Imperfect List


Senior Citizen member
Does anyone else think it odd that he has gone back to using The Imperfect List mid-tour?
I can't think of any other occasion he has done this, seeing as he is still doing the long winded video montage at the beginning it would seem it is still pretty much the same as the europe leg last year so why go back to an intro from just two years ago?
Don't get me wrong, I love The Imperfect List entrance, really builds the excitement. I'm not a big fan of the videos at the beginning however, i did about 5 of the pre xmas tours in Europe/UK and those videos nearly killed me!
I did four pre X-mas gigs and must admit, that sketch with the '12 days of X-mas' song certainly dragged further each night.

Jukebox Jury
I saw my first Morrissey show in 2004 and so I just assumed all Morrissey shows intro-ed with it. It's an instant association for me when I hear the music kick in over the vocals.
No he has used many different intros. Used to be classical music quite often and then there was the Betjeman Poem in 2002 as well as Jobriath last year in Europe and some heavy classical piano for the xmas europe dates last year. That's why I was surprised he went back to Imperfect List, almost like they forgot to get a new intro and just went back to one thay had from before!
I did four pre X-mas gigs and must admit, that sketch with the '12 days of X-mas' song certainly dragged further each night.

Jukebox Jury

Who was that? Was that some sort of drag queen? I couldn't tell, all I knew was that I didn't like it. The rest was fine, but JEEZ...:o
I'm not sure, was it Lypsinka. Somebody similar to that played Morrissey's Meltdown show in 2004, Lypsinka or American drag act John Eperson. It may not be the same person but I know it annoyed the hell out of me! I remember with those videos after everyone thinking that was it, only to remember there was another on after it. Can't believe he's still using them for 40+ dates in the USA, the poor crew must be sick to death of them!!
love the imperfect list intro... perfect... keep it up moz.
i also loved the music at the end of the shows in the early 90's (see end of dallas vids...)

suddenly mozza was gone and everyone had been squished and freaking out and trying to get closer and trying to breath and being pulled out by security because they were being crushed....

then poof... that classical music.... and it was like huh? and this beautiful confused dream (esp when he left early like at limelight for example) then that music... like being in a dream... then the lights go on and its really surreal.

i love the things he chooses.
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