August and September are clear of dates...

The Seeker of Good Songs

Well-Known Member what will Morrissey be doing then?
Is it too short of time for him to have some USA dates?
he'll be going into the studio to finish off those four or five demos we know that he and Alain Whyte have composed (I'm looking forward to going back, When I was young, Teresa, Teresa, I was bully-do not forget me, Action man, etc).

two of them will go on the b-side of the single to promote Swords. another one is rumoured to be so strong that it's going to be released as a stand-alone, pre-Christmas single (with the remaining two songs on the b-side).

well, that's what he's got planned in my little fantasy world, at least!
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good grief


Morrissey and the lads need some rest.
They're not machines, let them have some break.

hee hee, I nicked yesitis' photo. :p
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Who is in the pool?
Looks like Moz only has a thin sheen of baby oil on his skin in that photo. Shouldn't someone introduce him to the necessary wonders of sunblock?

But I agree with Julie's sentiments; hopefully he'll rest up and have a wonderful holiday somewhere. Florida, Moz, Florida!
I hope he does nothing. :o
"two of them will go on the b-side of the single to promote Swords. another one is rumoured to be so strong that it's going to be released as a stand-alone, pre-Christmas single (with the remaining two songs on the b-side)."

Is this an actual rumor that you have heard? If so is said source credible because that sounds really exciting
"two of them will go on the b-side of the single to promote Swords. another one is rumoured to be so strong that it's going to be released as a stand-alone, pre-Christmas single (with the remaining two songs on the b-side)."

Is this an actual rumor that you have heard? If so is said source credible because that sounds really exciting

:rolleyes: :o
Read the rest of Maurice E's post?

well, that's what he's got planned in my little fantasy world, at least!


would you be surprised? :D

A little, but not entirely. He'd be getting back at me for screaming "REEL AROUND THE FOUNTAIN!" at the Pittsburgh gig back in March :rolleyes:
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