Jimmy Kimmel sides with "Duck Dynasty"

An anonymous person writes:

Naturally, late night host Jimmy Kimmel took the opportunity last night to poke a little fun at Morrissey after the ex-Smiths singer and militant vegetarian canceled his appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” by saying he could not appear on the same program as the “animal serial killers” from the A&E reality series “Duck Dynasty.”

In the footage posted above, Kimmel notes that he sided with the “Duck Dynasty” gang because “they have guns and Morrissey doesn’t,” and concluded that Morrissey just “keeps finding ways to depress us” before segueing to a mock clip of the “Duck Dynasty” castmembers hunting for vegetables.


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F.M Backwards. Had the duck guys NOT been on the show, Morrissey would have been there - I bet the comments would not have been forthcoming then. And anyway - I was wondering today - can anyone remember the last time Morrissey actually confronted/argued with/interacted with someone whom he had previously denigrated? Are there any examples of saying something and then 'having it out' with the subject on TV or radio? Any? Heaven forfend the guy says stuff and doesn't confront the subjects of his opprobrium.


"There are a lot of long words in there...we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?"
BANKSY IN BRUM appears on Morrissey-Solo.com

morrissey sides with morrissey.... pitchfork are running with moz's recent comments about last nights show


'I was disappointed with last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Show wherein our smiling host managed to ridicule depression (70% of Americans suffer from depression according to the National Institute of Mental Health). He then found time to ridicule healthy eating (the obesity epidemic in the U.S. costs $147 billion per year in medical expenditure), and he also ridiculed the notion that animals should be entitled to the possession of their own lives. Furthermore, he found time to jokingly promote gun-ownership - hugely amusing for the parents at Sandy Hook, no doubt. He also promoted his special guests Duck Dynasty – who kill beings for fun. None of the above issues are, of course, as important as Jimmy Kimmel himself, who has finally revealed his show to have an overwhelming loss of meaning. Tune in and relive the intellectual fog of the 1950s.'

oh lawwdddd

Wow!..no, really..wow!!

  • depression: either put your medical history online or stop this one. SISMS? Or just another prop for your career circus act?

  • dairy food is NOT healthy eating, and lots of 'healty' food is anything but. the obesity crisis is caused by HFCS: high-fructose CORN syrup. get hip to Stevia and do an add for it for your next S.American tour.

  • animals 'cannot be in possession of their own lives' as the concept is meaningless to them, they cannot even formulate the concept. When the Lion sinks it's teeth into the Gazelle's neck: neither is in 'possession' of their lives, they are machines of genes and if there is a canine or feline consciousness it almost certainly understands the tragedy of our global holocaust in slow motion, rapidly speeding up.

  • Sandy Hook? You are either amnesiac or totally lost-do you recall your words in Oslo? Hugely amusing to the parents of Norwegian youth, no doubt. Let's see if you ever dare play 'Scandinavia' anywhere near Norvege. I think the Swedes would probably get mediaeval on your bogus ass too.

  • In your delusional narcissism, which is now sociopathic derangement shielded by fame, money, and the power to silence critics by libel lawsuits in The House of Frauds: NOTHING is more important than MORRISSEY.

  • Time to track us down and drag us to the High Court of London. Lord McAlpine has suffered nothing compared to you, cuz Nothing Compares 2 U as you look in the mirror-pool in the attic of your luxury hotel eyrie.

  • When you put David Banda as the cover star of your next album with a heartfelt plea for his forgiveness, when you play South Africa and kneel in abject repentence before his tribal diaspora, when you change the title of Viva Hate to Mia Maxima Culpa: My Gravest Mistake, when you stop trashing the gifts our Messenger (bees pee upon him) gave to you that night in Moseley, then we will bestow forgiveness and release your mind from your torments.

  • Tune in and relive the intellectual fog of the 1950s. "Where are we now, where are we now? The moment you know, you know: You know. As long as there's me, as long as there's you". Have you had an advance copy? Read the reviews 'greatest comeback of all time': I guess you have to do something to try and crash the Super-Troopers trained on David even though he hasn't even set foot on stage. Who's intellect was fogged in the 50s? Philip Larkin?

  • We've been very patient with you and our forgiveness is endless. "We are Legion. We do [not] forgive. We do [not] forget. Expect us!" You were to be John the Baptist to lay the palms at the feet of our Messenger [bpuh], but now you have forced him to risk another crucifiction episode. Posterity will not forgive you. Wake up. WAKE UP! For the sake and fate of the planet and the entire Multiverses of Universes: follow our bliss. Look at your 'fans', they mirror you, you pander to them as you insult The Audience. *sigh* get a life or risk loser of the century award.

The Collective 'BrummieBoy' mass-consciousness experiment.

sadly yours
Banksy in Brum :straightface:
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Actually you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. He is not vegan.

I saw Noel Gallagher eating bangers once at a pub even though at the time he said he didn't eat meat. A few pints will do strange things to ya :). I think we should all relax, and realise Morrissey isn't a spokesperson for animal rights/gun control and is making us Brits looking like arses over there for being a pretentious asshole. The fact is, if you asked him where that mass shooting had taken place in america before having put together the presser, he'd of had no idea. He just knew it'd happened. C'mon bloaks, doubt he said in response to mention Sandy Hook right out of the gate. He (or a publicist) saw an opportunity, then google searched the massacre, saw it was at Sandy Hook for the press release. Way to exploit. I ask all of you who read this, did you hear of the massacre? Probably. Did is sadden you? Of course. Could you name the school it was at today if asked? Probably not. I'll admit I couldn't. Not ashamed of it, it's just the case. He's a wanker. Not sure why I spend time listening to the diva's records anymore. I may stop. How convenient to have a horrid school shooting to fall back on in the states to get back at some fat late night host who doesn't matter ... and he'd be the first to tell you that he doesn't. "Nevermind the innocent children murdered, lets use this!" ~Morrissey ... what a wee f***** move. Back to The Clash for me.
Morrissey has been said to have given up leather and eggs, which leaves the big black mark of dairy consumption before he can be taken seriously as a consistent advocate for animal rights issues: http://milkiscruel.com/
...How convenient to have a horrid school shooting to fall back on in the states to get back at some fat late night host who doesn't matter ...

Kimmel isn't fat at all. Haven't watched him in a long time and I think he used to be heavier and now he looks quite slim.
Sorry, I might be wrong. I misinterpreted the quote "It took me a long time to give up eggs, but I managed it." and his use of soya-based cheese, and thought he had gone completely vegan.

You could look at the recent Loaded interview where his assistant sprinkled salt over his chips and cheese sandwich.

Love morrissey's music
30 years now
Every record, cassette, cd, and so on
15 shows
3 Smiths shows
But now I'm starting to get depressed
Duck dynasty rules, totally relate to them as well
Maybe I'm crazy
Oh shit wife's calling -- taking the kids to 5 Guys
Heaven knows I'm not miserable now
I saw Noel Gallagher eating bangers once at a pub even though at the time he said he didn't eat meat. A few pints will do strange things to ya :). I think we should all relax, and realise Morrissey isn't a spokesperson for animal rights/gun control and is making us Brits looking like arses over there for being a pretentious asshole. The fact is, if you asked him where that mass shooting had taken place in america before having put together the presser, he'd of had no idea. He just knew it'd happened. C'mon bloaks, doubt he said in response to mention Sandy Hook right out of the gate. He (or a publicist) saw an opportunity, then google searched the massacre, saw it was at Sandy Hook for the press release. Way to exploit. I ask all of you who read this, did you hear of the massacre? Probably. Did is sadden you? Of course. Could you name the school it was at today if asked? Probably not. I'll admit I couldn't. Not ashamed of it, it's just the case. He's a wanker. Not sure why I spend time listening to the diva's records anymore. I may stop. How convenient to have a horrid school shooting to fall back on in the states to get back at some fat late night host who doesn't matter ... and he'd be the first to tell you that he doesn't. "Nevermind the innocent children murdered, lets use this!" ~Morrissey ... what a wee f***** move. Back to The Clash for me.

Everybody have to be drunk to eat bangers, it's not just Noel Gallagher. Or English, drunk or English.
Is that idiot hillbilly talking about the Revolution and running the English outta here? Kimmel is a coward, easier to encourage making fun of somebody than to show respect for important issues, or for people like Moz who stand up for what they feel are important issues.
You know, the only talk show host I liked was Craig Ferguson but Kimmel's technical team is good, I was starting to like the show despite Kimmel's lack of comedic skills. I hadn't seen him since "The Man Show" when I was a teenager. Now this.

Morrissey is well-known for this kind of hardcore stance and Kimmel should have known better than to schedule him on the same day as the duck hunters or whatever those rednecks are.

Kimmel felt slighted because he was left hanging and then raged after reading Morrissey's "ridiculous" statement, which IMO was not ridiculous at all.

Morrissey has said countless idiotic and ridiculous things before, and very recently, but not this time.

And I LOVE BURGERS. I'm not offended if Moz thinks I'm a serial killer. I won't be offended if the guy doesn't want me to eat burgers at his concerts.

I'm sad to say I have completely lost my respect for Kimmel.
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