Internet image -

This picture is hilarious! And a sexy one...I've always liked it.

I think if someone found this picture and posted (instead of TTY) everyone would be laughing. I too was surprised that M posted it...but amused and delighted.
Anyone who thinks Morrissey created this image needs their head examined. As do those who think TTY has sunk to a new low. So_Low can *always* beat TTY for new lows because So_Low has Bummie, Benny, Skinny and Barleycunt diligently posting every day. So now Morrissey is even being blamed by the usual under-achievers for the actions of his fans..? The irony of that - especially on this site! - is absolutely spectacular. That Skinny can sigh "so it's come to this" given the way he colludes in such an infantile vendetta displays the customary lack of self-awareness and breathtaking temerity. I'm sure most here are sighing "so it's come to this" because they simply cannot believe the crap that So_Low is posting as front page "news".

But let's just wait and see - the "conviction" that Moz created this image will be repeated on this thread so often that it will become yet another untrue "fact" in So_Low's encyclopaedia of garbage.

i know. its either a strange degradation of reason or a deliberately obscured blow to reason just so people can freely complain. i mean if morrissey were to have created the image he would have taken credit and it would be with an image not taken from an old album sleeve. he would have added a line as well i believe. also someone already took credit for it. i think you correct, infantile vendetta is the cause i believe. if its not and im wrong, which i could be, what would make people so sure of that. what is the reasoning to believe it him because there are many things to suggest its not.
I wonder how he found this-must be looking around on Twitter.
This is very "Charlie" : freedom of speech, freedom of drawing a satirical cartoon, freedom of making a photo montage. Humor is sane. A+.
This is funny...and it matches up with Morrissey's sense of humor over the past 33 years. It seems as though there are a great number of posters on this site who became fans of Morrissey in 2009 or after.
There's the Twitter name MorrisseyGang and the Twitter blue bird on the left sitting on the balcony just by Prints Charles. (and yes, I did the misspelling deliberately) I think the whole thing is amusing. :brows:
Re: True To You update: Internet image

He didn't attend the Oscars ans he doesn't need a team to get ready.

He probably will party tonight though.
S/he is saying that people AROUND him are getting ready for the Oscars, not morrissey.
I wonder how he found this-must be looking around on Twitter.

if it was created by a fan group i imagine they might have sent it to tty. another likely possibility could be that julia, the person who runs the sight, might be looking for news or things to post and then gets approval. seems a pretty standard way to go about things
A literal interpretation of I'd Like To Drop My Trousers To The Queen.
if it was created by a fan group i imagine they might have sent it to tty. another likely possibility could be that julia, the person who runs the sight, might be looking for news or things to post and then gets approval. seems a pretty standard way to go about things

The guy who made the image was shocked it was on tty. He didn't send it, just tweeted it on his fan page. Somebody sent it to him.
[Coda] I reached a conclusion yesterday, this is merely confirmation. I expect this 'internet image' will be the stage backdrop for the arena shows when ye olde 'radical anti-Royalist anthem' entitled 'The Queen Is Dead' is played. He's beyond satire, beyond parody. Pantomime.

30 years ago, when he was shielded by a compliant media and had the get out clauses of 'misquoted' or 'out of context', it was possible to construct your own image of Morrissey such that the songs remained coherent, plausible and congruent with a progressive worldview. That's no longer possible. He's destoyed it all. He's become an utterly oafish clown who protests about how social media has robbed him of 'serious attention' but now throws his image on the bonfire of his vanity.

He's spent his whole life chasing the phantoms of 'fame' only to find that Fame itself is being consumed by the withering technologies of social media. He simply doesn't now what to do. If he was even remotely respectful to his youthful dreams he'd have retired by now ,but he's addicted to a media spotlight that is increasingly turned away from him. Hence, desperation.

I guess there's a vanishingly small chance this is the prelude to some massive crash'n'burn and rebirth but even if it is, it's become an embarassment to even monitor his implosion. Nails on blackboard.

And it's not just him. The entire charade of popular music as 'rebellion' or 'progressive force' has been shown to be bogus. It's all now just a part of the Consumer Lifestyle Project of Late Capitalism. Once you strip pop music of any potential for meaningful social change it just becomes noise pollution.

I've enjoyed working towards this conclusion using "Morrissey" as Exhibit A. I guess he deserves credit for pushing the whole preposterous nonsense to some sort of beserk crescendo, but I have better things to do with my remaining years than listen to him. I think it's rather sad that he doesn't also have anything better to do than troll himself and his increasingly confused audience with this masochistic self-ridicule.



Wow ! Not bad BB ! You might be right about Moz but as I was reading your words I couldn't help feel that if his actions expose anything then it's the
fact that he too is just human, getting older and struggling. Like us all. My problem (more with the laughable Benny than you) is that you seem to ignore
the fact that the vast majority of his audience don't take him that seriously. They like the songs and might even respect his views but have lives and opinions
of their own.

Every artist has some fanatical fans who seem to define themselves through an artists work. I'm not saying this is bad, there are far worse things you can do with
your life. This small group seem to be lovers but there are also haters, feeling let down by the artist such as you and Benny.

My problem is that you seem to expect so much from Moz and from music in general. Perhaps you're right, technology kills music. But as long as my cousin still
takes the time to pick up an electric guitar and listen to the Velvet Underground (as well as more modern music) who cares if it is from a vinyl first pressing or
spotify ? What you are describing is that the times they are always changing and personally I personally believe that music is almost the only outlet nowadays
for alternative and revolutionary views. I believe there will always be songs that will make us laugh, sing and shout.

I think this Royal Family photo is slightly pathetic and not worthy of a wit like Morrissey. But far more pathetic is hanging round forums of artists you don't
appear to like anymore telling others why they are wrong to like them. So I really respect your conclusion and your decision to disappear for a while.
The guy who made the image was shocked it was on tty. He didn't send it, just tweeted it on his fan page. Somebody sent it to him.

neat probably julia then im assuming. hope he liked the attention his photo(shop) got and wonder if hell be prompted to do more now. i dont do twitter so i dont know if hes done them in the past or not. dont know if this is a regular thing for him. either way good for him
I can't believe all the Morrissey stalkers can not figure out out that pic of him is from at least 5 years ago when the band all posed nude for something.

I guess the Morrissey marketing team had to put out something "English" before the start of the second leg of the "Bleed the Euros Tour" and what could be more English than messing with their own old lady president. I just hope this doesn't backfire in some place like Belfast with some psycho Orange Army Brit in a GAP sweatshirt and New York Yankees cap trying to assassinate him.
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