Johnny Marr collaborates on artwork created from the audio recording of "How Soon Is Now?" (Signed Prints)

The original signed prints are selling for over 2 grand!!

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Yeah, they were great. I took my oldest nephew, who was 13 at the time, who is autistic just like his uncle! Gave him my Salford Lads Club t-shirt I bought from there a few years ago, as it fits him now he's older. Kind strangers were asking him if he was alright and having a good time, I'm guessing cause he looks young and it was pretty crowded. There were some genuinely friendly people there, all just having a great time together.
I think it’s an attendance that your nephew will become increasingly proud of in years to come: what a great gift to give him.
I saw him in Iceland once and THAT was the f***ing BEST. I had been fasting all day, then went to a hot spring and then spent about 3 hours in the hotel sauna before breaking my fast with a piece of fruit and some cheese. Then I went to the show and NICO sounded so f***ing amazing on the intro tape that it made me burst into tears. The show that followed was incredible. Very memorable for me!
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