Can we Soloists excert some pressure for a new album?

The reason Morrissey might never get a record deal is because what he thinks it means to release a record and what record companies think is completely different. Morrissey wants to record a whole album, have it released on vinyl and have lots of promotion. Record companies want to do everything digitally because it's cheaper and it's the way most music is sold these days.
Morrissey said he has no interest in starting his own label and he has said he has no interest in doing a digital only release. Morrissey is either going to need to change his mind, get very lucky with a record deal or the songs will just go unrecorded and unreleased.

Err, not strictly true. Although downloads massively outsell physical singles, CDs still account for most album sales.
The issue with a record deal for Morrissey is that he expects the same conditions as someone who is likely to sell 500,000 albums (in the UK) whereas his last album only sold 85,000. Tons of other artists with similar sales can put out albums but Morrissey feels he has the status of someone who sells many more than he actually does, and thinks he deserves better than what he's offered. And when his albums and singles don't sell well, he blames the record company and the radio stations, rather than the quality of the songs that he's releasing.
Well I have to embarass myself and say that I think his voice improves with time. I find it richer and deeper as he ages. This is not unusual. Sinatra at 50 was at his peak. Because of this I prefer his later interpretations of Smiths songs.

Same here. His voice has certainly changed- whose wouldn't over the course of nearly 30 years?- but I think he sounds great at the moment.

I don't particularly want to be cruel about Morrissey's work, but as a fan I must be honest; do you suppose that, singing 'I Know It's Over', 'Shoplifters Of The World Unite' and 'Maladjusted' ('Maladjusted' being my favourite of his solo songs), and then singing 'The Kid's A Looker' and 'People Are The Same Everywhere', Morrissey notices the drastic drop in lyrical (and musical) quality? Or do you reckon he thinks they're just as good? He's certainly extremely confident with his new material, whatever the case.

Even though I don't dislike the new songs nearly as much as many people (in fact I think several of them are really very good), I think Morrissey will always be confident with the newest material or the latest release. I was reading some old interviews a couple of weeks ago, ranging from Smiths era to Maladjusted, and he has always seemed to be adamant that the latest album, or set of songs, was the best work he'd ever done. He seems to put more emphasis on it of late, but it's not exactly a new phenomenon.

As for a new album, record deal etc- I really have no idea. He's very picky though, I think we can all agree on that.
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I think Morrissey will always be confident with the newest material or the latest release. I was reading some old interviews a couple of weeks ago, ranging from Smiths era to Maladjusted, and he has always seemed to be adamant that the latest album, or set of songs, was the best work he'd ever done. He seems to put more emphasis on it of late, but it's not exactly a new phenomenon.

Well, it's not like he was gonna say "hey guys, my new album is uneven and lackluster and it's not as good as my work 20 years ago...but hey, buy it anyway!"
Well, it's not like he was gonna say "hey guys, my new album is uneven and lackluster and it's not as good as my work 20 years ago...but hey, buy it anyway!"

Great one, dude!
Yes, I dislike 'Years Of Refusal' greatly. Poorly mixed. Sloppy lead guitar. Mostly poor lyrics.
'You Are The Quarry' was his last decent album...why? No Jesse Tobias.

His voice is in 'good form' as much as a 52 year old man's voice can be...but you have to face the facts, his voice now is a shell of what it used to be. His voice now is nowhere near the voice that made me start listening to him. It is deep and monotone and he rarely varies from that these days, though he could if he wanted to. At least he isn't covering up his weaknesses with random noises during live performances now, though.

He doesn't care about his backing music, he has stopped putting in an effort lyrically and he doesn't try to push himself vocally...I feel he has wasted his talent these last 7 years.

I can sympathize. His content lyrically has become less "privatized," I feel. It's much easier to find the whole meaning of a Morrissey song now than it was 10 years ago for the most part.
Morrissey isn't real he's a cyborg made by Paul Morley from a flat in Cheetham Hill. I can't believe you've fallen for it all these years, Infact all of Moz's lyrics are basically the Koran read backwards.

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