favorite morrissey/smiths lyrics?

From What She Said:
"To pretend to be happy would only be idiocy..."
I have thought about that line so much in the last 6 months.
Another favorite from That Joke:
"On the cold leather seat, it suddenly struck me, I just might die with a smile on my face after all..."
It always makes me feel emotional, and I'm not even sure why.

I like tons of Morrissey solo stuff too, especially from King Leer, but the ones above are just so strong.
Trouble Loves Me

"Ready with ready-wit
Still running round
On the flesh rampage
- at your age !
Go to soho, oh
Go to waste in
The wrong arms...

Faced with the music, as always Ill face it
In the half-light
So english, frowning"

yup, such a good song, but it's one of his songs that I had to give another listen to before I really got into it, there are several songs like that....thats the thing about morrissey, you'll hear a song, think it's ok, but then read the lyrics, and think its much more than "ok"
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