Hayley from Paramore wearing a Moz shirt.

why was this thread moved here? :confused:
Don't go there girlfriend!

Ha you're kidding right? (ilu really :sweet:)
Seriously though some people just dragged this thread off topic, totally derailed it. Which is a shame because I would pound the paramore girl into the ground and plough her like a potato field.

How crude.
This thread was better when it was in General Discussion.
I see the thread has died a quick death since my departure....more pictures you think? p.s Ellen I hate you
I see the thread has died a quick death since my departure....more pictures you think? p.s Ellen I hate you

Yes Scarlet, good idea. Post more pictures of your fine nearly naked self. And why hate me? Everyone else is being just as awful. Is it because I'm a girl and you feel threatened by my femininity? Aw, didums, get over it.

p.s I love you.
Ellen or Scarlet.

It's like picking a child to live, don't make me choose!
That's it, I'm sick of this f***ing shit!!! That ugly, nasty, no talent hag should not be allowed to wear anything Smits/Moz related. Lemme guess, "She's a huge fan of Morrissey...blah blah f***ing blah"? I'd be willing to bet Morrissey would probably vomit if he heard how shitty that band is?

Why do these f***ing imbecile celebrities/bands continue f***ing doing this shit? They only "like Morrissey", so broaden their fanbase. I'll bet most of them don't know a f***ing thing about his PIMPship, or his music?

f*** you Hayley, you nasty bitch.

You're f***ing produced by Fall Out Boy, which makes you shit from the getgo. No one but little kids(and that's being kind) take you serious.
From the wiki..

Paramore has expressed appreciation for Blink-182, Jimmy Eat World, Chicago, Sunny Day Real Estate,[54] Death Cab for Cutie, Fall Out Boy and Failure; Williams citing her personal influences as Robert Smith of The Cure and Etta James.[55] Williams explained that bands such as U2, "who are massive, and do whatever they want, write whatever they want and they stand for something", Jimmy Eat World, "who I don’t think ever disappoint their fans," and No Doubt, who "have done amazing things," act as a pattern for the path in which Paramore would like to take their career.

Can only say.. not impressed with it but she's 20 so I know when I was 20 I liked a lot of crap.. like.. oh no wait.. when I was 20 I was already a bit of a music snob.

Funny, as not a Morrissey reference in the bunch. Plus, you know she's "clueless", as when has No Doubt ever done "amazing things"?
ben budd is sexy cum target diana dors was a man? ellen is a minger hotsexaction slags sturrock running wild thick and over the top tits oot
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