Dear God Please Help Us

Ethan Poe

New Member
I think I echo the sentiment that most people on these forums when I ask where are the new All You Need is Me b-sides...I bought the singles but I cant wait long please if anyone out there has them let me know or post them here. It would be uber appreciated
All We Need Is B-sides!!!!

I'm still baffled that the b-sides have been so tightly sealed that here it is one week from release and still nothing! This is a first for this site.
What gives?
There was this thing They used to have. . .it was called "Delaying Gratification." Maybe you guys want to look into it.

Sheesh. The internet has destroyed not only our attention spans and ability to relate to humans, but also our patience. What next?! Our snappy dress sense?


so next time you're driving and you're late and stuck behind a slow driver hear my voice in your head and think of me kindly..
yeah people say, "just wait another week," well idiots say that.. i mean, although i am sure it will ship this friday to me i think it will take about another week to get to me here in chicago..

OH and then YES i will have the cd and 2 vinyls but does it ship with a free vinyl player? wait no? no included record player? aw dang, well i guess that means i along with many others will be on this forum asking, begging for ‘My Dearest Love’ and ‘Drive-in Saturday’ (live at the Orpheum Theater, Omaha, Nebraska, 11th May 2007).. so, uh, get the f*** used to it.

thank you.
yeah people say, "just wait another week," well idiots say that.. i mean, although i am sure it will ship this friday to me i think it will take about another week to get to me here in chicago..

OH and then YES i will have the cd and 2 vinyls but does it ship with a free vinyl player? wait no? no included record player? aw dang, well i guess that means i along with many others will be on this forum asking, begging for ‘My Dearest Love’ and ‘Drive-in Saturday’ (live at the Orpheum Theater, Omaha, Nebraska, 11th May 2007).. so, uh, get the f*** used to it.

I am "the f*** used to it"--every time there's a new release, there are assholes who whine and beg instead of asking politely and patiently. Poor you, having to wait an extra week to have it shipped. Poor you, with no turntable. Why the f*** are you ordering 7" singles? Perhaps your time & effort would be better spent not being a prick to those who, like me, have the wherewithal and the generosity to share vinyl rips.
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Re: All We Need Is B-sides!!!!

I'm still baffled that the b-sides have been so tightly sealed that here it is one week from release and still nothing! This is a first for this site.
What gives?

I have to remind you that Morrissey-Solo has been regularly checked by all sorts of people, including journalists and record company employees.

It's obvious that the record company is simply preventing leakage of other tracks of the single before its release, therefore the promo only contains the title track.
i think it is quite obvious why we order 7" singles, we support morrissey and want to have his releases regardless of format, beit a 7", a cd, an 8-track or a beta video..

in a perfect world those 7" releases would harry potter themselves onto my iPod.. so as i said before, get the f*** used to it and perhaps take an Ativan and stop squeezing my skull...
by the way, Not Right in the Head, i didn't mean to exactly attack anyone who does share a digital version of something released on vinyl, i have alwas appriciated those such as you and generally post a thank you or send a personal message of gratitude. i have in all honesty looked into buying a record player with an output but i can't justify what comes out to be a decent sized expenditure in a less than decent sized econo-status.. i love america.

damn right i cross-posted my assholery, and i'll do it again sweetie-pie
Re: All We Need Is B-sides!!!!

quite honestly, i could not care less.

I have to remind you that Morrissey-Solo has been regularly checked by all sorts of people, including journalists and record company employees.

It's obvious that the record company is simply preventing leakage of other tracks of the single before its release, therefore the promo only contains the title track.
Re: All We Need Is B-sides!!!!

i'm with you ... its sometimes quite nice to just put on a cd and listen to it without having the surprise ruined

i used to love going to a record shop and rushing home to listen to it and hearing something new

your logic is flawed however. it is sometimes quite nice to just hit play on that song you just downloaded and have that surprise of a new song fresh and ready on your computer.. i would say the surprise is the exact same. perhaps it is a generational gap that creates this false notion that a record company's fixed release date is sacred? i dunno... to me the song is released when i get it. the surprise, for me at least, is the same whether it is the day my disc comes in the mail, i find it in the store, or i download it. actually the store is the WORST as i am usually not in a position to actually play it until i get home 30 minutes later. which is just frustrating to such a point i would do anything and everything to avoid it. even murder? yes, even murder.
by the way, Not Right in the Head, i didn't mean to exactly attack anyone who does share a digital version of something released on vinyl, i have alwas appriciated those such as you and generally post a thank you or send a personal message of gratitude. i have in all honesty looked into buying a record player with an output but i can't justify what comes out to be a decent sized expenditure in a less than decent sized econo-status.. i love america.

damn right i cross-posted my assholery, and i'll do it again sweetie-pie

jimmy i miss you a lot.
I am still your plato, and always will be.
New B-Sides from AYNIM

I just want to ask if there is something leaked now.

Surely I will buy all formats of the singles...but I just can`t wait to hear them :)

You people need to calm down; its as if the b-sides will CHANGE if you don't hear them at a different date. Just wait and I promise you that if you order it, you'll hear it. What difference does it make WHEN you hear it, as long as you get what you pay for? And for those of you who are SO gushing fans that you'd kill your own family to hear Morrissey's new songs before they're released to everyone, I suggest you get off your f***ing asses and go see Mozza, ask him to do a private performance. The worst that could happen is you'd be humiliated by your hero, but its not any more degrading than you're being to yourselves right now...

Just sayin'
"You people need to calm down; its as if the b-sides will CHANGE if you don't hear them at a different date. Just wait and I promise you that if you order it, you'll hear it. What difference does it make WHEN you hear it, as long as you get what you pay for? And for those of you who are SO gushing fans that you'd kill your own family to hear Morrissey's new songs before they're released to everyone, I suggest you get off your f***ing asses and go see Mozza, ask him to do a private performance. The worst that could happen is you'd be humiliated by your hero, but its not any more degrading than you're being to yourselves right now...

Just sayin'"

I know some people are taking this a bit far but Ive been through a music dry spell and am just wanting to hear some hopefully good new tracks and am not that inclined to buying an LP player to play two of the disks I had pre-ordered
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