Fiona Dodwell IG: "On Morrissey, Bonfire of Teenagers & the gutter press" (November 16, 2022)

I really can't get my head around the drama that always seems to swirl around Morrissey when it comes to album releases. James are lining up a new album release for the new year and including this one each of the last 5 albums have been on a different label. No drama, no noise on social, they just get on with it. I wonder what it is that makes Morrissey different?
Mental instability? Personality disorder? Some psychological affliction that makes him addicted to drama?
How true, a point we have made several times before. It's almost as if Morrissey and his simper-clique actually require the brutal treatment and harsh back-handers from what you still charmingly refer to as 'record labels'.

It reminds us of the abuseds perverse and continuing relationship with the abuser. It need not be this way.

If Yoko (sorry, SE-R) could forget his BTEC pass grade in media manipulation for a minute and actually get to grips with releasing this (admittedly weak) set of songs online - the issue disappears.

But, no. We beat on, raging endlessly against 'labels' when the label is no longer wholly necessary to get access to the music. How much more of a whack up the cat-flap do they want to give the 'biz'?

Instead: moan, whine, prevaricate - get Fiona Magdalene to emote endlessly as if we're awaiting a late career equivalent of TQID.

We are not.

We've seen third rate dirges limply delivered in Blackpool, Stockton . . . etc.

Perhaps it's not being released because - it's not very good.
This post is hilarious :lbf: and true. I love it when someone makes facts amusing.
I don't know where this idea is coming from that Morrissey is owed or deserves a deal. As far as we know, he has one and we also know he tends to blow up anything good that happens to him. Bootlickers like Fiona Dodwell, who is a nobody, do not help him by reinforcing his unshakeable believe that he is a perpetual victim. Of course she fails to mention the weirdness from Central and his never ending habit of canceling concerts or just walking off stage. None of that could possibly contribute to this non problem he is having, and it is a non problem because he could have just released this himself.
she never said she was a somebody.she is a punchbag for the usual suspects on here.
Moz obviously didn't think FB was 'far right' as he clearly wouldn't support a party that was. But the mainstream media called them 'far right'. Wikipedia calls them 'far right' if anyone chooses to look up FB to find out what sort of party Moz was supporting. You go one step further and describe them as 'fascist'. If Moz wanted to distance himself from his previous support he could do so at any time. He hasn't.
So in your eyes Moz voiced support for a fascist party and hasn't retracted that support. And yet you don't see that as 'problematic'?
I remain of the opinion that his previous support for FB is almost certainly one of the factors why no UK label will sign him. I don't say it's the only factor - but it is almost certainly one of the factors.

Yes, he has distanced himself.

He said several times that he didn't belong to, or vote for, any party & was apolitical.

She was begging for support & he ignored her.

The UK press universally attacked him, he won't talk to them, Central posts appalling videos & SER won't take them down & "fans" like you take every opportunity to link him to ideas he's never advocated.

Further, if a "right-wing" audience did rock up to one of his gigs for "his politics" they're going to find drag queens, James Baldwin, Mexicans, PETA leaflets, veganism, songs about lowering the birth rate, & a lot of pictures of half naked men - so it's not going to up his sales.

Continuing situations are a problem, not past events that can always be reframed.
Yes, he has distanced himself.

He said several times that he didn't belong to, or vote for, any party & was apolitical.

She was begging for support & he ignored her.

The UK press universally attacked him, he won't talk to them, Central posts appalling videos & SER won't take them down & "fans" like you take every opportunity to link him to ideas he's never advocated.

Further, if a "right-wing" audience did rock up to one of his gigs for "his politics" they're going to find drag queens, James Baldwin, Mexicans, PETA leaflets, veganism, songs about lowering the birth rate, & a lot of pictures of half naked men - so it's not going to up his sales.

Continuing situations are a problem, not past events that can always be reframed.
And FB was fronted by a vegan Irish lesbian. What's your point?
Any free-thinking individual wouldn't have a problem with any of those things you listed.
And FB was fronted by a vegan Irish lesbian. What's your point?
Any free-thinking individual wouldn't have a problem with any of those things you listed.

Free thinking? You didn't like the idea there was a trans woman in his pre-show video.

Fiona's not wrong - but I think the way out would involve at least his management or band talking to mainstream journalists. Alain & Brendan seem up for it.
Some people here have stated that Morrissey needs a more professional manager. He was at one time managed by Irving Azoff, a behemoth in the world of showbiz management. Of course it didn't last.
Free thinking? You didn't like the idea there was a trans woman in his pre-show video.

Fiona's not wrong - but I think the way out would involve at least his management or band talking to mainstream journalists. Alain & Brendan seem up for it.
Please provide the quote. I have no problem with anyone trans, and I certainly don't have a problem with Candy Darling. I grew up watching Andy Warhol movies. I could quote you lines. Candy Says is one of my favourite Velvet Underground songs. If I remember what you are referring to, I merely pointed out that David Hoyle is a gay male performance artist, and is not trans. It's good to be factual about such things.
Yes, he has distanced himself.

He said several times that he didn't belong to, or vote for, any party & was apolitical.

She was begging for support & he ignored her.

The UK press universally attacked him, he won't talk to them, Central posts appalling videos & SER won't take them down & "fans" like you take every opportunity to link him to ideas he's never advocated.

Further, if a "right-wing" audience did rock up to one of his gigs for "his politics" they're going to find drag queens, James Baldwin, Mexicans, PETA leaflets, veganism, songs about lowering the birth rate, & a lot of pictures of half naked men - so it's not going to up his sales.

Continuing situations are a problem, not past events that can always be reframed.
Are you aware of the ‘unconventional’ lifestyles of Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey and Douglas Murray—to name but three Morrissey favourites who had/have political opinions associated with the right of British politics. Do you seriously believe these people could be flustered by anything on show at a Morrissey concert?

There are many people who hold right-wing views who enjoy Morrissey and his cultural references. I’ve met them; for some he seems positively conservative.
Fiona Dodwell, Sam Rayner and Paul J. Watson... What happened to Merck, Linder, Julia and Russell? Make Morrissey Great Again, is all I can say. He cannot do this by himself any longer, he's gonna need someone (better) on his side.
Especially since Russell has become well and truly based which in this day and age means he's a nutter conspiracy theorist.
Are you aware of the ‘unconventional’ lifestyles of Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey and Douglas Murray—to name but three Morrissey favourites who had/have political opinions associated with the right of British politics. Do you seriously believe these people could be flustered by anything on show at a Morrissey concert?

There are many people who hold right-wing views who enjoy Morrissey and his cultural references. I’ve met them; for some he seems positively conservative.

He read one Murray book years ago so I wouldn't count him as a favourite.

The "culture war" - right now - is extremely hostile to those references & some people are trying to place him on the hostile side. Anyone who turned up because they believed it, would not be happy.
Morrissey always says what he thinks – that's the so-called free speech – but, sometimes, what he says is against the standard thinking. I guess since his speech about Chinise being a sub-specie Morrissey has been looked very closely by press. This speech is particularly terrible.
And FB was fronted by a vegan Irish lesbian. What's your point?
Any free-thinking individual wouldn't have a problem with any of those things you listed.
Aah the cynical, laughable, self-serving tokenism and mental gymnastics to be found by some Mozheads out there regularly. I did so myself too, once upon a time. The inevitable time comes when truths need facing up to. It's painful, but necessary.
Please provide the quote. I have no problem with anyone trans, and I certainly don't have a problem with Candy Darling. I grew up watching Andy Warhol movies. I could quote you lines. Candy Says is one of my favourite Velvet Underground songs. If I remember what you are referring to, I merely pointed out that David Hoyle is a gay male performance artist, and is not trans. It's good to be factual about such things.

It turns out David is non-binary.

The last thing Morrissey needs is being dragged into the gender debate in the press - so I wish you wouldn't keep trying.
Are you aware of the ‘unconventional’ lifestyles of Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey and Douglas Murray—to name but three Morrissey favourites who had/have political opinions associated with the right of British politics. Do you seriously believe these people could be flustered by anything on show at a Morrissey concert?

There are many people who hold right-wing views who enjoy Morrissey and his cultural references. I’ve met them; for some he seems positively conservative.
Hawtrey! Now you're talking! This site should have more Hawtrey - what a LIVELY chap he was!

Sullivan's father knew him in the 1940s at the arse-end of his time with Will Hay (a fraught relationship).

Anyhoo - I'm babbling, I know. Me and Mr Shandy visited him in the early 1980s. A more peculiar two hours have I never spent before or since.

David Seabrook captures it all in his wonderful 'All the Devils are Here'.

Ah, Charles - you were very much of your time, and we miss you.

all the devils.jpg
Hawtrey! Now you're talking! This site should have more Hawtrey - what a LIVELY chap he was!

Sullivan's father knew him in the 1940s at the arse-end of his time with Will Hay (a fraught relationship).

Anyhoo - I'm babbling, I know. Me and Mr Shandy visited him in the early 1980s. A more peculiar two hours have I never spent before or since.

David Seabrook captures it all in his wonderful 'All the Devils are Here'.

Ah, Charles - you were very much of your time, and we miss you.

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you should be in an old folks home with a shitty undercarriage if you are as old as you say you are.
charley hawtrey good,kenneth wiliams better.
bonfire of teenagers fiona dodwell

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