How many of you are vegetarian because of Morrissey?

Good Luck to you :)

I had been thinking about it for a long time, and then Moz played his part until I finally decided to go vegetarian. One of the best decisions of my life :)
No moi moi.

It was time, when I was without milk and eggs, but I'm going to be baker so, it's quite impossible, well not impossible but hard. I can't always say that: "Sorry, I can't taste it, because there's egg and butter..."
And I wanted to leave fish too, but I can't, because I want to stay healthy, and I'm too lazy to find out all nutrients.
So I'm not very bad martinet, like many vegetarians seems to be.
I know it, that it's not right to eat fish.

And I have never said, that I'm total vegetarian.
I only know one guy who did it! His name is Aurélio Marques!:D He became vegetarian because of Morrissey´s work.:horny:
guilty as charged..
it was 'meat is murder'
it was february
it was 1985
and most of all it was down south [ugh!]
all my friends are vegetarian too
No moi moi.

It was time, when I was without milk and eggs, but I'm going to be baker so, it's quite impossible, well not impossible but hard. I can't always say that: "Sorry, I can't taste it, because there's egg and butter..."
And I wanted to leave fish too, but I can't, because I want to stay healthy, and I'm too lazy to find out all nutrients.
So I'm not very bad martinet, like many vegetarians seems to be.
I know it, that it's not right to eat fish.

And I have never said, that I'm total vegetarian.

you do not need fish to remain healthy, its a media generated image that fish oils are the best etc etc... they may well be good for you but you will do fine without, as long as you arent what id call a 'cheese and pasta' kinda veggie, you have to variate and eat nuts/pulses/grains.. (which is what most meat eaters fail to do anyhows/ should b doing. :rolleyes:)
But I guess being a vegetarian because Morrissey is one is as good a reason as any

Not really. Following others blindly and incorporating their own social or religious beliefs simply because you idolize them is never 'a good reason' in my book.

I prefer to think that not eating the rotting carcass of an animal is as good a reason as any, and not because some singer I like does it.
it is a plus or a bonus that morrissey does not eat meat but it was not the major factor for my deciding to become a vegetarian and now a vegan,other than his choice of hairstyle i have not really followed his lead ,if i had i would like the new york dolls and sparks,which i do not.
you do not need fish to remain healthy, its a media generated image that fish oils are the best etc etc... they may well be good for you but you will do fine without, as long as you arent what id call a 'cheese and pasta' kinda veggie, you have to variate and eat nuts/pulses/grains.. (which is what most meat eaters fail to do anyhows/ should b doing. :rolleyes:)

Yeah yeah yeah, I actually know that, that I don't need fish, but I don't know what I should eat instead of fish, then. I tried to find out, but I'm not very patient, so...

:) Maybe I go to nourishment therapist when I move out of here (and my father is also against of leaving fish).
Yeah yeah yeah, I actually know that, that I don't need fish, but I don't know what I should eat instead of fish, then. I tried to find out, but I'm not very patient, so...

:) Maybe I go to nourishment therapist when I move out of here (and my father is also against of leaving fish).

Flaxseed oil, or, be like me and not give a damn. I never ate fish before(other than very rare occasions pre 10yrs old), and I'm doing just fine. Fortified soy milks are good too, just stay away from Silk. shit sucks. ewwwwwwww
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I was given a t-shirt with the word 'Vegetarian' emblazoned across the front & that did it for me!


the ultra fickle Grim

hehe. weeks away from this website and i realise how much i miss it. people like you. I love you - legend :guitar:
thanks for all your interesting stories!
I am gonna try to stay a vegetarian but I am facing a little problem since my mum doesn't want to let me continue not eating meat...
she says I won't grow since I am 16. I don't know what to tell her to convince her to let me be a vegetarian...:tears:
How Many Of You Are Morrissey Because Of Vegetarian?

fans, I mean, or maybe those delusional few that are Morrissey, or Morrissey himself. Hi Morrissey! Love ya, babe! :cool:
thanks for all your interesting stories!
I am gonna try to stay a vegetarian but I am facing a little problem since my mum doesn't want to let me continue not eating meat...
she says I won't grow since I am 16. I don't know what to tell her to convince her to let me be a vegetarian...:tears:

Aw, you poor thing - it's so difficult to get the parents to come 'round, sometimes.

There are plenty of good books written on the subject of growing up vegetarian - your local bookstore should have something you can bring home, put in her hands and respectfully ask her to read. There are also a bunch of good websites out there that can give you some useful advice.

Persistence and a healthy diet will usually win them over. :)
thanks for all your interesting stories!
I am gonna try to stay a vegetarian but I am facing a little problem since my mum doesn't want to let me continue not eating meat...
she says I won't grow since I am 16. I don't know what to tell her to convince her to let me be a vegetarian...:tears:

Oh, that's a shame. I know a good few people who've been vegetarian since birth and they're all much taller than me. So, if that's anything to go by, eating crap scraped off an abbatoir wall and covered in breadcrumbs actually stunts your growth and eating lots of vegetables doesn't.

In answer to your first post, I've been veggie for about 18 months now and Morrissey was the one who changed me. I've always been an animal lover, but for some reason I managed to eat meat for a long time (although I refused to eat many forms of it for most of those years). Then I started to think about what I was doing seriously a couple of months after I first heard Meat is Murder, and the final blow was one of my teachers (who, as it happens, is a Morrissey fan) telling the class what's in cheap sausages and steak and kidney pie. I've never willingly eaten meat since then.
Oh, that's a shame. I know a good few people who've been vegetarian since birth and they're all much taller than me.

Back in the early '90s we had one roadie who was vegetarian from birth. He was a big guy - very, very fit, who did all the heavy lifting. He was the first life-time vegetarian I'd ever met, and I was totally impressed. He truly was the strongest person in the crew - good lookin' too. :D
Back in the early '90s we had one roadie who was vegetarian from birth. He was a big guy - very, very fit, who did all the heavy lifting. He was the first life-time vegetarian I'd ever met, and I was totally impressed. He truly was the strongest person in the crew - good lookin' too. :D

I think it must be that meat (or at least the sort of meat I was brought up on) has the nutritional value of polystyrene. That's why I'm tiny and lots of lifelong veggies are not. :)
Re: How Many Of You Are Morrissey Because Of Vegetarian?

fans, I mean, or maybe those delusional few that are Morrissey, or Morrissey himself. Hi Morrissey! Love ya, babe! :cool:

once again, the failed understanding of an intricate language wrongly moved a thread. Dave, I got it!
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