"It’s weird being an immigrant Muslim Morrissey fan" by Shihab S Joi - HuffPost UK

It really makes sense, for example I am vegan and my best friend is a butcher, I really enjoy his company, or I love Hitlers’ paintings but not the other stuff.

Yeah, when you separate the two things Hitler was just a not that bad painter.
Cant you all spot fake news when you see it? Here you have a prime example? I doubt there is such a person
as Shabib Soy, and if there is chances of her/him ever knowing who Moz even is are slim and none
Very strange people:crazy: They feel betrayed by people they dont even know. To top it off, the dont 'trust' the very people who provide them with their handouts which they later use for drink and drugs. Its not someone in Nambibia that sends them their check every month!:squiffy: Thats why they "we dont really hate" them; what they mean is without them theyd have to work.(4 letter word). Dont trust them in the sense one day the handouts may end.:thumb:

Moz doesnt give one freezing fook what Ms/Mr Soy has to say, or his paranoic delusions.:straightface:
was watching the news channel yesterday and a poll showed 73 percent of uk citizens think Britain is more divided than it was ten years ago,second highest in Europe after Italy,a lot of people agree with M but will never say it.
How does that gel with anything Morrissey has said? Morrissey's words haven't united anyone.

It's divided because of nationalism. Nationalism always divides countries, and breaks them.

If you want to lessen that divide, let go of the bigotry.

The right are the ones demanding all of these separations, and anti-immigrant attitudes tend to be most common among people who don't live around immigrants,or minorities of any kind.

You're not going to get unity iwth isolation.

It's only going to get worse, while demographics will continue to change rapidly.
Death by political correctness. Soft targets. Whatever you want to call it, liberals are gullibly willing to let their culture and identity be consumed out of fear of offending the anthesis of their own imaginary virtues. I’m 0% religious, but it’s easy to point out how cowardly modern liberals have become by observing how they can blatantly shame and disrespect Christians and other faiths - but find the like of Charlie Hebdo, dare I say... “blasphemous!” So ironic that they are willing to defend a culture (Islam) that will kill if offended by liberal/western culture, free speech, etc. Just plain cowards. If you think about it, Islam is perhaps the most intolerant, xenophobic culture that exists today.
Christianity has shamed itself through corruption and hypocritical moral values, and what you don't understand is that we don't share your identity.

No one is championing Islamic extremism; as if that has to be pointed out. They're against tribal panic that can get minorities hurt, and obscure political agendas.

Stop trying to make people a part of your cult. They don't want in, and telling them they're traitors to this or that means absolutely nothing. It's seen as pathetic by people who don't share your obsessions.

To me this is a total disrespect for women; in the Arab world or anywhere else.

How does that gel with anything Morrissey has said? Morrissey's words haven't united anyone.

It's divided because of nationalism. Nationalism always divides countries, and breaks them.

If you want to lessen that divide, let go of the bigotry.

The right are the ones demanding all of these separations, and anti-immigrant attitudes tend to be most common among people who don't live around immigrants,or minorities of any kind.

You're not going to get unity iwth isolation.

It's only going to get worse, while demographics will continue to change rapidly.
i don't give a f*** about any of this,as long as iv got food in the fridge and a tv to watch the celtic matches I'm fine.
If you look at everything all the greatest atrocities for the past two thousand years they have been done by the Caucasian race, Genocide, slavery, even the crucification of Christ, They killed Christ only to go on in killing sprees in his name. You people who have the time to hate on another race you have to much time on your hands, I suggest you get a hobby or a job to take up your time. Instead of hating on these people and telling your governments to keep them out you should tell your governments to stop relying on oil and move on to an alternative source because they’re pissed were there for their stupid oil, if countries didn’t need that oil they wouldn’t f*** with them people and they wouldn’t bother with them and the Muslims wouldn’t be trying to kill you.
If you look at everything all the greatest atrocities for the past two thousand years they have been done by the Caucasian race, Genocide, slavery, even the crucification of Christ, They killed Christ only to go on in killing sprees in his name. You people who have the time to hate on another race you have to much time on your hands, I suggest you get a hobby or a job to take up your time. Instead of hating on these people and telling your governments to keep them out you should tell your governments to stop relying on oil and move on to an alternative source because they’re pissed were there for their stupid oil, if countries didn’t need that oil they wouldn’t f*** with them people and they wouldn’t bother with them and the Muslims wouldn’t be trying to kill you.

Conveientantly forgetting whitey wasn't the only one involved in the slave trade and that non-whitey has done plenty of killing and still is.
Conveientantly forgetting whitey wasn't the only one involved in the slave trade and that non-whitey has done plenty of killing and still is.

Whether it's white people, muslim people, British people, Governments, whatever, it's important to retain context and not get into tit for tat spats and look to see the whole picture rather than from a partisan viewpoint. Looking from a partisan perspective is what causes bias.

White is a perspective for black Americans, for people of colour in the UK too to a lesser extent but that's more empirical rather than colour focused. But like I infered earlier, being white doesn't equal guilt. Just some white people in power have done terrible things which reflects on us all but doesn't make us all guilty. Just like shitbag Islamists doesn't mean people who are Muslim are bad and so on with whichever group you want to blame for the actions of a few.
Good piece, and refreshing to get a contrasting view. I do find it ironic that this Muslim man, and the poster on here known as William Blake's Seven, who recently told us about his Indian wife and complex multi-racial group of friends and family, have offered the most balanced, objective views on the subject. Curious that the biggest noise has come from predominantly white liberals who are outraged on their behalf.
100%. People wake up these daze waiting to be offended, feeling disappointed if they are not. Then they get verbally violent and end every boring sentence with an exclamation mark. ! ;)
I agree with Shihab. I disassociate Moz's private (or not so private) life from his music. He could be a cannibal who only eats vegetarians and it wouldn't detract from the amazing albums and singles. I don't need to love him. I just need to love his music.
White middle class liberal (snowflake) here.

Not wearing my political moral superiority on a t-shirt. Not a fan of Lena Dunham either. Just defending the basic right for people to get on a f***ing train without getting harassed or attacked for who they are or the way they speak.
Damn right. I got harassed on a train just cos I didn't have a ticket. Tight bastards even fined me. If you are a white straight male in this world you're f***ed.
White middle class liberal (snowflake) here.

Not wearing my political moral superiority on a t-shirt. Not a fan of Lena Dunham either. Just defending the basic right for people to get on a f***ing train without getting harassed or attacked for who they are or the way they speak.
Damn right. I got harassed on a train just cos I didn't have a ticket. Tight bastards even fined me. If you are a white straight male in this world you're f***ed.
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