In Need Of New Reading Material

Title says it all. I need new books to get completely engrossed in. My favourite book is probably "The Catcher in the Rye" and i also like Brett Easton Ellis, Irvine Welsh and Alan Sillitoe. Anyone have any suggestions??
have you read any will self or denis johnson or charles bukowski or jerzy kosinski or john king or nathanael west or patricia highsmith or raymond carver or jean paul sartre or thomas pynchon or roald dahl or kurt vonnegut or jg ballard or aldous huxley or william golding or philip k dick or albert camus or michael chabon?
have you read any will self or denis johnson or charles bukowski or jerzy kosinski or john king or nathanael west or patricia highsmith or raymond carver or jean paul sartre or thomas pynchon or roald dahl or kurt vonnegut or jg ballard or aldous huxley or william golding or philip k dick or albert camus or michael chabon?

yesitis covered a great deal! Great recommendations! I would also add: Louis Ferdinand Celine, Camus, David Foster many to choose from. But yesitis has a great list! :guitar:
have you read any will self or denis johnson or charles bukowski or jerzy kosinski or john king or nathanael west or patricia highsmith or raymond carver or jean paul sartre or thomas pynchon or roald dahl or kurt vonnegut or jg ballard or aldous huxley or william golding or philip k dick or albert camus or michael chabon?

Yep, and they're all GREAT :guitar:
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