Avatars and signatures - what are your intentions?


Bengali in platforms
This is morrissey-solo.com, what's your intention to have a photo of a distressed woman as your avatar and signature?

If neither your signature nor avatar have anything to do with Morrissey, then what is your intention in the first place?

Sigs are about expressing yourself however you want. I don't like the way most people express themselves so I don't view sigs ;)

Actually, I don't view sigs because it looks too messy for me and the repetition of them makes them annoying. I try to keep mine short and sweet. I think the fact that we can turn them off makes it easy enough for people to do what they want with them.

There is a size limit and the TOS applies but other than that it's completely fair game.
This is an odd question...
This forum shouldn't be a shrine to Morrisey void of personal expression. Most people who love his music and find him interesting are interesting themselves in some capacity. It would be more creepy here if people treated the Morrissey appreciation as obsession...any more than some members do currently...


This is an odd question...
This forum shouldn't be a shrine to Morrisey void of personal expression. Most people who love his music and find him interesting are interesting themselves in some capacity. It would be more creepy here if people treated the Morrissey appreciation as obsession...any more than some members do currently...



I agree with you.
I found Kewpie's question very strange and that is why I posed the question.
my avatar? well, I really do love a bit of marmite now and then :yum:
my sig? its from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia which is like one of the funniest shows ever :thumb:
I don't think I need to explain my signature, my avatar though is the "Robotic Richard Simmons" from The Simpsons!

By saying it's all fair game... you should put whatever you want. Pictures of your car, pictures of your favourite athlete, quotes from your grandfather.. like TRO said.. your sig and avatar don't have to be a shrine to the man... but if that's what you want then by all means, have at it.
By saying it's all fair game... you should put whatever you want. Pictures of your car, pictures of your favourite athlete, quotes from your grandfather.. like TRO said.. your sig and avatar don't have to be a shrine to the man... but if that's what you want then by all means, have at it.

Except if you're me, in which case you'll be harassed by a moderator no matter what you put there. :rolleyes:
It is one of two threads I have on ignore.

The "conversation with Morrissey lyrics" is the other.

This reminds me of, "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it..."

What if I call someone a f***tard in a thread that you have on ignore?
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