India and China may be on the rise, but you're in decline and that EU shit ain't working out.) You're obsessed with America because of our greatness, and it pains you that your countries are the has-beens of Smelly Old Europe. Yes, we're involved in some wars in the Middle East -- someone has to clean up the mess the British Empire left behind. And you're involved in them to, because you wanna suck up to us.

Anon X was rather hypersensitive in previous threads every time someone said a bad word about Islam (even begging me to visit an Islamic country to appreciate their culture -- a culture of what? Of loving rape like Anon X does? (see his pro-rape thread)). Yes, that was, again, following lock-step to the lead of his BBC, a propaganda machine he's apparently forced to pay a license fee to every year by his silly government. I'd wonder when he'd have a thread saying a critical word about Islam, but perhaps he's already been converted at one of the mosques.

I guess when these people are not on SoLow bashing America, they're getting worked up by the British press over "Prince" Harry saying "raghead". Stop the presses! Apparently it's against the law over there.

Why do you have a "Prince" at all, Anon X, if your country is so far ahead? A "Prince" in the 21st Century? That's pathetic. As long as you have your "Queens" and "Princes", you have nothing to say to an American. We built the greatest nation the world has ever seen. That's why you have to talk about us all the time. You bash America for the same reason I bash the New York Yankees. But I can never win an argument with a Yankee fan. They've won 26 titles! I'm just jealous. And so are you.

That provided me with a few good laughs.

I hate to break it to you but most people in this country don't give a toss about America either way, old love.

This country isn't perfect- yeah we have an outdated Monarchy, Chelsea FC, TV License, Chavs and rubbish weather...but we also have the world's only existing good sense of humour, Liverpool FC, Wembley, Steven Gerrard and a bequiffed gentleman from Manchester.

We're not all bad ;) and even though you gave the world that charmer of a President in GW, you do have one or two good points. Neil Young. Leonard Cohen. The people. The weather.

(I think in order for you to comment about people's reactions to the Prince Harry story you really do need to have experienced similar stories being rammed down your throat on an almost daily basis until you are sick to death of the media creating a story for mere sensationalism when in fact it does alot more harm than good :))
We're not all bad ;) and even though you gave the world that charmer of a President in GW, you do have one or two good points. Neil Young. Leonard Cohen. The people. The weather.

Leonard Cohen is Canadian.
jukebox "fury" is a cunt
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